Song Jae-ho

Song Jae-ho

Nacimiento : 1939-03-10, Pyongyang, North Korea

Muerte : 2020-11-07


Song Jae-ho
Song Jae-ho


A History of Jealousy
Professor Choi
The day before Soo-min’s big concert day, her college friends Won-ho, Sun-ki, Hong, and Jin-sook gather to celebrate Soo-min. Talking about their old memories and having fun seems like a happy moment of old friends. But soon when Soo-min leaves to the bathroom, Jin-sook starts a disturbing story about Soo-min that she has been sexually abused by her dad and brother after her mom’s death. As all friends are shocked, one by one starts to talk about Soo-min’s whole secrets as if they know everything about her without knowing Soo-min is overhearing their conversation. It drives Soo-min to the irrevocable revenge with secrets behind.
Race to Freedom: Um Bok-dong
During the Japanese colonial rule of Korea, while people are in despair, Jae-ho tries to raise morale by winning cycle championship. Bok-dong, who started cycling with Jae-ho just to make a forture, becomes a symbol of hope for Koreans by defeating Japanese cyclists.
The Way
The human is the lonely existence. It has nothing to do with an age. There is the other reason. Live, therefore. It is that it became an elderly because it was faithful to the given role and it got old one.
Northern Limit Line
Yoon Du-ho
Basada en hechos reales, la película narra la conocida como Segunda Batalla de Yeonpyeong, relatando la vida de algunos de los jóvenes soldados que lucharon y murieron allí. El combate tuvo lugar en el Mar Amarillo el 29 de junio de 2002, cuando dos barcos norcoreanos atravesaron la línea límite norte, disparando al patrullero de Corea del Sur Chamsuri 357, matando a seis hombres e hiriendo a otros dieciocho.
The Spy: Undercover Operation
Dae Tong-ryeong
Un agente secreto, que oculta su verdadera identidad a su esposa, trabaja en un caso que afecta a todo el país de Corea del Sur. Chul-Soo es el agente secreto que esconde su ocupación a los demás, incluyendo a su esposa que es asistente de vuelo Young-Hee. Un día, Chul-Soo le dice a su esposa que él irá a Busan, Corea del Sur para los negocios, pero en realidad viaja a Bangkok, Tailandia, para llevar a cabo una operación nacional. Mientras que en Bangkok, Chul-Soo ve a su esposa Young-Hee, que se supone que está en Corea del Sur, con un hombre apuesto llamado Ryan.
La Torre
Mr. Yoon
Seol Kyeong-gu interpreta a un bombero que arriesga su vida para acabar con el fuego de un rascacielos y salvar a las ciento de personas atrapadas y que luchan por sus vidas en la víspera de Navidad del año 2011. Kim Sang-Kyeong es el jefe de mantenimiento del edificio en llamas situado en el centro de Seul.
Sunday Punch
This movie will tell a family story of working as a rookie secretary for an upright politician, going through rooting out all sorts of corruption and at the same time living a life as a father.
Kwak Han-soo
A biker is forced to deliver a ticking time bomb by a mysterious caller who has put an explosive helmet on his ex-girlfriend.
Late Blossom
Jang Goon-bong
Follows the lives of two couples who live in the same neighborhood. Kim Man-Suk delivers milk on a motorbike at dawn. He curses a lot, but actually has a warm heart. One day when he goes up a slope, he meets Ms. Song - a lonely woman who works hards by collecting and selling scrap paper. Man-Suk feels something special toward Ms. Song. Jang Kun-Bong works in a parking lot. Jang Kun-Bong has a wife who suffers from Alzheimer's. He works from dawn until late at night. After work he comes home and takes care of his wife.
Oh Joong-ho
Kang Tae-sik is a private detective who would do anything for money. One day, he gets framed for a murder by a ruthless boss of the criminal underworld and a mysterious caller watches and controls his every move. He must use a wide array of techno-gadgetry at his disposal to clear himself and exact revenge within 24 hours given to him.
Tsunami (Haeundae)
Choi's Uncle
En toda película de desastres, el espectador espera ansioso eso mismo, que el desastre inunde la pantalla, y Haeundae no va a defraudarle en lo más mínimo. Y es que estamos hablando de una de las superproducciones más esperadas de la temporada, una cinta que sitúa su acción en uno de los puntos más turísticos de la costa surcoreana y que amenaza a sus habitantes con un descomunal tsunami. Con un reparto que incluye a Seol Gyeong-hu, uno de los actores locales con mayor carisma internacional, y unos efectos visuales del responsable de El día de mañana y La tormenta perfecta, al espectador sólo le queda buscarse un salvavidas y hacer la ola. (extraído de (FILMAFFINITY)
Private Eye
Min Chi-sung
Una habitación impregnada de sangre. El dueño del cuarto desapareció sin dejar rastro y ante este inesperado incidente su padre pone una enorme recompensa a cambio de cualquier información que le haga saber el paradero de su hijo. En esto Gwang Su, estudiante de medicina, halla accidentalmente un cadáver para su clase de autopsia.
A Tale of Legendary Libido
A monk gives an impaired man the secret to a strong arousal. The man had been teased and tortured until the travelling man decides to help him out.
Mayo 18
Priest Kim
Los ciudadanos de Gwangju llevan una vida relativamente pacífica, hasta que un día los militares se apoderan de la ciudad, acusan a los residentes de conspiración y afirman que son simpatizantes comunistas que preparan una revolución contra el gobierno actual. Al ver que los soldados golpean a personas indefensas, principalmente estudiantes, hasta matarlas, los ciudadanos están listos para tomar represalias y formar una milicia.
Over the border
After learning that his grandfather is alive and living in Seoul, a North Korean musician must leave his fiancee behind and accompany his family to South Korea.
The President's Last Bang
President Park Chung-hee
On October 26, 1979, President Park Chung-hee, who had ruled South Korea since 1961, was assassinated by his director of intelligence. The film depicts the events of that night.
El rostro del mal
Department Head Song
Hyun-min, un especialista en reconstrucción facial, decide dejar el Instituto Nacional de Investigación Científica, ya que su hija está cada día más enferma. Un día una investigadora llamada Sun-young aparece en su casa con una calavera, la cuarta que ha hallado en un río. Hyun-min no quiere ayudarle en la reconstrucción, y Sun-young desaparece dejando la calavera delante de su casa. Hyun-min comienza a tener pesadillas y alucinaciones, se da cuenta de que el corazón transplantado a su hija proviene de alguna de las víctimas y comienza a trabajar en la cuarta calavera. Con la ayuda de Sun-young, finalmente la reconstruye. Sin embargo, a la que se conoce la identidad de la víctima, él cae en un mundo más profundo de pesadillas y alucinaciones...
Dance With Solitude
Lee Pil-guk
In a countryside town called Mulgeun lives a bohemian man named BAE Joong-dal. His goals in life are to get his younger brother BAE Joong-bum, now in his fifties, married and to thrive with his new start-up ostrich farm. Living nest door is a pain-in-the-neck named CHO Jin-bong who breaks apart the fence to the ostrich farm, resulting in a scuffle. Suddenly a beautiful and graceful woman - which is hard to find in Mulgeun - unexpectedly shows up in town. Her appearance starts to stir up troubles among the residents. Joong-bum, meanwhile, never appreciates his brother’s efforts to set him up on dates. One day after running away from a panned date, he returns home drunk late at night and confesses something shocking to his brother...
Too Beautiful to Lie
Hee-chul's father
A professional lady con makes herself the pharmacist's fiancée overnight, and faces a disastrous blemish in her impeccable con-woman career.
Dong-mi's Father
Na-Nan has known best pals Dong-Mi and Jung-Joon since childhood, and now the trio shares the ups and downs of their turbulent single lives together. But everything gets turned on end when Dong-Mi and Jung-Joon end up in bed! Should the longtime friends make it official or call it a mistake? Na Nan has a job offer and a marriage proposal from the charming Soo-Heon to consider, and her twenties are fast coming to end. What's a generation of soon-to-getting-older youth to do?
Memories of Murder (Crónica de un asesino en serie)
Sergeant Shin Dong-chul
Corea del Sur, 1986. Una joven aparece brutalmente violada y asesinada. Dos meses después, se producen una serie de violaciones y asesinatos en circunstancias similares. Para buscar al asesino, se organiza un destacamento especial, encabezado por un detective de la policía local (Park Doo-man) y un detective de la policía de Seúl (Seo Tae-yoon), que ha solicitado ser asignado al caso.
Doble Agente
Song Kyung-man
Rim Byeong-ho es un agente desertor de la inteligencia norcoreana que se pasa al bando de Corea del Sur escapando del Berlín Oriental en los años 80. A pesar de ello, las autoridades surcoreanas sospechan que la deserción de Rim es fingida, y lo asedian con interrogatorios y torturas...
Musa: The Warrior
Año 1375. China está dominada por el caos debido a los enfrentamientos entre las dinastías Yuan y Ming. La dinastía Koryo envía una delegación de diplomáticos y soldados como emisarios de buena voluntad para ofrecer la paz al nuevo gobierno chino representado por los Ming. Pese a ello, la delegación será acusada de espionaje y enviada al exilio a un lejano desierto. Por el camino será atacada por tropas de los Yuan...
Ivan the Mercenary
Warm It Was That Winter
With the outbreak of the Korean War, Su-ji and Oh-mok lose their parents. Along with their brother Su-cheol, they go live with their mother's parents. As they go to take refuge, Su-ji loses Oh-mok by accident. Time passes and with her older brother Su-cheol's success, Su-ji enters the high society. But due to the guilt of losing her younger sister Oh-mok, she does a lot of charity work constantly looking for Oh-mok. When Su-ji finally finds Oh-mok in an orphanage, she turns coldly away from Oh-mok for not having any evidence to prove that she is her sister. Oh-mok marries Il-hwan whom she has met at the orphanage and they live a hard life. Finally, Su-ji is convinced that Oh-mok is her sister but after living through such hardship, Oh-mok breathes her last.
Ardent Love
영자의 전성시대(속)
Three Times Each for Short and Long Ways
Jong Sil, a sound effects director, is awarded a carte blanche for his ingenious invention of a coke bottle opener sound used in a commercial film for an Arab client. Ecstatic, drunk, he heads home to his wife and kids, only to end up spending the night in an apartment unit one floor above which belongs to a single woman. The preposterous one-night-stand snowballs into a major event, for which he is reported gone missing on TV. Lost, Jong Sil becomes more involved with the woman, discovering things about her, as their relationship takes an unexpected turn.
The Hidden Hero
After the war, a journalist investigates a Communist leader in South Korea.
Love's Condition
1979 film
Cuckoo's Dolls
Keun-Ok, a barmaid, has been brought up in an orphanage after losing her parents in her early childhood. One day, Cho Yong-Jin, the teacher in charge of the bar owner's son, visits the bar to see his pupil. Seeing him Keun-Ok feels love for him and begins to seek his attention. He doesn't dislike her but keeps away from her for several reasons. In the long run, he quits the school and makes every effort to change her life for better one. In the meantime, he finds her working in a hotel as a cleaner. Yong-Jun hugs her tight and decides to marry her.
Where Is Miss Yang?
Young Woong Choi
Nan-Hyang runs away from home because she can't bear her inharmonious family where her father is a doctor and her mother is the president of a third rate publishing company. Nan-Hyang meets Jin-Ho and his friend Min-Su and has mutual understandings. Jin-Ho stopped studying temporarily. With them, Nan-Hyang lives at her own way and sometimes deviates from the right path. But, Min-Su's success in exam, who makes efforts in everything, makes her realize self-consciousness. Jin-Ho also returns to the college.
Chang-Su's Heydays
A sequel to Yeong-ja's Heydays follows the career of Yeong-ja’s first love, Chang-su, and his faithful love for her.
Yeong-ja’s Heydays
Chang-su recalls the girl whom he loved before he entered the military. At that time she had been working as a housemaid. They meet again years later at a police station and the girl, Yeong-ja reveals that she quit her job after being raped by the son of her employer. Her life got steadily worse until finally she lost an arm in a car accident and had to work as a prostitute to pay for an artificial limb.
Cruel history of Myeong Dong
An omnibus of three stories all taking place in the Myeongdong district of Seoul.