Torbjörn Karvang


Daniel Brühl - A European in Hollywood
Camera Operator
Daniel Brühl is perhaps Germany’s most famous actor, starring in films such as Goodbye Lenin and Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds. Often seen as the eternal nice guy, he has also played a darker range of characters in a number of languages. Portrait of a surprising and versatile actor.
Palace of Ghosts: The Last Anniversary of the GDR
East Berlin, October 7, 1989: While the state elite was celebrating the GDR's 40th birthday before the eyes of the world, resistance was forming in the streets. Guests celebrated in the Palace of the Republic in Berlin. In front of it, people loudly demanded reforms. There were also demonstrations outside Berlin, for example in Plauen. The situation escalates ...
The Price of Protest
Camera Operator
United States, September 1st, 2016. American football player Colin Kaepernick kneels during the national anthem, protesting police brutality against black people. Part of the population regards the gesture as an unacceptable affront to the flag. Later, he loses his place on his team. Today, however, he is considered by many as a true hero.
Additional Camera
Documentary about German football player Toni Kroos. Features a review of his recent career including his time at FC Bayern Munich and Real Madrid as well as his participation at FIFA Wold Cups 2014 and 2018.
Karl Marx - Public Enemy No. 1
Camera Operator
In a lavishly produced documentary, we follow in the philosopher's footsteps. Drawing on private letters, secret service dossiers and the informers' reports of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior, we paint a fascinating portrait of a visionary who was badly shaken by fate.
Alexander der Große – Kampf und Vision
Camera Operator
Ägypten: Sehnsucht nach Unsterblichkeit
Camera Operator
Ägypten: Geburt einer Großmacht
Camera Operator
Trekking the Great Wall
Director of Photography
They say it's over 2000 years old, and more than 4,000 miles long. But even today nobody really knows for sure. The Great Wall of China is one of the world's famous buildings but it is still the least known. British writer and historian William Lindesay has lived in China for twenty years. Exploring the Great Wall has become his lifetime obsession.