
The Hunchback (2016)

Género : Comedia, Ciencia ficción

Tiempo de ejecución : 30M

Director : Ben Rivers, Gabriel Abrantes


A delirious sci-fi riff on the Arabian Nights' 'Tale of the Hunchback', that submerges us in a technological dystopia reigned by Dalaya.com, a mega-corporation that forces its employees to 'relax' at company-run medieval reenactments.


Carloto Cotta
Carloto Cotta
Celia Williams
Celia Williams
Gustavo Sumpta
Gustavo Sumpta
Norman MacCallum
Norman MacCallum
Maya Booth
Maya Booth
Jonathan Weightman
Jonathan Weightman
Randolph Albright
Randolph Albright
Mariana Mourato
Mariana Mourato
Elizabeth Bochmann
Elizabeth Bochmann
Sofia Sousa
Sofia Sousa


Ben Rivers
Ben Rivers
Gabriel Abrantes
Gabriel Abrantes
Ben Rivers
Ben Rivers
Gabriel Abrantes
Gabriel Abrantes
Gabriel Abrantes
Gabriel Abrantes
Natxo Checa
Natxo Checa
Marta Furtado
Marta Furtado
Justin Taurand
Justin Taurand
Jorge Quintela
Jorge Quintela
Director of Photography
Margarida Lucas
Margarida Lucas
Pedro Melo
Pedro Melo
Sound Designer

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