A completely remade animation film based on the original 1961 animation The Monkey King. Mythical ancient China. Born from some magic stones that fell to Earth a long time ago when Goddess Nüwa mended the sky, Sun Wukong, aka Monkey King, sets off on his first adventure to gain a worthy weapon. This earns the attention of the Jade Emperor of Heaven.
An old man and his grand daughter rescue an injured young deer, and they develop a close relationship with it.
Xiao Ming gazes around in the zoo when the teacher explains characteristics of animals to the class. The teacher assigns homework of drawing an elephant, but Xiao Ming draws an elephant with a monkey face.
This film was made by Shanghai Animation Film Studio and is based on contemporary events in February, 1964. It’s a retelling of how Mongolian sisters Long Mei and Yurong, ages 11 and 8 respectively, successfully walked nearly 70 kilometers after having been surprised by a blizzard while grazing their father’s sheep. Both girls survived with severe frostbite.
Sun Wukong, aka the Monkey King, rebels against the Jade Emperor of Heaven as well as other gods who live there.
The narrated film describes the adventures and misadventures of a group of tadpoles in search of their mother.
The lion calls himself king in the forest, and he treats all small animals with pride and cruelty. One morning, when the little animals were playing in the forest, suddenly a lion appeared...
In winter, the little white rabbit found two radishes in the snow, ate the small one by himself, and decided to give the big one to the deer. The little deer was not at home, so the little white rabbit put down the radish and left. When Xiao Lu came home, he saw a big carrot on the table. He felt very strange. When he just wanted to eat it, he thought of it.
In winter, the little white rabbit found two radishes in the snow, ate the small one by himself, and decided to give the big one to the deer. The little deer was not at home, so the little white rabbit put down the radish and left. When Xiao Lu came home, he saw a big carrot on the table. He felt very strange. When he just wanted to eat it, he thought of it.
In the morning, the chirping of the sparrows woke up the old woman. After getting up, the old woman packed a basket full of dates and left home. After a while, the weather turned cloudy and it started to rain. When the rain stopped, the ground was covered with dates. The hedgehog who had just experienced the wind and rain saw the jujube, rolled over excitedly and stabbed himself with thorns, ready to carry it home.
Action Director
Dr. Gu finds a fly, but he didn't recognize it, thinking it was a newly discovered bug in the world.