The series follows Kazuma Kujo, who recently joined an entertainment company as a manager at the age of 50. He was assigned to idol Reimi Watanabe (played by Hinatazaka46's Miho Watanabe), who one day decided to fulfill her dream to become an actress by auditioning to a popular drama. But there are some issues as a mysterious group known as Grim Reapers are after Reimi's life. Can this middle-aged manager with a declining stamina protect his talent from those harming her? Can Reimi pass her auditions? Also, what is Kujo's true identity and why he chose this job?
The series follows Kazuma Kujo, who recently joined an entertainment company as a manager at the age of 50. He was assigned to idol Reimi Watanabe (played by Hinatazaka46's Miho Watanabe), who one day decided to fulfill her dream to become an actress by auditioning to a popular drama. But there are some issues as a mysterious group known as Grim Reapers are after Reimi's life. Can this middle-aged manager with a declining stamina protect his talent from those harming her? Can Reimi pass her auditions? Also, what is Kujo's true identity and why he chose this job?
MEMORIAL LIVE: 2nd Hinatansai is the 2nd day of the "Hinatazaka46 Debut 2nd Anniversary Special 2days" event. The concert was held in front of a live audience of 746 and live streamed.
The Spring Unit Festival is the first day of the "Hinatazaka46 Debut 2nd Anniversary Special 2days" event. Songs picked by fans were performed and live-streamed from a concert hall without an audience.
HINAKURI 2020 is the 2nd installment of the annual Hinatazaka46 Christmas Concert series. Because of COVID-19, the concert was live-streamed on Christmas Eve.
HINAKURI 2019 ~Seventeen Santa Clauses and Christmas in the Sky~ is a Christmas concert performed by Hinatazaka46. The concert is performed over 2 days on the 17th and 18th December 2019. A total of 40,000 came to watch the concert.
A love story that depicts the fate of a young college student who is taking a leave of absence from college aiming to become an astronomer and a woman suffering from heart disease who meet at the Star Festival.