Marcin Giżycki


Der Blaue Reiter
An animated essay on the color blue in 20th century art inspired by, among others, Eadweard Muybridge, Wassily Kandinsky, and Kazimir Malevich.
Waves wash ashore different objects, which gradually become associated with Roman Polanski's "Two Men and a Wardrobe".
Arrow Board Game
Turn right, go straight, turn left. A collage of photos of road signs, immortalized on Polaroid in the United States in the early 1990s. A game of ludo with photos and an example of unpretentious visual archeology. Where did the arrows lead? Could these places still exist?
Arrow Board Game
Turn right, go straight, turn left. A collage of photos of road signs, immortalized on Polaroid in the United States in the early 1990s. A game of ludo with photos and an example of unpretentious visual archeology. Where did the arrows lead? Could these places still exist?
Arrow Board Game
Turn right, go straight, turn left. A collage of photos of road signs, immortalized on Polaroid in the United States in the early 1990s. A game of ludo with photos and an example of unpretentious visual archeology. Where did the arrows lead? Could these places still exist?
Arrow Board Game
Turn right, go straight, turn left. A collage of photos of road signs, immortalized on Polaroid in the United States in the early 1990s. A game of ludo with photos and an example of unpretentious visual archeology. Where did the arrows lead? Could these places still exist?
Arrow Board Game
Turn right, go straight, turn left. A collage of photos of road signs, immortalized on Polaroid in the United States in the early 1990s. A game of ludo with photos and an example of unpretentious visual archeology. Where did the arrows lead? Could these places still exist?
Four men are waiting for a tram. Based on a painting by Zenon Wasilewski, the father of Polish animated film.
A Magic-Lantern Life
The film documents the performances and history of The American Magic-Lantern Theater, a troupe that recreates the 19th century spectacles of magic lantern shows - he live projected productions that preceded cinema over 100 years ago. AMLT, based in Connecticut, consists of two people, usually Terry Borton, founder and showman, and lead singer Nancy Stewart. The company has been performing for 20 years, is the only professional magic-lantern theater in the US, and is one of the only three existing in the world.