
The Invisible Front (2014)

Género : Documental, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 27M

Director : Vincas Sruoginis, Jonas Ohman
Escritor : Vincas Sruoginis, Jonas Ohman, Mark Johnston


Between 1944–1953, courageous resistance movement took place in the Baltic region of Europe, uniting the partisan troops for struggle against the Soviet Union. “The Invisible Front” was a coded name used by the Soviet Interior forces to describe the resistance movement in Lithuania. Film depicts the story of the fighters through the words and experience of the partisan leader, Juozas Luksa, and interviews with eyewitnesses of those events - both the partisans and the Soviet fighters. Tales of horror, torture and courage are told in the rare archival footage that has never been screened before, and interviews with the surviving members of the resistance movement.


Andrius Mamontovas
Andrius Mamontovas
Darius Udrys
Darius Udrys


Vincas Sruoginis
Vincas Sruoginis
Jonas Ohman
Jonas Ohman
Vincas Sruoginis
Vincas Sruoginis
Vincas Sruoginis
Vincas Sruoginis
Jonas Ohman
Jonas Ohman
Mark Johnston
Mark Johnston
Mark Johnston
Mark Johnston
Ólafur Arnalds
Ólafur Arnalds

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