Ezgi Çelik

Ezgi Çelik

Birth : 1984-08-06, Istanbul, Turkey


Ezgi Çelik


Esra is a free-time voice actor in this homemade movie of the director we know for his feature lengths. Over time, the sounds of the images she worked on and the sounds in the house mingled, reality goes beyond the walls of the house.
Siren's Call
Welcome to the New Istanbul. A massive concrete jungle feeding on chaos and hypocrisy; it's inhabitants at the end of their tether. Tahsin is a burnt-out architect suffocated by his existence in this very city. One night, he re-encounters an old friend, Siren; a changed woman who now lives on the remote southern coast of Turkey where she works on an organic farm. Instantly enchanted, he decides to follow her down south. He packs his suitcase, bids angry farewells at work and heads for the airport. Yet, little does he know what a tragicomic odyssey awaits him.
According to some sources of Ancient Greek and Roman historiography, the "mythical" Amazon Female Warriors originated in Pontus, a location which is today a part of Turkey's Black Sea Region. Inspired and compiled from the texts of "History" by Herodotus, "Iliad" by Homer, "Promotheus Bound" by Aesychylus ,"Argonautica" by Appollonius Rhodius, "Library of History" by Diodorus of Sicily, "The Fall of Troy" by Quintus of Smyrna, "The Gothic History" by Jordanes, "Geography" by Strabo and "Hippocratic Collection" by BC Pseudo-Hippocrates, the film ANDROKTONES retells the Amazons Female Warrior myths in the Turkish language, through the contradicting words of a female and male narrator. Set in a touristic Amazon theme park built in the Turkish Black Sea city of Samsun, ANDROKTONES takes a plunge at how the historical legacy of the Amazons is still very much subjective, and how the suffocating patriarchal voice defies time, language or geography.