
On the Green Carpet (2001)

Género : Drama, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 21M

Director : Chang-bom Rim, Kwang-il Jon


Pyongyang, DPRK: Two ex-child gymnasts find themselves working together as directors in charge of the production of "mass games" (aka mass gymnastics, a North Korean specialty). Their joint area of responsibility is the youngest children's performance. However the two directors have different personalities and priorities. Their co-operation is less than friction-free as the pressure leading up to the performance increases. The two find that they work no better together as adults than they did as children. However there is still a bit of a spark between them. Will they manage to finish the production in time for the grand opening in front of the country's Leader? Are the children up for the challenge? Will any romance come out of all this....


Gyong-hi Ri
Gyong-hi Ri
Yong-ho Ri
Yong-ho Ri


Chang-bom Rim
Chang-bom Rim
Kwang-il Jon
Kwang-il Jon

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