Billy Bevan

Billy Bevan

Nacimiento : 1887-09-29, Orange, New South Wales, Australia

Muerte : 1957-11-26


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Billy Bevan (born William Bevan Harris, 29 September 1887 – 26 November 1957) was an Australian-born vaudevillian, who became an American film actor. He appeared in 254 American films between 1916 and 1950. Bevan was born in the country town of Orange, New South Wales, Australia. He went on the stage at an early age, traveled to Sydney and spent eight years in Australian light opera, performing as Willie Bevan. He sailed to America with the Pollard’s Lilliputian Opera Company in 1912 and later toured Canada. Bevan broke into films with the Sigmund Lubin studio in 1916. When the company disbanded, Bevan became a supporting actor in Mack Sennett movie comedies. An expressive pantomimist, Bevan's quiet scene-stealing attracted attention, and by 1922 Bevan was a Sennett star. He supplemented his income, however, by establishing a citrus and avocado farm at Escondido, California. Usually filmed wearing a derby hat and a drooping mustache, Bevan may not have possessed an indelible screen character like Charlie Chaplin but he had a friendly, funny presence in the frantic Sennett comedies. Much of the comedy depended on Bevan's skilled timing and reactions; the famous "oyster" routine performed on film by Curly Howard, Lou Costello, and Huntz Hall—in which a bowl of "fresh oyster stew" shows alarming signs of life and battles the guy trying to eat it—was originated on film decades earlier by Bevan in the short film Wandering Willies. By the mid-1920s Bevan was often teamed with Andy Clyde; Clyde soon graduated to his own starring series. The late 1920s found Bevan playing in wild marital farces for Sennett. The advent of talking pictures took their toll on the careers of many silent stars, including Billy Bevan. Bevan began a second career in "talkies" as a character actor and bit player in roles such as that of a bus driver in the 1929 film High Voltage, a hotel employee in the Mae Murray film Peacock Alley, and the supporting role of Second Lieutenant Trotter in Journey's End in 1930. His starring roles had come to an end, however, and for the next 20 years he often would play rowdy Cockneys (as in Pack Up Your Troubles with The Ritz Brothers), and affable Englishmen (as in Tin Pan Alley and Terror by Night). He played a friendly bus conductor opposite Greer Garson in one of the opening scenes of Mrs. Miniver. Bevan died in 1957 in Escondido, California, just before new audiences discovered him in Robert Youngson's silent-comedy compilations. (The Youngson films mispronounce his name as "Be-VAN"; Bevan himself offered the proper pronunciation in a Voice of Hollywood reel in 1930.)


Billy Bevan
Billy Bevan


30 Years of Fun
Three decades of fun packed into one convenient package with this compilation of classic black-and-white comedy clips featuring Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy.
The Golden Age of Comedy
archive footage
A compilation featuring comedic stars of the silent era including Will Rogers, Laurel and Hardy, and the Keystone Cops.
El fabuloso Andersen
Town Councilman (uncredited)
Dinamarca, siglo XIX. El zapatero Hans Christian Andersen tiene alborotada a toda la chiquillería del lugar con el relato de sus fantásticas historias. El alcalde, presionado por el maestro, que considera nefasta la influencia de Andersen sobre los niños, lo obliga a abandonar el pueblo. Biografía del célebre escritor danés, autor de cuentos como "El patito feo", "El soldadito de plomo" o "Las zapatillas rojas"
The Slappiest Days of Our Lives
(archive footage)
Laurel is a Scottish reporter suspected of being a spy by police detective James Finlayson. Although trailed by the latter, Stan, who is reporting on the movie world, manages to be hired by Mack Sennett. He makes his debut in Nevada, in the middle of gold diggers. After managing to clear his name he becomes, with Oliver Hardy, a big comedy star.
Tres secretos
Ed Jackson (uncredited)
Un niño de cinco años sobrevive a un accidente de avión en el que mueren sus padres adoptivos. Durante su búsqueda llegan tres mujeres, Susan, Phyllis y Ann, cada una de las cuales cree que el niño es suyo, pues dieron a un hijo en adopción cinco años atrás.
El Temible Robin Hood
Will Scarlet
El hijo de Robin Hood, convertido en noble, tiene que continuar la tradición que empezó su difunto padre, cuando el rey Juan sube brutalmente los impuestos.
La Fortuna del Capitán Blood
El capitán Blood, un médico irlandés convertido en pirata y que luchó contra la flota española, regresa a la isla de El hacha para liberar a sus compañeros, que fueron hechos prisioneros y esclavizados por el marqués de Rinconete.
Tell It to the Judge
Winston, Kitty's Butler (uncredited)
Marsha Meredith, an attorney-at-law, is nominated for a federal judgeship, but her nomination is opposed by a 'Good-Government' group that thinks her divorce makes her unfit for the job. This evolves into situations, happening in Florida, New England, Washington D.C., and the Adirondacks, such as the misunderstood husband trying to win back his wife, and the misunderstood wife trying to make her husband jealous, and one case of mistaken identity after another, after another.
The Secret Of St. Ives
Douglas (uncredited)
A French soldier in the Napoleonic Wars plots his escape after he's captured and imprisoned in a castle fortress in Edinburgh, Scotland. Director Philip Rosen's 1949 film, adapted from a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, stars Richard Ney, Vanessa Brown, Henry Daniell, John Dehner, Douglas Walton, Aubrey Mather, Jean Del Val, Luis Van Rooten, Maurice Marsac and Billy Bevan.
El jardín secreto
Adaptación de la novela de Frances Hodgson Burnett. Una plaga de cólera en la India colonial mata a los padres de Mary, una niña británica, por lo que es enviada a Inglaterra a vivir con un tío suyo, viudo y con un hijo enfermo, en una gran mansión en Yorkshire. (FILMAFFINITY)
Vivamos un poco
Un agente publicitario, después de vivir unas extrañas relaciones con una psiquiatra, decide casarse con ella. Pero en el mismo altar donde se va a celebrar la ceremonia religiosa se encuentran con sus antiguos novios.
Corazón de león (Flecha negra)
Dungeon Keeper
Volviendo de la Guerra de las Rosas, Sir Richard Shelton se encuentra su tierra está ahora controlada por su avaricioso tío, Sir Daniel Brackley, que para evitarse problemas ha asesinado al padre de Sir Richard. Shelton y sus seguidores intentarán frustrar las intenciones de su tío con todas las armas que tengan a su alcance.
El espadachín
Old Andrew
En el siglo dieciocho, en Escocia, las familias McArden y Glowan soportan una violenta y larga enemistad. Alexander, un atractivo miembro del clan McArden, se enamora de la hermosa lady Barbara Glowan. Rápidamente, su relación despierta la ira del primo de Barbara, Robert Glowan, que intenta destruir a la familia enemiga para siempre. El novio, ansioso por contraer matrimonio con su enamorada, intenta que las dos irreconciliables posturas convivan en paz.
Tenías que ser tú
Victoria Stafford (Ginger Rogers) es una joven de familia adinerada que ha dejado a tres novios plantados en el altar. Después de comprometerse por cuarta vez al creer haber encontrado por fin al hombre adecuado, tiene un extraño sueño que lo complicará todo.
Moss Rose
Harry (uncredited)
When a music-hall dancer is murdered, a moss rose marks the page of a Bible next to her body. Luckily, another chorus girl saw a gentleman leaving the lodgings. She approaches him directly, saying she'll go to the police if he doesn't meet her demands, but he brushes her off contemptuously. When he learns she's dead serious, he tries to buy her off with a thick wad of pound notes. But it's not money she's after; all she wants is two weeks at his country estate, living the life of a `lady.'
El pecado de Cluny Brown
Uncle Arn Porritt
Unos días antes del estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), a Cluny (Jones), una joven apasionada de la fontanería, la envía su tío a servir como criada en una rica mansión inglesa. La vida como sirvienta es dura, pero sus días los alegra un refugiado checo (Boyer), invitado de los dueños de la mansión, que ha huido del nazismo. Ambos se identifican como "almas desplazadas", pero ella no quiere nada romántico con su agradable nuevo amigo
Mr. Ames (uncredited)
En la Inglaterra victoriana, las hermanas Emily y Charlotte Brontë, ambas escritoras, compiten por el amor del reverendo Arthur Nichols. Tanto ellas como su hermana Anne tratan de ayudar a su atormentado hermano Branwell, un artista con talento, cuya afición al alcohol está destruyendo su vida.
Terror en la noche
Conductor Taking Tickets
Sherlock Holmes debe custodiar la Estrella de Rodesia, un valioso diamante que pertenece a Lady Carstairs. Roland, el hijo de la dama, teme que durante el viaje en tren de Londres a Edimburgo pueda ocurrirle algo a la cotizada joya. Y sus temores se cumplen: Roland es asesinado en el tren y el diamante desaparece. Es entonces cuando interviene Holmes, que con la ayuda de Watson y del inspector Lestrade, intenta recuperar la joya.
El retrato de Dorian Gray
Malvolio Jones
Dorian Gray es un joven aristócrata muy atractivo que vende su alma al Diablo a cambio de la eterna juventud. Gracias a una invocación consigue que sea el retrato que le ha hecho su amigo Basil Hallward el que sufra el proceso natural del envejecimiento.
Fuego de juventud
Constable (uncredited)
Mike Taylor (Mickey Rooney), aventurero y oportunista, llega por azar a la casa de una apacible familia inglesa. Velvet (Liz Taylor), la hija menor de los Brown, que siente una pasión incontrolable por los caballos, gana un hermoso ejemplar jugando a la lotería. Entonces Taylor la convence para llevar el caballo al Grand National, la carrera más importante de Inglaterra.
Esta noche y todas las noches
Cabbie (uncredited)
Aunque muestra unas excepcionales dotes para el baile, el joven Tommy no es admitido en una compañía porque, según la directora, su modo de bailar no sigue un método clásico. Sin embargo, Rosalind y Judy, dos bailarinas de la compañía, se ofrecen a enseñarle a bailar con método, con lo cual el muchacho es admitido. Poco tiempo después Tommy y las dos chicas llegan a formar un trío de baile sensacional.
La perla maldita
Constable With Food Tray (uncredited)
Sherlock Holmes, debido a un exceso de confianza en sí mismo, comete un error que le obliga a encontrar una perla que ha sido robada de un museo por un ladrón profesional. A medida que avanza su investigación, se producen una serie de brutales asesinatos que, aparentemente, han sido cometidos por Creeper, una fuerza maléfica.
La venganza del hombre invisible
Constabulary Sergeant
El doctor Drury vuelve invisible a Robert Griffin, un asesino psicópata, quien tiene el problema que cuando quiere volver a la visibilidad debe inyectarse sangre de otra persona, matándola en el proceso. Griffin aprovechará su invisibilidad para vengarse de unos antigüos amigos a los que acusa de robarle y haber intentado matarle.
Alma rebelde
Bookie (uncredited)
Adaptación de la célebre novela de Charlotte Brontë con un reparto de lujo, encabezado por Joan Fontaine y Orson Welles sobre la profunda historia de amor de una institutriz y un rico heredero que se verá truncada por un trágico acontecimiento del pasado de éste.
El regreso del vampiro
Horace (uncredited)
En 1918, el terrible vampiro Armand Tesla es eliminado por Sir John Ansley, que le clava un enorme clavo de metal en el corazón. Años despues, durante los bombardeos alemanes de Londres, su tumba queda al descubierto y unos operarios que se encargan de enterrar los cadáveres víctimas de las bombas le quitan el clavo del corazón, devolviéndole a la vida.
Forever and a Day
Wartime Cabby
In World War II, American Gates Trimble Pomfret is in London during the Blitz to sell the ancestral family house. The current tenant, Leslie Trimble, tries to dissuade him from selling by telling him the 140-year history of the place and the connections between the Trimble and Pomfret families.
London Blackout Murders
Air Raid Warden
A young girl, Mary Tillet, is forced to find a new place to live due to her London home being bombed during World War II. Her tobacconist landlord, Jack Rawling, tries to help her turn her new apartment into a home. Meanwhile the newspapers are reporting news of the "London Blackout Murders," a murder spree being committed against a ring of suspected Nazi spies, and Mary must determine if her kind landlord is an assassin.
Happy Times and Jolly Moments
(archive footage)
This short film takes a nostalgic look at the Mack Sennett comedies of the silent cinema era.
Me casé con una bruja
Puritan Vendor (uncredited)
Siglo XVII. Cuando Jennifer, acusada de brujería, está a punto de ser quemada en la hoguera, lanza una maldición sobre su acusador: todos sus descendientes serán infelices en sus matrimonios. En 1942, Wallace Wooley, al tiempo que se presenta como candidato a gobernador, está preparando su boda con la presumida de Estelle Masterson. Un rayo golpea el árbol junto al cual fue quemada la bruja y ésta cobra vida. Desde entonces, intentará arruinar la vida de Wallace.
George Barrow
The Lone Wolf tracks down Nazi spies in London during the German bombing.
La señora Miniver
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una familia inglesa, que vive en un pequeño pueblo, logra sobrevivir a los bombardeos alemanes. La madre se encuentra al frente de la casa esperando que su hijo y su marido regresen de la guerra.
Sé fiel a ti mismo
Historia de un joven que se muestra desilusionado de la guerra, pero el amor que siente por una mujer, le hará recobrar su coraje y patriotismo.
The Man Who Wouldn't Die
A man believed to be dead and buried escapes from his grave and returns to the scene of the crime seeking revenge.
Confirm or Deny
Mr. Bindle
Newsman Mitch and teletype operator Jennifer, whose job is to see he doesn't send inappropriate stuff out of the country, dodge bombs during the blitz of London while falling in love.
Ticket Taker (uncredited)
Un atractivo vividor coincide en el tren con una joven ingenua que acabará teniendo que pagarle el billete. Más adelante, vuelven a encontrarse en una fiesta y, tras un breve romance, ella decide casarse con él, a pesar de la oposición de su padre. Considerada por todos, incluida su familia, una solterona, está empeñada en demostrarles que alguien la puede amar.
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Mr. Weller
Un prestigioso científico vive obsesionado con la idea de encontrar una fórmula que le permita aislar los impulsos malignos del ser humano. Cuando lo consigue, decide experimentar consigo mismo y se bebe la poción que ha inventado. A partir de ese momento, se convierte en un monstruo de maldad que deambula por las calles durante la noche cometiendo todo tipo de fechorías. Adaptación de la obra homónima de Robert Louis Stevenson.
Shining Victory
In a Scottish sanitarium, a brilliant research psychiatrist works on a treatment for dementia praecox. He falls for his altruistic female lab assistant and they begin a passionate, tragic relationship.
Serenata nostálgica
McDougal (uncredited)
Roger decide casarse con su novia antes de viajar a Japón, país al que lo envía el periódico en el que trabaja. En un terremoto pierden el hijo que esperaban y se quedan sin la posibilidad de tener más. Cuando regresan, deciden llevar una vida más tranquila y se trasladan a un pueblecito donde se hacen cargo del periódico local.
Tin Pan Alley
Stage Doorman
Songwriters Calhoun and Harrigan get Katie and Lily Blane to introduce a new one. Lily goes to England, and Katy joins her after the boys give a new song to Nora Bayes. All are reunited when the boys, now in the army, show up in England.
Hombres intrépidos
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras una noche de diversión en las Antillas, la tripulación del carguero SS Glencairn vuelve a la dura rutina y navega rumbo a Baltimore. Son un grupo heterogéneo: Driscoll, un irlandés de mediana edad, Ole Olsen, un joven ex-granjero de origen sueco, y Smitty, un caballero inglés. Tras recoger una carga de dinamita, la tripulación debe regresar a casa, pero la amenaza que suponen los submarinos alemanes, siempre al acecho, hará que se vivan momentos de enorme tensión.
Policeman (uncredited)
Al poco tiempo de perder a su esposa Rebeca, el aristócrata inglés Maxim De Winter conoce en Montecarlo a una joven humilde, dama de compañía de una señora americana. De Winter y la joven se casan y se van a vivir a la mansión inglesa de Manderley, residencia habitual de De Winter. Pronto la señora Winter se da cuenta de que no puede borrar en su marido el recuerdo de su difunta esposa.
El hombre invisible vuelve
Jim (uncredited)
Un hombre que va a ser ejecutado, acusado del asesinato de su hermano, recibe la visita del Dr. Griffin, hermano del científico que años atrás descubrió la fórmula de invisibilidad. El condenado huye gracias a que se hace invisible, y trata de demostrar su inocencia, pero la locura que va unida a los efectos secundarios de la fórmula para ser invisible harán acto de presencia...
The Earl of Chicago
Castle Guide
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
We Are Not Alone
Mr. Jones
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
Pack Up Your Troubles
British Sergeant
Three American soldiers help a young girl deliver a secret message across enemy lines.
Captain Fury
An Irish convict sentenced to hard labor in Australia escapes into the outback, and organizes a band of fellow escapees to fight a corrupt landlord.
Let Freedom Ring
Cockney (uncredited)
A Harvard man fights a railroad baron with a disguise and the power of the press.
Cuento de Navidad
Street Watch Leader
Ebenezer Scrooge, el hombre más avaro de la ciudad, tiene prácticamente esclavizado a su empleado el señor Cratchit. Una noche se le aparece el espíritu de un antiguo socio, al que seguirán los fantasmas de las Navidades pasadas, presentes y futuras. Adaptación del popular cuento "A Christmas Carol", del escritor inglés Charles Dickens (1812-1870).
Arrest Bulldog Drummond
Aquarium Guard
The invention of a machine that can cause remote explosions brings the attention of Scotland Yard and Bulldog Drummond.
Shadows Over Shanghai
A pilot carrying a valuable amulet is shot down over China by a ruthless Russian agent, who also wants the amulet.
Mysterious Mr. Moto
Customs Official
The Japanese detective rounds up a league of assassins for Scotland Yard.
Los alegres vividores
Kennel Man (uncredited)
Los Carleton son una familia que, durante años, se ha dedicado al engaño y la estafa de poca monta, pero un día su suerte cambia y tienen que huir de Montecarmelo para no ir a la cárcel. En Londres conocen a una anciana, Doña Fortuna, con quien entablan una relación de amistad. Doña Fortuna está sola en el mundo y posee una gran fortuna, parece la victima perfecta de una estafa... o no?
El engaño de una rubia
Bartender (uncredited)
Un millonario contrata a una actriz para evitar que su hija se case con el hombre que no debe.
The Girl of the Golden West
Mary Robbins is a moderately educated, beautiful, young woman who owns the saloon called "The Poker". She is the only woman in the town of Couldee - making her the fancy of all the men there, especially to Sheriff Jack Rance. On the way to Monterey to sing at a mass officiated by Father Sienna, her stagecoach is held up by the infamous masked bandit, Ramerez. He too takes a fancy to Mary, and decides to secretly follow her, taking on the identity of an officer named, Lieutenant Johnson. While in Monterey, he dances, sings and courts Mary, who has now fallen in love with him. He then has to make a quick getaway. In the mean-time, Sheriff Jack has set up a trap to catch Ramerez at "The Poker". When Ramerez does arrive he soon discovers that Mary is the owner, and quickly changes to the identity of Lieutenant Johnson. How long can this charade last?
La fiera de mi niña
Joe (uncredited)
David Huxley (Cary Grant) es un paleontólogo tímido y despistado que está a punto de acabar la laboriosa reconstrucción del esqueleto de un brontosaurio, al que sólo le falta una clavícula intercostal. También está a punto de casarse con su anodina secretaria. En un partido de golf con el abogado de una solterona millonaria, potencial mecenas del museo para el que trabaja, Huxley conoce a Susan Vance (Katharine Hepburn), una joven adinerada y caprichosa que hará lo posible para que no culmine ninguno de sus dos proyectos: se dedicará a manipular a Huxley para seducirlo con un estilo muy peculiar: le abolla el coche, le desgarra el smoking, esconde su ropa, le rompe las gafas y por si fuera poco, lo embauca para que cuide a un joven leopardo llamado "Baby".
The Wrong Road
A young married couple whose plans for their life together haven't turned out as expected decide to rob the bank where the husband works of $100,000, then hide the money in a safe place and return for it after they serve out their sentences. All goes according to plan until they get out of prison, when they find that they're being trailed by an insurance investigator and the husband's old cellmate, who has decided that he wants a cut of the money.
The Sheik Steps Out
In this comedy, a wealthy sheik kidnaps and falls for a snobby socialite.
Otro amanecer
Pvt. Hawkins
El Coronel John Wister (Ian Hunter), destacado en el desierto de Dubik con el ejército británico, retorna a su Inglaterra natal. Allí se enamorará de Julia Ashton (Kay Francis), que cuidará de él pero se ve incapaz de amarle al tener reciente la muerte de su prometido. Wister la convence para casarse, pero al retornar a Dubik conocerá al Capitán Denny Roark (Errol Flynn), quién despertará en ella todo el amor que no ha podido ofrecer a su marido. El inicio de la guerra con las tribus locales, y la consciencia de Wister del romance entre su mujer y su mejor amigo, hará que se avecine la tragedia.
El capitán Lovett ordenó a su primer oficial Thompson deshacerse de su tripulación, que se dedica al tráfico de esclavos, y contratar a marineros respetables, pero cuando se trae a su nueva novia Nancy a bordo, se encuentra con el mismo tipo de situación, incluido el comercio de esclavos.
Jugando a la misma carta
Frank (uncredited)
Robert Dabney regresa a su casa después de haber pasado un tiempo en la cárcel. Su hermano, Claude, va a casarse en breve con una acaudalada señorita y no quiere que la reputación de su hermano interfiera en su compromiso. Robert conoce a una viuda, Crystal, y se acomoda en su casa como ayudante del alguacil y posteriormente el mayordomo.
God's Country and the Woman
Plug Hat
Hard-nosed Jefferson Russett runs a logging company; his brother, Steve, is the prodigal son. Steve becomes stranded on the competition's property and slowly learns the business and of his brother's dirty tricks.
Lloyds de Londres
Jonathan Blake, amigo de la infancia de Lord Nelson, asciende de mensajero a un puesto importante en la aseguradora Lloyd’s gracias a que inventa un sistema de transmisión de noticias. Lord Stacey, un bellaco altanero, odia a Blake por su influyente cargo. Sin saber que está casada con Lord Stacey, Blake se enamora de Lady Elizabeth. Lord Stacey se convierte en enemigo de Blake cuando Lloyd’s rechaza su petición de un préstamo para cubrir sus deudas de juego.
Piccadilly Jim
Taxi Driver
Jim's father wants to marry Eugenia, but her sister Netta refuses to allow it. When Jim sees Ann at a club, he falls for her even though she is with Lord Priory. He meets her the next day at the riding path, but she quickly loses him. He searches all over for her, not knowing that his father's hopeful fiancée is her Aunt. As his caricature work suffers as he searches, he is fired from his paper. But he makes a comeback with the comics 'Rags to Riches' which is based upon the Pett's. But this upsets the Pett's so much that they go back to New York, and he follows, being careful not to let them know that he is the one who draws the strip that parodies them.
La esposa anónima
Una historia romántica sobre diferencia de clases que tiene lugar cuando un rico aristócrata llamado Richard Winfield se enamora de una sirvienta. La familia queda horrorizada de que la chica pueda entrar a formar parte de ella, así que hará todo lo posible por impedirlo.
La hija de Drácula
Police Constable Albert
Por vez primera cambia el sexo del vampiro en la historia del cine. La condesa Marya Zaleska, miembro de la elite londinense, no es más que la hija del famoso aristócrata transilvano; lo cual nos es revelado a mitad del (breve) metraje, aunque sus afición al esoterismo y la brujería -y, por supuesto, el título- nos hacían sospechar ya dicha filiación.
Champagne Charlie
Mr. Boswick
The story is told in flashback. Backers want a gambler to marry a rich girl for her dowry.
El secreto de vivir
Cabby (uncredited)
Un ingenuo joven de provincias (Gary Cooper) va a Nueva York para hacerse cargo de una herencia de veinte millones de dólares. Allí se enamora de una chica encantadora (Jean Arthur), sin saber que es la periodista que lo ridiculiza en sus artículos.
Song and Dance Man
Julia and Hap are a dance team. He drinks and gambles, she succeeds for a while with the help of producer Alan.
Historia de dos ciudades
Jerry Cruncher
Londres y París. Cuando Lucía viaja con su padre a Inglaterra, conoce a varios hombres que se enamoran de ella, entre ellos Sidney, un abogado inglés. Pero ella se casa con Carlos y ambos viven felices en Londres. Mientras tanto, en París, el caos y la agitación previos a la Revolución (1789) se adueñan de las calles. A pesar de ello, Carlos debe ir a París, pues van a condenar a alguien por su culpa y ha de impedirlo. Una vez allí, es encarcelado y condenado a morir en la guillotina.
The Widow from Monte Carlo
Officer Watkins
In this romantic comedy, an aspiring socialite heads for a vacation in Monte Carlo where she befriends a wealthy widowed duchess and then begins blackmailing her after she steals a scandalous letter.
La última avanzada
Private Foster
Un bravo oficial británico, Michael Andrews (Grant), es capturado por un grupo de kurdos rebeldes. Uno de sus captores resulta ser John Stevenson (Rains), un inglés que lleva años viviendo en el desierto. Tras liberar a Andrews, Stevenson le revela sus intenciones: salvar a los armenios, aliados de los ingleses, de la muerte a manos de las fuerzas turcas. Su plan consiste en trasladar a un lugar seguro a toda la población armenia atravesando el desierto. Andrews le acompaña en el viaje y no tarda en interesarse por Lya (Burke), la sensual esposa del jefe de la tribu Armenia.
Compañeros de viaje
A bordo de un crucero, un jugador profesional acude en ayuda de una muchacha maltratada por un ladrón de joyas. El joven resulta ser su hijo.
Vanessa: Her Love Story
Horse Auctioneer
The Victorian wife of a mad baron waits years for a British soldier sent to Egypt.
Mystery Woman
A French military officer is convicted of treason and sent to Devil's Island. His wife takes it upon herself to obtain the stolen document and prove his innocence.
Police Sergeant
A countess marries a Gypsy fiddler instead of a baron's son at harvest time in Tokay wine country, Hungary.
Limehouse Blues
Fresh from Chinatown in New York, Harry Young has taken over the illegal import business in the seamy Limehouse district of London, where he cold-bloodedly disposes of rivals and runs a smoky nightclub. He falls for a low-class, white pickpocket, diminishing his pride in the Chinese half of his heritage and sparking the jealousy of the nightclub's moody star performer.
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back
Man in Hotel Room
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
One More River
Cloakroom Attendant
A young lady leaves her brutal husband and meets another man on board a ship.
Captain Bob Hayworth, his brother Lieutenant Gilroy Hayworth and Captain Derek Marbury are in a World-War 1 trench on the front-lines in France. Bob Hayworth resents Marbury greatly as the latter had married the girl, Lucy Neville, Marbury was courting in pre-war London. Ordered to go on a night patrol, the cowardly Gilroy committed suicide rather than face his fear. Bob and Derek arrange it to appear that Bob had been killed by a shell-burst, and Derek, with his face camouflaged, takes the patrol posing as Gilroy. While on patrol, Derek is hit by a shell-burst and found by the German Red Cross, who turn him over to a family of French peasants.
A young lady named Hilda who works as a servant for the wealthy Clarksons, sheep farmers, and dreams of being a great singer. An upcoming visit by Sir Julian, a famous composer arriving from London, drives jealous Mrs. Clarkson (an interfering biddy who fancies she can sing - but can't) to send away Hilda, so he doesn't hear Hilda has a good voice. Meanwhile, an infamous outlaw named Stingaree has just arrived in town and kidnaps Sir Julian, then poses as him at the Clarksons, where he meets Hilda a few hours before she is to leave.
La patrulla perdida
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), un grupo de soldados británicos se encuentra perdido en medio del desierto de Mesopotamia. Su comandante, que era el único que conocía el destino de la misión, resulta asesinado por un disparo de unos bandidos.
Pop's Pal
Billy Bevan comedy short involving warring fathers-in-law, Lloyd Hamilton in small role. --IMDb reviewer
Alicia en el país de las Maravillas
Two of Spades (uncredited)
Historia de magia y fantasía en la que Alicia se adentra en el sorprendente País de las Maravillas y conoce a extraordinarios personajes como Tweedledee y Tweedledum, el Sombrerero Loco, La Reina de Corazones y el frenético Conejo Blanco. Adaptación de las novelas de Lewis Carroll.
The Way to Love
M. Prial
Francois, a cheerful Parisian bohemian, wants more than anything to be a tour guide in his beloved city. While working the streets, Francois meets Madeleine, who works at a circus.
Cocktail musical
Stage Director
Un cantante duda entre dos mujeres, una "buena" y otra "mala".
Thundering Taxis
One of the Taxi Boys
Rival Taxi Companies compete for business and make a slapstick mess of everything.
Peg o' My Heart
Detective #2 (uncredited)
Peg and her father live a simple life in an Irish fishing village. One day Sir Gerald arrives at the village to tell Pat that Peg is heir to estate of her grandfather, who hated Pat. The upshot of the will is that she must go to England for 3 years to learn to be a lady and that Pat can never see her again.
A Study in Scarlet
Will Swallow
In London, a secret society led by lawyer Thaddeus Merrydew collects the assets of any of its deceased members and divides them among the remaining members. Society members start dropping like flies. Sherlock Holmes is approached by member James Murphy's widow, who is miffed at being left penniless by her husband. When Captain Pyke is shot, Holmes keys in on his mysterious Chinese widow as well as the shady Merrydew. Other members keep dying: Malcom Dearing first, then Mr. Baker. There is also an attempt on the life of young Eileen Forrester, who became a reluctant society member upon the death of her father. Holmes' uncanny observations and insights are put to the test.
Uncle Jake
Uncle Jake
El futuro es nuestro
Mr. Barker
Un empleado de unos grandes almacenes es despedido, perro encuentra un nuevo empleo en una panadería. La mujer del propietario no soporta la falta de dinero, de modo que se fuga con otro hombre. Al final, los grandes almacenes se salvan de la quiebra y una nueva alianza se forja entre los dos hombres.
Mary's Father - the Mayor
TECHNO-CRAZY has to be one of the strangest comedy shorts of the 1930's. Starring Monte Collins as a young man who dreams of technological progress in society bringing a "technocracy" that's a utopia and Billy Bevan as the Mayor, whose daughter Collins wants to marry, the short begins with a dream sequence where Collins is running a factory on his own and explaining to someone how no one needs to work in this new utopia and everything operates automatically.
George Grainger
La historia de Gran Bretaña durante el primer tercio del siglo XX es reflejada a través de las desventuras de una familia que sufre toda clase de penurias y calamidades. Un drama épico, basado en la obra del famoso dramaturgo Noël Coward, que resultó la gran vencedora de la edición de los Oscar de 1933.
Luxury Liner
This drama offers a few slices from the lives of those who live, work, and travel upon a luxurious trans-atlantic ocean liner.
She Whoops To Conquer
Both the maid and the youngest daughter are after the same man who wants nothing to do with either of them.
Mi chica y yo
Ashley (uncredited)
Un policía y una camarera se enamoran; el único problema es que él tendrá que ayudar y proteger a la hermana de su novia, que está liada con un gángster.
El asesino de Mr. Medland
Charlie Hammond
El empleado de banca William Marble está desesperado por dinero para pagar las deudas de la familia. Cuando su acaudalado sobrino les visita le pide un préstamo, pero el joven se niega. Marble decide asesinarle, y después del crimen y la riqueza obtenida el hombre se siente transformado...
Honeymoon Beach
Billy Bevan
Glenn Tryon is at his Bachelor's Dinner, attended only by a dozen of his girl friends, prior to marrying Connie Watts but Ma Watts has plans for Connie to marry playboy Billy Bevan, who is unaware of Ma's intentions, as is Blondie who has plans of her own regarding Billy. The laughs here are only slightly less scarce than the chicken in the boarding house chicken-and-dumplings in "True Grit."
Vanity Fair
Joseph Sedley
Una joven ambiciosa y carente de escrúpulos asciende en la escala social desde institutriz a lo más alto de la sociedad británica.
Sky Devils
Dos amigos intentan desertar del ejército, pero suben a un barco que les conduce a la zona de guerra. Rivales por la misma chica, destruyen sin querer un depósito de municiones.
El testigo sorprendente
Horace Ward
Un noble inglés asume la culpabilidad y va a juicio después de que su hijo estrangule a su amante.
Waterloo Bridge
Soldier on the Make (uncredited)
In World War I London, Myra is an American out-of-work chorus girl making ends meet by picking up men on Waterloo Bridge. During a Zeppelin air raid she meets Roy, a naive young American who enlisted in the Canadian army. After they fall for each other, Roy tricks Myra into visiting his family, who live in a country estate outside London, his mother having remarried to a retired British Major. Myra is reluctant to continue the relationship with Roy, he not aware of her past.
Camarotes de lujo
As a luxurious ocean liner makes its way across the Atlantic Ocean, the audience is made privy to the travails of several of its passengers. Edmund Lowe heads the cast as Monty Greer, a suave gambler who falls in love with Judy, the daughter of immigrant lens grinder Rudolph Kramer. In trying to recover some valuable securities stolen from banker Henry Graham, Greer finds himself in the middle of a fierce gun battle in the ship's engine room. Meanwhile, Graham, who has been cheating on his wife Kay with sexy dancer Sigrid Carline, is murdered by person or persons unknown.
Entre dos corazones
Cuthbert (uncredited)
Amor y muerte. Paz y guerra. Tempestad en las almas de los hombres encendida por el amor de una mujer, y tempestad de metralla en los campos desencadenada por el odio y la rivalidad de las naciones… Historia de dos hermanos enamorados de una misma muchacha, que sin quererlo destroza el afecto fraternal de aquellos, haciendo de uno el favorito de su corazón y haciendo que el otro haga el sacrificio heroico y voluntario de su vida, en las trincheras, devoradoras de vidas...
Born to Love
Departing British Soldier (uncredited)
A pregnant American nurse living in London during WWI, believing her soldier-fiance has been killed in France, marries a wealthy aristocrat so her child will have a father.
For the Love o' Lil
Edward O. Walker
Directed by James Tinling. With Jack Mulhall, Sally Starr, Elliott Nugent, Margaret Livingston.
Monte Carlo
Train Conductor (uncredited)
La condesa Vera está a punto de contraer matrimonio con el estirado príncipe Otto, pero decide dejarle y se va a Montecarlo. Acude al casino, donde el conde Rudolph, hombre muy adinerado, se fija en ella. Le dice que, si le deja tocar su cabello, tendrá buena suerte en el juego. Ella se lo permite y empieza a ganar como por arte de magia. Tan impresionada queda por su cambio de suerte que, sin saber quién es, contrata a Rudolph en calidad de peluquero.
Journey's End
In France, 1917, an alcoholic captain is afraid that his new replacement, his sweetheart's brother, will betray his downfall.
Gilbert - Addie's Brother
Scotch is a 1930 comedy short.
Peacock Alley
Claire Tree spends the night in the hotel room of her friend and confidante, saying goodbye to him before her impending marriage the following day. When she returns to the hotel with her husband the following night, the house detective accuses her of prostitution and throws them out. Now Claire must explain everything to her unsympathetic husband.
Weak But Willing
George Downing
Dave Finkel's family and friends take him out to a Speakeasy for a birthday celebration. Many distractions prevent him from enjoying his meal, including a seductive Jean Harlow who tries to pick him up.
La intrusa
Reporter (uncredited)
Marion trabaja como secretaria del abogado Hector Ferguson. Jack, cliente de Ferguson se enamora de Marion, y pasados unos meses se casan, pero la familia de él anula el matrimonio justo después de haber tenido ambos un hijo. Ante los problemas, Jack huye pero Ferguson, que ama en secreto a Marion, intentará ayudarla para darle un futuro y un bienestar al niño.
High Voltage
Gus Jones
A busload of passengers gets stranded in a snowstorm and take refuge in an abandoned church, where they run into a mysterious man who may be on the run from the law.
The Sky Hawk
Tom Berry
Jack Bardell, a British aviator in World War I, a dashing hero to all who know him, is discharged following an airplane crash that occurred under suspicious circumstances. Invalided to private life, to the shame of his father, Lord Bardell, he gets his chance for redemption during a German Zepplin attack over London. He puts on a good show.
His New Stenographer
Billy Brooks
Billy Brooks, a lawyer, sets out to get a divorce for a client by framing him in a compromising situation. But the scheme goes askew when the client's wife gets a job as Billy's new stenographer and he, not knowing who she is, selects her as the correspondent to frame her own husband.
Policías sin esposas
Paris Cabman
Riley es el típico policía irlandés, buena gente y bonachón, más dado a la buena vida que a detener a nadie.
Motorboat Mamas
Billy Bender
Motorboat Mamas is a silent comedy short.
His Unlucky Night
Billy Trotter
Friends Billy Trotter and Homer Brown are both traveling salesmen who meet up at a hotel on their travels. Since they last saw each other, Billy has gotten married. Homer is lamenting still being single and thinks that he will never find a woman who will want to be Mrs. Brown. Billy gets one of his old girlfriends, Peggy, a telephone operator, reluctantly to set Homer up with one of her friends. She chooses Jennie, a homebody of a woman who generally spends her evenings playing checkers with her father. Billy and Peggy accompany Homer and Jennie on their date, acting as their chaperons. Billy is able to maneuver Homer and Jennie into getting married that evening. Back at the hotel, a combination of changed hotel rooms, Jennie's angry father, Billy's jealous wife, and a confused hotel detective leads to misunderstandings and complications for all concerned.
The Girl from Nowhere
Constable Billy Barnes
The Girl from Nowhere is a comedy short
The Bicycle Flirt
Doty Bassett - the Bicycle Flirt
The Bicycle Flirt is a silent comedy short
The Best Man
Best Man
A bride and groom are all set to get married, but they can't until the best man shows up. When the best man eventually does show up, he causes a few problems since he ran through some tar just before entering the church. The groom doesn't seem to mind too much, just as long as the best man brought the ring, which he did. But as the wedding proceeds, that sticky tar just can't help but get the best man into one disastrous incident after another, including with the ring. That havoc, which leads into the reception, the wedding night and the honeymoon send off, may end the marriage even before it begins... or at least the couple's friendship with their best man.
The Beach Club
In and out of the water, Billy makes waves at the Blue Point Beach Club.
The Girl from Everywhere
Mack Sennett comedy short subject spoofing filmmaking, with girls, lions, and limburger cheese.
The Bull Fighter
Pete De Tour
The Bull Fighter is a 1927 short comedy
Gold Digger of Weepah
The Barber
Gold Digger of Weepah is a silent comedy short
The Golf Nut
Billy Divott
Many of its members are spending a leisurely day at the the El Caballero Golf Club, the most beautiful in California. Also visiting for the day is non-member, Billy Divott, a golf enthusiast who is a little too enthusiastic. He seems to cause havoc everywhere he goes, especially as he plays a round of golf and tries to teach who he considers some of the less experienced members the finer points of the game. That havoc is compounded whenever he deals with sand traps, water traps or especially flying insects with stingers.
Cured in the Excitement
Professor Brawn
Cured in the Excitement is a 1927 Comedy short film.
A Small Town Princess
Joe Whiffet
A small town princess gets hired for the movies.
Peaches and Plumbers
Bill the Plumber
To make her boyfriend jealous a society girl starts dating a plumber but his sweetheart gets revenge.
Easy Pickings
The Detective
Simeon Van Horne is poisoned by Stewart, his lawyer, who hopes to get a part of the estate to be divided between young Peter Van Horne and Dolores, Peter's cousin. Knowing that Dolores is dead, Stewart, who catches Mary Ryan burglarizing the Van Horne home, induces her to pose as Dolores.
Should Sleepwalkers Marry?
Charley Carter
Should Sleepwalkers Marry? is a 1927 comedy short
Flirty Four-Flushers
Jerry Connors / Archibald De Shyster
With her winnings from an essay contest, a waitress gets dolled up and goes to a swanky resort to snag a millionaire husband.
Masked Mamas
Casey McCorkle
A Billy Bevan slapstick comedy short.
Should Husbands Marry?
The Cop
Should Husbands Marry? is a 1926 comedy
Hoboken to Hollywood
Billy Judkins
Billy Judkins is a naturally gloomy Gus. His life changes when he is transferred from working in his company's Hoboken office to their Hollywood office. He is going to drive there with his wife and mother. Along the way, they encounter Mr. Pinkney and his new bride, who too are heading west. Their misadventures together and meeting up with a band of marauding Indians may prevent any of them from reaching their intended destination. If Billy and Mr. Pinkney ever make it to Hollywood, they're both in a for a big surprise.
Hubby’s Quiet Little Game
Billy Foote
A dancing instructor goes to a married woman's home, to giver her lessons, while her husband is absent. He leaves and goes to a poker game. The husband is one of the players, and the instructor, not knowing who he is, shows her picture around the table. This prompts a round-table discussion in which none of the standard rules for civility is part of the discussion.
A Sea Dog's Tale
Wilbur Watts
An island princess falls in love with a young man whose picture she sees in the newspaper. Her father, the king, sends his agents to the U.S. to kidnap the man and bring him back to the islands to marry his daughter. Complications ensue.
Ice Cold Cocos
Gus Gander
Billy and Andy impersonate two ice-delivery men in a suburban town. Billy takes a fancy to a newly-wed bride and most of his loose cash is liquidated as he flirts with her. Her husband is not pleased at Billy's attentions to his new bride. There is a skating contest at the local ice-rink, and the bride, her mother and her husband are in attendance, as are Billy and Andy, the icemen.
Fight Night
Walter Moore
While somewhat happily married, Walter Moore's eyes do stray from time to time, especially when Tessie McNab is within his eye-sight range. But while trying to just be helpful to a damsel-in-distress, Walter's jealous wife suspects there may be some hanky-panky involved.
Hayfoot, Strawfoot?
Hayfoot, Strawfoot? is a silent comedy short.
Wandering Willies
Percy Nudge
Percy Nudge (Australian-born Billy Bevan) and Dusty Duncan (Scotsman Andy Clyde) are two hoboes playing “hooky from the hoosegow” (that's "jail" to you and me). Desperate for some chow, they opt to impersonate a police officer and a baby, two types of diners most likely to get offered freebies. When that fails, they go to the food-chain source, posing as a cow. Yet more misadventures ensue before the duo finds itself chased by a latterday edition of producer Mack Sennett's Keystone Kops. Director Del Lord was a former Keystone Kop who helmed many of the Three Stooges' most beloved comedies.
Circus Today
Gus Barnum
Two circus hands create chaos.
Trimmed in Gold
Otto Stropp
Trimmed in Gold is a silent comedy short.
Whispering Whiskers
The Drifter
Billy Bevan and Andy Clyde are hobos who happen upon a train and are hired as cooks.
From Rags to Britches
Joe Bush
From Rags to Britches is a silent comedy short.
Over Thereabouts
Joe Dobell
Hapless pilot Billy manages to raise himself from KP duty to flying ace. He manages to wreck havoc on the German Air Force and return home a hero!
Butter Fingers
The key to baseball is the pitcher, of course. In this comedy short, the pitcher has something special. Special enough to elicit a threat to rig a game! Our hero has other ideas, though.
The Iron Nag
Joe Gobb
A jail break turns into a race.
Sneezing Beezers
Joe Honck - Taxi Driver
Sneezing Beezers is a silent comedy short.
Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies
Hiram Case
An eccentric inventor has thought of a way that automobiles can run on radio waves, without gasoline. His plans put him in conflict with the owner of an oil company, who is also pursuing the inventor's daughter. This rival begins to scheme against the inventor, and it is left up to the inventor's hired man to try to stop him.
The Lion's Whiskers
Otto Klutch
Billy works at a film studio where lots of things keep going wrong. First, while filming, the camera man and director nearly get dropped off a building. This stunt is funny and rather realistic. Second, Billy looks in a keyhole at what he THINKS is a lady taking a bath--and she's soon joined by a man!
Gaspard De Brie
Billy Bevan in a hell of a lot of chaos!
Honeymoon Hardships
A newly married couple go to spend their honeymoon far out in the country with demented relatives who laugh off even the worst disasters. The couple are forced to sleep apart,The beds are rock hard, the food is inedible,and the farmhouse leaks in the middle of a fierce rainstorm. On top of everything else, a hick uncle with a large family pay a sudden visit.
The Cannon Ball Express
Adam Fargo - Baggage Master
The Cannon Ball Express is a 1924 comedy short.
Galloping Bungalows
John Syrup Soother
All the qualified men line up to be chosen, as an heiress advertises that she will marry the man with the most interesting mustache, that marriage which comes with a mansion. John Syrup Soother wins the marriage to who he believes is the heiress, Olive Palmer, a tank of a woman who has lost her beauty with age. But he learns that he his betrothed is not the heiress, Diana Palmer, but her mother. Howson Lotts, a shyster and one of Diana's other suitors, sells John a beach-front house for his new life, that house which is not all that it seems on the surface. In the meantime, others still will do anything to be Diana's betrothed, that choice in which John now has a different but still vested interest.
Wandering Waistlines
Sandy Hook - Sailor
Wandering Waistlines is a 1924 comedy short.
Little Robinson Corkscrew
The Sheriff
Returning to his hometown a fitness equipment salesman falls in love with the store keeper's daughter.
Three Foolish Weeks
King of Anchovia
A roguish baron saves a girl from a carriage accident, and brings her to a backwoods Inn during a storm for refuge. There he hopes to have his way with her. She's actually the queen traveling incognito, which the loyal residents recognize. The cross-eyed baron keeps getting caught trying to get into the queen-then the inn keeper's wife's bedroom.
Lizzies of the Field
Bud Gasket
There is no love lost between the Red Dog Garage and the Black Cat Garage, two auto repair shops on opposite sides of the street. A big cross-country auto race is announced, and it turns into a no-holds-barred contest as the rival garages go all out to win.
East of the Water Plug
The Sheriff
East of the Water Plug is a silent comedy.
Wall Street Blues
The Janitor
A bumbling bank custodian becomes an unlikely hero when he foils a robbery.
The Hollywood Kid
Studio Organist
A short packed with more stars and gags than most features of its day, this film delivered a gaggle of guffaws!
The White Sin
Travers Dale
Wealthy playboy Grant Van Gore means to have his way with his beautiful maid, the innocent Hattie Lou. He swears his love to the naive girl, and in an act so heinous as to defy belief, has the captain of his yacht perform a fake marriage ceremony. He ruins poor Hattie Lou, and then abandons her ashore the very next morning. A year later, the destitute girl and her starving baby are wandering the streets. When she sees a newspaper headline announcing that Grant has drowned at sea, Hattie Lou hatches a desperate plan for survival. She will present herself to the wealthy Van Gore's, who cannot fail to provide for their late son's widow and child!
One Spooky Night
A.J. Bird Jr.
One Spooky Night is a 1924 comedy short
Inbad the Sailor
Jake aka Inbad the Sailor
Inbad the Sailor is a 1923 comedy short.
The Extra Girl
Sue Graham is a small town girl who wants to be a motion picture star. She wins a contract when a picture of a very pretty girl is sent to a studio instead of her picture. When she arrives in Hollywood, the mistake is discovered and she starts working in the props department of the studio instead. Her parents then come out to California and invest some money with a very shifty individual.
Pitfalls of a Big City
Barfly (uncredited)
Pitfalls of a Big City is a 1923 short comedy
Nip and Tuck
Billy Bevan, Harry Gribbon, Kewpie Morgan and their dog engage in a poker game.
When Summer Comes
Lyons - the Tenderfoot
Rampaging lions are on the loose in a hunting lodge.
The Crossroads of New York
Press Agent
A young man from the country travels to the city to find his fortune. Although he has a letter of introduction from his wealthy uncle, the best job he can find is that of a street cleaner. He catches the eye of his landlady, who somehow manages to get the man to propose to her, but he then falls in love with a pretty young socialite, and when his rich uncle dies finds himself being sued by a gold-digging vamp who wants to her her hands on his inheritance.
Gymnasium Jim
Keystone comedy about a garage owner pining for the girl next door, coming into money, and betting on a fixed fight.
On Patrol
The Amateur Cop
Billy Bevan trying to escape the cops!
The Duck Hunter
The Sportsman
A 1922 comedy short.
Around the Town: British Film Stars and Studios
The other side of the screen with noted producers and film stars.
Bright Eyes
The Nosey Butler
An oil heir and the daughter of a social climbing family are set to marry.
Be Reasonable
A Rolling Stone
Billy is a bit of a masher. He meets a lady on the beach and immediately gives her an expensive gift (some pearls). The problems are that she has her eyes set on the handsome lifeguard and the collection agents either want Billy to pay for this necklace or return it. Well, she naturally doesn't want to give up the pearls, so Billy decides to break in to her house to steal them (and a few other items while he's at it).
Love and Doughnuts
The Burglar
Astray from the Steerage
A steerage passenger
While an immigrant couple are detained by authorities to see if they're fit, a smuggler tries to sneak a bottle into their luggage, but he accidentally gets trapped inside, and gets sent to the house where the new Americans will work.
A Small Town Idol
Sam, a young man in a small town, is accused of being a thief. Unable to prove his innocence--and not knowing that he's being framed by a local villain to keep him away from pretty young Mary, the town beauty whom the villain wants for himself--he leaves town and goes to Hollywood to become an actor. He eventually returns home to town as a star, but once again finds himself the victim of the town villain, who this time abducts sweet young Mary. Sam must use all his acting skills to track down the villain and save Mary.
The Quack Doctor
The Hired Lady's Sweetheart
In one of the handful of Sennett/ Paramount Films to survive we visit a traveling medicine show.
The Quack Doctor
In one of the handful of Sennett/ Paramount Films to survive we visit a traveling medicine show.
Cupid In Quarantine
The Father
Eleanor Field and Cullen Landis are in love, but her father, Billy Bevan, objects because.... hey this is a one-reel comedy and we don't have time for things like that. After he sneaks past Bevan, the young couple decide to force the issue. The pastor next door has small pox, so they paint marks on each other's face. Bevan catches on and with the aid of a cooperative beat officer, he does his best to scare them.
Her Rustic Romeo
A Billie Rhodes comedy produced by Strand. Billy Bevan plays the farmer's son.
Somebody's Widow
A comedy in which the widow Mary makes a bet with her friends that she can win over a writer named Jack.
Pirates of the Air
The Bartender
The proprietor of the Crowing Rooster Inn was a bad man, but he went one too many when he stole the airship model from the War Department, for they were on his trail immediately. The head waitress discovered the workshop where the proprietor was having the model duplicated and she was bribed not to say anything about what she saw. She started out with the bribe money to buy some gewgaws for herself, but she got in the road of a passing auto. Unfortunately, the auto contained the young Secret Service agent.
Gertie's Gasoline Glide
The Minister
Two men are vying for the favours of Gaby. One of them takes her for a motorcycle ride, the other in his car. When the second man manages to marry her, the first takes his revenge. He calls the police, and takes the newlyweds along on a kamikaze ride in his car, chased by the police.