Nicole W. Solomon

Birth : 1978-02-06, Miami, Florida, US


Nicole Solomon was raised in Ithaca, New York. She has worked extensively in education and media production, frequently partnering with nonprofits and community organizations to make justice-oriented projects and teach empowerment through filmmaking. Nicole has a Masters’ in Film from City College of New York and currently teaches film production at SVA and BRIC. Her short film, Small Talk, enjoyed a successful festival run and won multiple awards, including the Golden Kleene Award from the Arse Electronika Festival on Sex and Tech, the first film to be given that honor. Since then she has directed the award-winning horror short Mare , the Joan of Arc segment of the Bring Us Your Women anthology project, historical drama Sanctuary (co-directed with Small Talk DP Jeanette Bears), and the vampire thriller It’s Normal, among music videos, PSAs, and other projects. In 2017 she was awarded the Mary Pickford Award for Women in the Art and Business of Film, and has served as a producer on projects ranging from campy horror film The Gaze for Congested Cat to the recent documentary Cat-astreophe for The New Yorker. She currently co-hosts and co-produces The Celluloid Mirror podcast with Sean Mannion and is in postproduction on her next film, Reveal.


Bring Us Your Women
Bring Us Your Women is an international anthology dedicated to women and the pursuit of divinity and freedom. The project seeks to tell existing and re-imagined stories of historic and mythical individuals, each presenting a message of humanity that transcends gender and religion.
Small Talk
A young phone sex operator named Al's career takes a strange turn as her more unpleasant clients begin dying under mysterious circumstances after speaking with her. Al is left with sudden, intense headaches after each incident, the likes of which she has never experienced before. Is this coincidence, or is she somehow causing these deaths? Al attempts to keep her grip on reality and enlists her best friend investigate--battling violent ex boyfriends and the horror of the service industry along the way