Vitória Künzel


Co-Art Director
Lia, a broken young woman, awaits an important call about a job response on her 22nd birthday, the first spent without her grandmother. While the cell phone doesn't stop ringing, Lia and her friends Tuco and Gael, get ready for an 80's themed party.
Disque Amizade
Art Direction
Rain Coming from Lisbon
First Assistant Director
São Paulo, 90's. Cláudia, the midle daugther, lives in Lisboa and communicates with her father and two sisters through phone calls. During one of this calls, the family dynamic are unveiled and some secrets are revealed.
Have a Nice Carnival
Art Direction
Matheus, a young man with self-steem problems, goes to his grandmother's house to spend the carnaval with his family. There, he sees his old friends and finds himself atracted to a mysterious masked person who will send him on a journey of self discovery that will change his relationship with his father.