After losing his leg, ex-cop Didzis focuses on training his three beloved police dogs. His estranged wife Jana, a doctor at the local sports school, seeks romantic fulfilment with Roberts, a 17-year-old student and a promising swimmer. After a secret randez-vous, Jana hits a rabid wild boar with her car and eventually spreads the virus to Didzis’ dogs. The accident ignites dark suspicion and jealousy in Didzis. Busy with finding and punishing Jana’s secret lover, Didzis overlooks the ever-growing strangeness and aggression in his now infected dogs. Just as the love triangle becomes toxic, the dogs escape and threaten the local town. Facing both personal and professional fiasco, Didzis decides to take matter in his own hands.
After losing his leg, ex-cop Didzis focuses on training his three beloved police dogs. His estranged wife Jana, a doctor at the local sports school, seeks romantic fulfilment with Roberts, a 17-year-old student and a promising swimmer. After a secret randez-vous, Jana hits a rabid wild boar with her car and eventually spreads the virus to Didzis’ dogs. The accident ignites dark suspicion and jealousy in Didzis. Busy with finding and punishing Jana’s secret lover, Didzis overlooks the ever-growing strangeness and aggression in his now infected dogs. Just as the love triangle becomes toxic, the dogs escape and threaten the local town. Facing both personal and professional fiasco, Didzis decides to take matter in his own hands.
12-year-old Raimonds tries to cover up a bad note at school and starts a spiral of lies, which spins out of control. He has to venture into Riga’s thrilling night-life to save his saxophone, his friendship and his face in front of his mother. An exciting story about the healing power of truth.
12-year-old Raimonds tries to cover up a bad note at school and starts a spiral of lies, which spins out of control. He has to venture into Riga’s thrilling night-life to save his saxophone, his friendship and his face in front of his mother. An exciting story about the healing power of truth.
After recovering from an overseas mission, Krists Lapins moves into a quiet neighbourhood in Riga. His hopes for a new, peaceful life are disrupted when an unexpected visitor arrives one night. Krists soon finds himself in a swirl of events involving a mysterious blonde, a wannabe private detective, a bankrupt millionaire, and a rigorous cop. In this witty portrayal of modern Latvian society the absurd meets the comic and nothing is what it seems.
For Victor, a bright but bored journalism student, the summer comes with bad news – his girlfriend Yvette is leaving for art school in Amsterdam. Victor desperately wants to go with her to live the bohemian life, but he has just three months to raise some money. He turns to a dangerous business to fulfil his dream
For Victor, a bright but bored journalism student, the summer comes with bad news – his girlfriend Yvette is leaving for art school in Amsterdam. Victor desperately wants to go with her to live the bohemian life, but he has just three months to raise some money. He turns to a dangerous business to fulfil his dream
For Victor, a bright but bored journalism student, the summer comes with bad news – his girlfriend Yvette is leaving for art school in Amsterdam. Victor desperately wants to go with her to live the bohemian life, but he has just three months to raise some money. He turns to a dangerous business to fulfil his dream
(segment "Estonia: Euroflot")
Veinticinco cineastas, uno por cada estado de la Unión Europea, realizaron una película sobre sus respectivos países. Todas tenían el mismo presupuesto, debían estar ambientadas en el presente o en un futuro inmediato y durar cinco minutos. No había otras limitaciones, de modo que los autores tenían plena libertad para expresarse. Entre los directores figuran tanto nombres consagrados como voces nuevas dentro del panorama cinematográfico. Cada corto tiene su propia identidad, por lo que es posible establecer comparaciones fascinantes; pero, además, juntos ofrecen una imagen global de la Comunidad Europea a través de la fusión de esas distintas visiones conceptuales y creativas.