António Montez

António Montez

Nacimiento : 1941-05-25, Cartaxo, Portugal

Muerte : 2014-12-22


António Montez


Há Sempre um Amanhã
Eugénio Ramos
Paulo Lima is an engineer responsible for a multinational factory. Due to the recession, the factory receives a visit from the factory's owner's daughter, Luísa, who is sent to increase the factory's profit. Some cuts are due to make.
The Dead Queen
Don Cristoval
Royal romance and epic tragedy feature in this historical drama about Pedro I of Portugal and his lover, Ines de Castro. Their legendary, doomed love story is explored, as well as the darkness surrounding Pedro's powerful, sadistic father.
Avô António, Amália's grandfather
You already know the legendary singer. For the first time, you'll get to know the woman behind the myth.
En el siglo pasado, una joven campesina, Bernadette, se despierta y se siente atraída hacia una cueva. En la actualidad, Bernard Guillaumet es un joven fotógrefo que está haciendo fotografías en Lourdes. Cuando vuelve a su casa, ve que Natalie, su mujer, le ha dejado un paquete. Lo abre y ve que es un viejo manuscrito, titulado Lourdes, de su viejo bisabuelo, Henri Guillaumet, el cual conoció a Bernadette. Bernard ya conocía ese manuscrito, por su padre, pero nunca lo había leído porque él no cree en esas cosas. Cuando Bernard va a revelar las fotos ve que no hay nada. A Natalie le dan dolores de vientre. Resulta que está embarazada de dos meses y puede abortar. Bernard comienza a leer el manuscrito, que resulta ser el diario de Henri, en el que se relata el encuentro con Bernadette. Bernard decide volver a Lourdes porque su jefe le está presionando, y deja a Natalie en el hospital.
Monteiro, publisher
El 13 de Mayo de 1917, una bella aparición de Nuestra Señora altera para siempre la vida de tres criaturas: Lucinda, Jacita y Francisco que vivian en Villa de Fatima, Portugal.
Adios princesa
Carolino (voice)
"Crimen en Beja (Alentejo): Helmut Schneider, 23 años, de nacionalidad alemana, mecánico en la base de la OTAN ha sido encontrado asesinado. María Victoria Formosinho, 18 años, apodada Mitó, hija del responsable político del Partido Comunista local, ha pasado a disposición judicial". Al recibir el télex, Contreiras, director del periódico de Lisboa 'Las Actualidades', prepara un equipo de reporteros para enviar al lugar del crimen. Sangre, sexo y política en una región de Portugal donde esos hechos son muy poco habituales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Balteano (voice)
Terra Nova, Mar Viejo
António Montez
Viaje de un arrastrero de pesca de bacalao a las aguas de Terranova para la pesca de bacalao
Dina and Django
Taxi Driver
Dina (Maria Santiago) is a teenager brought up by her grandmother, employed as a housekeeper for a fairly well-off family. Since Dina only has her grandmother, she spends her time fantasizing about her life and reading comic-book love stories -- activities that do nothing to improve her dim perspective of reality. Due to these handicaps and her own inexperience, she gets involved with Django (Luis Lucas), a shady character who decides to use her as bait to attract men and then rob them. One day when both are in a taxi with robbery in mind, the driver gets suspicious so Django shoots him, and so does Dina. She escapes and runs away -- though it seems like she has learned too little too late. This story unfolds against a time of upheaval in Portugal (mid-1970s) when the military government is formulating a constitution and social changes are happening everywhere.
Alexandre e Rosa
A short film.
Just Pedro
Pedro is a young agricultural worker who gets caught in the middle of a fight between two families, kills a man and escapes to the capital. He can't find work,resorts to begging, but keeps his mountaineer pride. He starts a new life with a prostitute who is nice to him, but nothing works. He returns home, and alone, and now he finds life there is sad as well.