Nick Lathouris

Nick Lathouris


Nico Lathouris is an Australian-born actor and writer of Greek descent. Lathouris has worked on the television series Police Rescue. He appeared in George Miller's film Mad Max (1979) as a car mechanic. He also ran film and drama workshops for the Australian Film Commission. Lathouris is best known for the role of George Poulos in Heartbreak High, as well as being the series drama coach responsible for developing the skills of the younger actors and actresses who starred in the series. He helped to develop realistic characters from a whole variety of ethnic backgrounds. The series marked a big shift in the way that life in Australia is represented in TV drama. In the past, many shows had not reflected all the different cultures which exist side-by-side in Australia's big cities, and Heartbreak High broke the mould by acknowledging and celebrating the country's cultural mix. Lathouris is co-screenwriter (alongside George Miller) of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015).


Nick Lathouris


Furiosa: de la saga Mad Max
Precuela de la película de 2015 'Mad Max: Furia en la carretera'.
Tres mil años esperándote
La Dra. en literatura Alithea Binnie (Tilda Swinton) parece estar feliz con su vida aunque se enfrenta al mundo con cierto escepticismo. De repente, se encuentra con un genio (Idris Elba) que ofrece concederle tres deseos a cambio de su libertad. En un principio, Alithea se niega a aceptar la oferta ya que sabe que todos los cuentos sobre conceder deseos acaban mal. El genio defiende su posición contándole diversas historias fantásticas de su pasado. Finalmente, ella se deja persuadir y pedirá un deseo que sorprenderá a ambos.
Mad Max: Furia en la carretera
Perseguido por su turbulento pasado, Mad Max cree que la mejor forma de sobrevivir es ir solo por el mundo. Sin embargo, se ve arrastrado a formar parte de un grupo que huye a través del desierto en un War Rig conducido por una Emperatriz de élite: Furiosa. Escapan de una Ciudadela tiranizada por Immortan Joe, a quien han arrebatado algo irreemplazable. Enfurecido, el Señor de la Guerra moviliza a todas sus bandas y persigue implacablemente a los rebeldes en una 'guerra de la carretera' de altas revoluciones.
Mullah Jalal-Shah
Set in the 1890s in the central desert region of Australia, 'Serenades' tells the tale of Jila who is conceived when her Afghan cameleer father wins her Aboriginal mother in a card game.
What I Have Written
Claude Murnane
This intellectual, witty Australian drama offers an intriguingly sophisticated look into adultery. Too say too much about this plot would give away the secrets and surprises that gradually unfold, so what follows is the barest sketch. The story features two couples from Melbourne (both played by the same actors) whose lives and romantic troubles seem to overlap or perhaps intertwine in unexpected ways. University lecturer Christopher and his wife Sorrel comprise the main couple. A recent trip to Europe seems to have brought their marriage close to ruins. Avery and Gillian also experience marital turmoil when Avery gets involved with an older French seductress, Catherine.
Rocco Petri
Gino Pallazetti is in love with Lucia Petri and his career as a stand up comedian is about to take off.
The Heartbreak Kid
Christina (Claudia Karvan) is a school teacher from a wealthy Greek-Australian background, engaged to a lawyer and content with the traditional course of her life. She begins teaching at an inner-city working-class school and she finds her ideas challenged by the students. Involving herself in a campaign by a group of non-anglo students to form a soccer club in a school where the racist PE teacher only supports Australian Rules Football, Christina starts falling in love with aspiring soccer player, 17 year old Nick (Alex Dimitriades). The ensuing affair forces Christina to challenge herself, her family and the culture she lives in. Managing to effectively combine comedy with a refreshing examination of contemporary ethnic relationships in Australia, beautifully acted by a young cast, and insightfully scripted.
Death in Brunswick
A reserved man in need of a job, Carl Fitzgerald finds employment at a Greek restaurant. Upon meeting waitress Sophie, Carl begins dating the attractive woman. Though it seems things are improving for Carl, an unexpected situation leads to the death of Mustafa, a shady coworker, and Carl must figure out how to cover up the incident. Unsure of what to do, Carl enlists the help of his buddy, Dave, to get rid of Mustafa's corpse.
Ed Minter
On the first morning of her honeymoon after a whirlwind 3 week romance, successful business woman Virginia Bond finds herself both a widow and the prime suspect in her husband's murder. Desperately attempting to piece together the jigsaw of her husband's life, Virginia and police detective Broulle uncover political and business connections involving mullions of dollars worth of real estate. As the true picture of the man she impulsively married emerges, Virginia plunges deeper into a web of danger and conspiracy.
Rikky and Pete
Con Ionides
Rikky (Nina Landis) and her brother Pete (Stephen Kearney) struggle to keep their lives from spinning out of control in small town Australia.
Wrong World
In this standard movie about a young doctor wandering across the U.S. in search of his lost ideals, Richard Moir is David Trueman, someone who has dreams of going to South America to practice medicine among the disenfranchised. Trueman does go, but after he arrives he encounters enough corruption and oppression to drive him out of there -- and into drugs. He decides to travel around the U.S., at a loss with himself and society, and eventually he meets Mary (Jo Kennedy), a young heroin addict who shares his angst about life. As the two commiserate, their bleak outlook lightens up a little, promising some fairer weather in the future. Jo Kennedy received a "Best Actress" Silver Bear award at the 1985 Berlin Film Festival for her portrayal of Mary.
Donde sueñan las verdes hormigas
En un remoto desierto de Australia, viven dos tribus aborígenes, los Worora y los Riratjingus, que se esfuerzan denodadamente por conservar una cultura de cuarenta mil años de antigüedad, con sus costumbres, ritos y leyendas sobre la creación del hombre y la naturaleza. El conflicto surge cuando un consorcio minero se propone extraer uranio dentro de su territorio, en un lugar sagrado para ellos llamado "Donde sueñan las hormigas verdes". Es la rebelión del mundo del espíritu contra una civilización groseramente materialista que lo quiere todo y que no comprende nada.
Fair Game
Tres hermosas chicas deciden escapar de su escuela privada de clase alta por un fin de semana y despegar hacia una remota ciudad turística. Desafortunadamente, un grupo de psicópatas se ha apoderado de la ciudad y acosan a las chicas, una por una, convirtiendo sus vacaciones sin preocupaciones en una pesadilla de terror.
Mad Max: Salvajes de la autopista
Grease Rat
En las autopistas desiertas de una Australia desconocida, tiene lugar una guerra sin merced entre motoristas forajidos y policías Interceptor, que intentan triunfar sobre la gentuza al volante de coches con motores trucados. En un mundo en plena decadencia, la moral se difuminará en el escenario post apocalíptico donde lo único que tiene valor es el bien más preciado: la gasolina. La depravación, crueldad y salvajismo reinan en las bandas que no dudarán en perseguir y acabar con cualquiera que se ponga entre ellos y su ansia destruir y ser los amos de la carretera. Max se cruzará en su camino y lo que empieza como un acto de justicia no tardará en tornarse una lucha personal para acabar con ellos.
St. Vincent's Revue Film
Lathouris performs in mime: barefoot, in white makeup and a top hat, he wanders around Sydney, humorously aggravating a group of nuns (most of whom are played by men), who chase him down and beat him. He then wakes up in hospital, where he receives treatment.
Mad Max: The Wasteland