Klára Botlíková


Je suis Karl
Production Manager
After most of her family is murdered in a terrorist bombing, a young woman is unknowingly lured into joining the very group that killed them.
Dragon Girl
Line Producer
Nine year old Sara befriends a newborn dragon, together they will turn Christmas upside down and literary put it on fire.
Executive Producer
Droneman is about Chemist and Fly Navigator Pavel and his friend Bussinessman and free time Rapper Plech. Pavel has strong sense of justice and wishes to fix wrongs with the World while Plech dreams about Big money and secure life. Their common passion are Drones since School. Pavel returns from Foreign and meets again with Plech and together they use Drones to start Bussiness. They monitor Power Stations, wear luxury handbags at the show or spray the Petrin Tower from the air. Their clients even include Presidential candidate. Everything changes when one of them decides to misuse Drones.