Einar Kárason


Úti að aka
Einar Kárason
Authors Ólafur Gunnarsson and Einar Kárason drove through America in a 1960 model Cadillac. Alongside them were Jóhann Páll Valdimarsson, publisher and the Cadillac expert Steini í Svissinum. The trip gave them the inspiration to write a book about the trip which came out in the fall of 2006. Alot happened on this trip and the publisher Jóhann Páll wanted to write a book with the title: How to survive a mad trip with four insane guys. The book could be used for teaching in psychiatric studies.
The Viking Sagas
Himself - Best-selling Author (as Einar Karason)
Part of the BBC’s ‘Free Your Imagination: Books on the BBC’, the ‘Viking Sagas’ is a Century Films Production. This hour-long film explores how the unique literary achievements of the Saga writers were possible at a time of such immense cultural, political and religious upheaval.
Simon a mysterious man with a past returns to Iceland with the intention to end his no good life. Before he can complete his task he meets a young women DÚA who he believes might be his daughter. When she gets into trouble with the police Simon represses his death wish and decides to help her out. Together they flee to the city of Hamburg and smuggle with them what used to be the greatest export of the Vikings, an Icelandic Falcon. Their plan is to sell it to wealthy Arabs.
The Rooties
A band's and their crew's miscommunication leading them to being on the opposite sides of the country leads to comic consequences.
Devil's Island
Devil's Island is a bitter sweet tale of Iceland in the fifties. Life is rough in Reykjavik's post-war slum of Camp Thule, where the abandoned US military barracks have been turned into makeshift homes. Struggling wives and their hard-working husbands try to make ends meet. The younger generation dreams of dollars, Rock'n'Roll and the American way of life. To celebrate or to drown their misery - they're never short of a good reason to booze. Devil's Island vividly depicts the everyday life of a wacky family, their neighbours and friends and shows how some of their dreams come true and others don't.
Thor Vilhjalmsson
A documentary programme about the life and work of the Icelandic author, Thor Vilhjálmsson.
Thor Vilhjalmsson
A documentary programme about the life and work of the Icelandic author, Thor Vilhjálmsson.
White Whales
A whale-boat is making its final whaling tour of the season. It pursues and catches a whale, and then proceeds home. The men working on the boat have to find themselves different employment now that the season is over. Among the crew are two friends, Grímur and Bubbi. They are well- seasoned and experienced seamen of the kind that never puts down roots anywhere. Grímur is not the kind of man to allow much to set him off balance. When he arrives on land he heads directly for the capital where he intends to make a new start and get himself involved in the night life. With him is his faithful and rather troll-like companion, Bubbi. The film then mainly concerns itself with their efforts to make some kind of contact with what is going on in Reykjavik.