
Alisher Navoiy (1947)

Género : Drama, Historia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 40M

Director : Kamil Yarmatov
Escritor : Viktor Shklovskiy, Aleksey Speshnyov, Izzat Sultanov, Uygun


Biographical drama about one of the most famous Uzbek poets of the 15th century, Alisher Navoiy.


Razak Khamrayev
Razak Khamrayev
Asad Ismatov
Asad Ismatov
Abid Dshalilov
Abid Dshalilov
Tamara Nazarova
Tamara Nazarova
Saat Talipov
Saat Talipov
Rakhim Pirmukhamedov
Rakhim Pirmukhamedov
Lutfulla Nazrullaev
Lutfulla Nazrullaev
Kudrat Khodzhaev
Kudrat Khodzhaev


Kamil Yarmatov
Kamil Yarmatov
Viktor Shklovskiy
Viktor Shklovskiy
Aleksey Speshnyov
Aleksey Speshnyov
Izzat Sultanov
Izzat Sultanov
Talib Sadykov
Talib Sadykov
Reinhold Glière
Reinhold Glière
Mikhail Krasnyanskiy
Mikhail Krasnyanskiy

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