Li Congxi

Li Congxi


Li Congxi


Varanus Priscus
On a deserted island the crew, led by ex-soldier Cao Yue, filming TV reality show about survival. They meet tidal waves of insects on their way, battling hermit crabs and fights to the death against the ancient giant lizard, the real dragon.
Bad Boy
Xu Pingqiu
Based on the novel "Remaining Sins". After losing several secret service undercover agents, the Provincial Anti-drug Police Team came to the Taihai Sports Institute to recruit people. Xu Pingqiu, who has rich anti-narcotics experience, took a fancy to Yu's top student scum group. Although they did not study well, they had polarized reviews. But each has its own strengths, knows how to advance and retreat, and has a bottom line. However, it is not easy to fight for Yu Zui and the scumbag who doesn't trust him and has no police dreams.
An elephant sitting still
Wang Jin
Cuatro destinos trágicos vinculados por un accidente escolar. Para proteger a un amigo, Bu empuja por las escaleras al matón del instituto, Shuai. Por su parte, la compañera de clase de Bu, Ling, quiere escapar de su madre y de su rutina tras ser seducida por su maestro. Mientras, el hermano mayor de Shuai, Cheng, se siente responsable por el suicidio de su mejor amigo y quiere vengarse de Bu por el accidente de su hermano menor. Además, el Sr. Wang, un jubilado entusiasta, no quiere que su hijo lo encierre en una residencia. La única salida de los protagonistas parece ser huir hacia la ciudad de Manzhouli, donde se dice que hay un elefante sentado que simplemente ignora el mundo. Disponen solamente de 24 horas para resolver sus vidas antes de que el tren se ponga en marcha.
Empire of Silver
Line Producer
In 1899, Lord Kang must decide which of his three sons will take over his family's Chinese banking empire. When circumstances dictate that he appoint his unreliable youngest son, family bonds are pushed to the limit as father and son clash in a climate of political turmoil. Winner of the Special Jury Award at the 2009 Shanghai International Film Festival.
Green Hat
A sexually frustrated policeman starts investigating the doings of his wife.
Los demonios en mi puerta
Liu Wang
Durante la ocupación japonesa de China, en un pequeño pueblo de campesinos el ejército deja bajo custodia a dos prisioneros. Se ordena al pueblo que los tenga bajo vigilancia hasta que los recojan el próximo año. Los líderes del pueblo se reúnen para interrogar a los prisioneros e intentan acomodarlos. El asunto se convertirá en una experiencia a veces trágica y a veces cómica que cambiará sus vidas... (FILMAFFINITY)
A Cover-Up
After failing his legal exams, Meng, a self-taught law student, is forced to work nights as a taxi driver. During a heated argument with a drunken customer, unable to contain his fury, he pushes the man into a river. The years go by. Now a successful lawyer and father, Meng is haunted by his past.