Lucas Van den Eynde

Lucas Van den Eynde

Nacimiento : 1959-02-23, Lier, Flanders, Belgium


Lucas Van den Eynde


La petite
Joseph learns that his son and his companion have just perished in an accident. They were expecting a child via a surrogate mother in Belgium. What will become of their future baby? Is Joseph the legitimate grandfather? Carried by the promise of this birth which will prolong the existence of his son, the sexagenarian goes to meet the young Flemish woman with a fierce and indomitable character.
Cruise Control
Life does not go well the last couple of years for film director Serge Gabriëls. Since the day he chose his career above the woman of his life, things kept going downhill. When a bailiff was sent to declare his production company bankrupt, he lost all hope and perspective. Fortunately at that crucial moment he received the one phone call he has been waiting for his whole life. Out of the blue, Serge is offered the opportunity to realize the dream of his lifetime: to shoot a real love story.
The Memory Shop
In the year 2036, a woman visits The Memory Shop. Innovative technology ensures that you can relive your memories there and have them recorded on film. She returns to the Lac de Berléand for a short while on May 7, 1990 for an intense, loving moment with her husband who is now demented.
Wijkagent Luc Callens
Dos años después de la trágica pérdida de su hermano mayor, Daan, de 17 años, sigue de mala gana cuando su afligida familia decide dar refugio a una adolescente sin hogar llamada Radja. Pero cuando Daan es testigo de cómo la presencia de este extraño afecta profundamente a su madre, comienza a desentrañar el misterioso pasado de Radja.
Sinterklaas en de wakkere nachten
Professor Herman Van den Uytleg
Who's keeping the citizens of a Belgian provincial town out of their sleep? Is it Santa Clause?
Don't Shoot
Dokter Rumbaut
In one fell swoop, nine-year old David Van de Steen lost his mother, his father and his sister in an attack by the Brabant Killers in Aalst. His grandfather, Albert, has the well-nigh impossible task of giving David a new perspective on life, a future.
Behind the Clouds
Two people meet again after more than 50 years. They were lovers once, but their lives took different turns: she married his best friend. Fifty years later, they meet again and passion flares up. But is it possible to pick up the thread of a life that unraveled fifty years ago? The story of a wonderful last love affair, which is relived with the intensity of a first.
Ay Ramon!
Professor Herman Van Den Uytleg
Max and Tikkelotje own an unsuccessful theatre company. When Tikkelotje notices Ramon - the faithful companion to Saint Nicholas - playing the guitar and singing, she decides to kidnap both him and Slechtweervandaag, Saint Nicholas’s trusty steed. Saint Nicholas is devastated, but eventually he pulls himself together and goes around the houses to collect the children’s wishlists. An adventure involving assorted people then ensues as he tried to beat the clock to rescue the hapless pair.
W. Witse: de film
Película basada en la serie belga “Witse” (2004-2012), un peculiar detective que no siempre actúa de acuerdo con las normas y las leyes. En la película Witse regresa a su ciudad natal para encontrar a un asesino. No pasa mucho tiempo antes de entra en conflicto con la policía local.
Sobrevivir en Balen
Piet Populiers
Una familia de obreros vive en una pequeña casa al lado de la fábrica “La vieja montaña”. La hija de la familia, Germaine Debruyker, tiene dieciocho años y intenta mejorar su futuro. Trabaja como cajera en el supermercado de un pueblo limítrofe. Su padre, Jan Debruyker, trabaja en la fábrica “La vieja montaña”. Entre los obreros surge un movimiento que se opone a los sueldos bajos que perciben y deciden hacer huelga. Como todas las familias del barrio obrero, también esta familia se queda sin ingresos.
Las chicas de la banda
Upon the death of her husband, Claire (70) decides to reconnect with her estranged son, down and out R&B musician Sid. She asks him to help her restart the old girl group she used to sing in with two of her friends from the old days. The rebel son is hesitant at first but eventually agrees under one condition: the band has to play HIS music.
Luke and Lucy: The Texas Rangers
Adolf Daens
"Daens: The Musical" takes you to the Aalst (Belgium back in 1888) where Father Daens has his battle against the social mis-understandings and equal rights for everybody. At the same time there is a romance growing between Nette and Jan.
De gek op de heuvel
La memoria del asesino
Bob Van Camp
De resultas del asesinato de un importante funcionario público, el departamento de policía de Amberes comisionó a dos de sus mejores investigadores criminalistas para investigar el caso: Vincke y Verstuyft. Las pistas conducen al sicario Angelo Ledda. A Ledda, que experimenta síntomas del alzheimer, le resulta cada vez más difícil ejecutar los encargos.Cuando se da cuenta de que está siendo utilizado en una lucha por el poder político, decide morder la mano que le da de comer. A Vincke y Verstuyft les cuesta mucho desenmarañar la trama de intrigas, redes e intereses creados para poder evitar que se cometan más crímenes.
Marie Antoinette Is Not Dead
Frédérique van Rapenburg
A modern Marie-Antoinette falls in love with Frédérique, but is obliged to marry King Louis XVI.
Seventh Heaven
Seventh Heaven or De zevende zemel is a 1993 Dutch romantic comedy film directed by Jean-Paul Lilienfeld.
La iniciación
Policeman Pots
La ceremonia de iniciación universitaria en un campus belga termina en la trágica muerte de un estudiante de primer año. Sus amigos están plenamente decididos a hacer justicia.
A succesfull busninessman who has it all is looking for a new challenge and decides to hire a contract killer to assassinate him.