
Genkai in a Black Company (2009)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 44M

Director : Yuichi Satoh
Escritor : Yoshihiro Izumi


After the death of this mother, Masao Oneta (Teppei Koike) decides to leave the comfort of his room after years of self isolation and get a job. He lands a position at a small IT firm but doesn't yet realise this company is one of many 'black companies', known for overworking their employees.


Teppei Koike
Teppei Koike
Masao Oneta
Ayako Nakanishi
Seiichi Tanabe
Seiichi Tanabe
Takumi Fujita
Tetsuhiro Ikeda
Tetsuhiro Ikeda
Tetsuya Ide
Leo Morimoto
Leo Morimoto
Sakushi Kuroi
Hiroshi Shinagawa
Hiroshi Shinagawa
Michihiro Abe
Kei Tanaka
Kei Tanaka
Shota Kimura
Chiba Masako
Chiba Masako
Sadako Seko
Yasuhi Nakamura
Yasuhi Nakamura
Manabu Uehara
Takamasa Suga
Takamasa Suga
Mayumi Asaka
Mayumi Asaka
Keiko Oneta
Toshiyuki Kitami
Toshiyuki Kitami
Shinji Oneta
Kanako Higashi
Kanako Higashi


Yuichi Satoh
Yuichi Satoh
Yoshihiro Izumi
Yoshihiro Izumi

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