Hwang Byeong-guk

Hwang Byeong-guk

Nacimiento : 1968-08-22,


1998년 일본영화학교 졸업. 김성수 감독의 조감독 출신으로 충무로에서 오랜 경험을 쌓아오다 를 통해 데뷔했다. 2005년 부산국제영화제 폐막작으로 선정된 는 결혼하지 못한 시골 총각들의 이야기를 코믹하게 그려 특유의 우직하고 힘찬 연출 스타일을 보여주었다. 은 온, 오프라인을 넘나들며 일어나는 실시간 살인사건을 다룬 새로운 소재의 스릴러 영화. 산동네라는 변두리의 배달부와 다방 레지 등의 이야기를 통해, 사회에서 소외 받고 있는 3류 인생들의 삶과 현실을 리얼하게 그려낼 예정이다. 단편 (1997) -제23회 금관영화제 심사위원특별상(1997) -인디포럼 98 공식 상영작(1998) -미국 넥스트 프레임 학생영화제 본선(1999) M/V 조감독(1999) M/V 조감독(2000) M/V 조감독(2002)


Hwang Byeong-guk


12.12: The Day
Hwang Byeong-geun
After the assassination of President Park, martial law has been declared. A coup d’état bursts out by Defense Security Commander Chun Doo-gwang and a private band of officers following him. Capital Defense Commander Lee Tae-shin, an obstinate soldier who believes the military should not take political actions, fights against Chun Doo-gwang to stop him. The conflict between the two grows while military leaders are holding their decision and Defense Minister is gone. In the midst of chaos, the spring of Seoul that everyone longed for heads to unexpected direction.
Hitman: Agent Jun
Orphanage director
Mientras está muy borracho, un escritor de cómics sin éxito dibuja un cómic sobre su vida como un ex asesino a sueldo de NIS, y se encuentra con problemas cuando se publica en línea.
Battleship Island
Durante la época colonial japonesa, alrededor de 400 personas de Corea, que se vieron obligados a ir a la Isla Acorazado ("Isla Hashima") a extraer carbón, intentan escapar.
Asura: La Ciudad de la Locura
Detective Guk
El Detective Han Do Kyeong, que durante años en secreto ha estado haciendo el trabajo sucio para el alcalde corrupto Park Seong Bae, está ahora presionado por un fiscal implacable llamado Kim Cha que lo instiga para que coopere en una investigación contra el alcalde. Al sentirse atrapado, Han convence a su joven compañero Moon Seon Mo para hacerse cargo de su trabajo para el alcalde, pero las cosas empiezan a enredarse de manera impredecible. Como las cosas están empeorando, sólo los más malos sobreviven en este mundo del perro-come-perro.
Inside Men
Film Producer
El antiguo hombre de confianza de un político busca vengarse de él por haber sido abandonado de forma despiadada, mientras que un investigador trata de determinar las pruebas de una conexión entre ellos.
Por encima de la ley
Police Head in Charge of the Jurisdiction (uncredited)
Do-cheol, un policía veterano, se ha fijado como objetivo llevar ante la justicia a Tae-oh, heredero de una megacorporación. El problema es que su jefe le ha impedido investigarlo. Cuando un antiguo colaborador del policía se convierta en víctima de Tae-oh, Do-cheol hará de la caza del magnate una auténtica guerra.
Mad Sad Bad
Head of Department
Ryoo Seungwan, Han Jiseung, Kim Taeyong got together to make a 3D omnibus film. It's a 3D vision of terrible realities never far from popular culture today. The stages of its episodes are different with one another. Tragedies and fantasies unfold in the city, the woods, and the future. The 3D technique is used in scenes where the characters have fancies to get over suffering in reality. It's interesting to watch 3D scenes directed by representative directors of Korea, and it's noteworthy in terms of industry that this try displays the possibilities and realities of 3D film in Korea, as well. It's the new vision of KAFA's project, KAFA+
The Plan Man
Japanese researcher (uncredited)
Jung-Suk es meticulosamente previsor en su vida. También sufre de un miedo a los gérmenes y lleva varios desinfectantes con él a todas partes. Un día conoce a So-Jung, que tiene una personalidad totalmente diferente a él.
Boomerang Family
Wedding Photographer
Based on an original written by Cheon Myeong-gwan, a 48 year-old movie director moves into the house where his mother and 50 year-old brother lives until his sister moves in with her niece.
Sung-Bum (Uhm Tae-Woong) is a hot-tempered detective who relies on his intuition to crack cases. He rarely comes across a case that he cannot solve. The body of a police officer is then discovered in a burned out car near an abandoned building. Drugs are also found near the dead officer. To catch the killer the police department sets up a special investigation unit for the case. Sung-Bum takes part in the investigation. Ho-Ryong (Joo Won) is a young, confident man who works as a criminal profiler. He trained with the F.B.I. in the United States. Ho-Ryong is also assigned to the special investigation unit. Ho-Ryong relies on evidence rather than instinct. Detective Sung-Bum takes an immediate dislike for Ho-Ryong.
Ghost (Be with Me)
Student leader
Tres historias que se cuentan cuando a tres chicas les interpretan sus cartas del tarot. Todo comienza cuando un estudiante empieza a ver y hablar con el fantasma de una joven estudiante muerta años atrás. Hasta entonces, algunos incidentes han sucedido en el lugar causando el terror entre los alumnos. El fantasma persigue a su primer amor al que no puede olvidar, y le pide ayuda al único chico que la puede ver. Una chica entra en un aula abandonada, donde encuentra a un niño moribundo. Dos chicas que fueron las mejores amigas, serán separadas y prometen llevar su amistad más allá de la muerte.
Wedding Campaign
A 38-year-old single man, Hong Man-Taek is a petty farmer still living with his mother. Seeing a neighbor married to an Uzbekistan bride and frightened by the fact that his own grandson will never get married, Man-Taek's grandfather decides to send Man-tek to Uzbekistan to find a bride.