Władysław Nehrebecki


Bolek a Lolek na prázdninách 2
La ratoncita Tina
Compilación de varios episodios de la serie de animación polaca 'La ratoncita Tina', emitida en la televisión pública polaca entre 1976 y 1983. Tina es una pequeña ratona que vive tranquilamente en un árbol. En su casa, ella cocina, duerme, toca el piano y toma el té con sus amigos. En el árbol hay vecinos, como Dennis, un lirón que vive en el piso de abajo o Eliana, una ardilla que vive en el piso superior. La vida pasa con tranquilidad pero hay momentos que no serán nada fáciles para Tina. La ratona deberá enfrentarse a peligros y amenazas como gatos, vagabundos o búhos. Sin embargo, en cada experiencia, Margo aprenderá varios valores sobre la vida, la amistad, el amor, el respeto y la madurez personal. Con sus amigos, Tina vivirá muchas aventuras.
Around the world with Bolek and Lolek
Animated film about two young boys, Bolek and Lolek, who seek to fulfill the last will of Phileas Fogg who decided that his inheritor would be the one who made an identical round the world journey as he had done, using the means of transport generally in use in the nineteenth century. As they journey round the world, a bad character named Jeremiah tries to foil their attempts.
Around the world with Bolek and Lolek
Animated film about two young boys, Bolek and Lolek, who seek to fulfill the last will of Phileas Fogg who decided that his inheritor would be the one who made an identical round the world journey as he had done, using the means of transport generally in use in the nineteenth century. As they journey round the world, a bad character named Jeremiah tries to foil their attempts.
Porwanie Baltazara Gąbki
Bolek i Lolek wyruszają w świat
Scenario Writer
Bolek i Lolek wyruszają w świat
Corsicans (purple) and Sicilians (red) lean over their relatives' coffins. Each family promises a vendetta against the other family. A whisper saying ‘Vendetta!’ can be heard.
Corsicans (purple) and Sicilians (red) lean over their relatives' coffins. Each family promises a vendetta against the other family. A whisper saying ‘Vendetta!’ can be heard.
Bolek and Lolek repeat the legendary shot to an apple. Bolek places an apple on Lolek's head and shoots a crossbow.
Beyond the Woods, Beyond the Forest
Tales of mischief, love and marriage amidst rural workers in Poland.
Cat and Mouse
Polish short animation that plays with the idea of lineless animation vs lined animation. A lined cat chases an lineless mouse.
Cat and Mouse
Polish short animation that plays with the idea of lineless animation vs lined animation. A lined cat chases an lineless mouse.
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Dziwny sen profesora Filutka
Stefek Burczymucha
Stefek Burczymucha