Dragos Bucur

Dragos Bucur

Nacimiento : 1977-06-13, Bucharest, Romania


Dragoş Bucur (born June 13, 1977) is a Romanian actor.


Dragos Bucur
Dragos Bucur
Dragos Bucur
Dragos Bucur


Oana Pfifer, a young therapist visibly distracted by some unknown reasons, is slipping little by little inside the net of the questionnaire she is supposed to submit to her patient. Mihai Dumitru, Oana’s younger brother, worrying about the preparations of his anniversary and not realizing how inappropriate his demands are, is stuck in a story far bigger than what he can handle. Septimiu Pfifer, Oana’s husband, concerned about his health regarding a possible Covid-19 contamination, is vaguely listening to a strange story his ambulance colleague was caught inside long ago, while waiting for the next emergency call. Narcis Patranescu, an organized crime inspector, perturbed by the recent death of one of his colleagues, is on the grip of an unsettling dark story while interrogating a young woman during a funeral. Four short moments in time that are capturing the wanderings of a bunch of errant souls stuck at the crossroads of history.
Oana Pfifer, a young therapist visibly distracted by some unknown reasons, is slipping little by little inside the net of the questionnaire she is supposed to submit to her patient. Mihai Dumitru, Oana’s younger brother, worrying about the preparations of his anniversary and not realizing how inappropriate his demands are, is stuck in a story far bigger than what he can handle. Septimiu Pfifer, Oana’s husband, concerned about his health regarding a possible Covid-19 contamination, is vaguely listening to a strange story his ambulance colleague was caught inside long ago, while waiting for the next emergency call. Narcis Patranescu, an organized crime inspector, perturbed by the recent death of one of his colleagues, is on the grip of an unsettling dark story while interrogating a young woman during a funeral. Four short moments in time that are capturing the wanderings of a bunch of errant souls stuck at the crossroads of history.
Un policía investiga el caso de un célebre pianista desaparecido desde hace varios días. La investigación revela el destino turbulento del artista, sus extrañas relaciones y las decisiones que llevaron a un giro dramático de los acontecimientos.
Doing Money
A young Romanian woman is snatched in broad daylight from a London street, trafficked to Ireland and used as a sex slave in a series of pop-up brothels. Her shocking true story offers a tense and thought-provoking thriller exposing how, in modern Britain, slavery can hide in plain sight.
Bloody Marie
Marie Wankelmut, once successful comic artist, lives among the prostitutes in Amsterdam's Red Light District. Nowadays drunken and bold, she gets into one conflict after another. A gruesome sobering event at her neighbors, forces her to take action.
Hawaii is a story on the struggle of inheriting $3 million in communist-era Romania when owning $1 could mean losing your freedom and touches on the theme of how money could buy if not happiness, at least the freedom to choose unhappiness.
Andrei Florescu
Hawaii is a story on the struggle of inheriting $3 million in communist-era Romania when owning $1 could mean losing your freedom and touches on the theme of how money could buy if not happiness, at least the freedom to choose unhappiness.
Two Lottery Tickets
Tres hombres de una ciudad de provincias se encuentran en una situación de necesidad económica, por lo que deciden comprar un boleto de lotería. Tras ganar, pronto descubrirán que los boletos han sido robados.
Two Lottery Tickets
Vasile Gramada aka Sile
Tres hombres de una ciudad de provincias se encuentran en una situación de necesidad económica, por lo que deciden comprar un boleto de lotería. Tras ganar, pronto descubrirán que los boletos han sido robados.
Roman, un joven de ciudad, va a un pueblo aislado de la región de Dobrogea, cerca de la frontera con Ucrania, para vender el terreno que le ha dejado en herencia su abuelo recientemente fallecido. Roman descubrirá que su abuelo era un poderoso gángster y que la tierra que pretende vender está siendo usada por criminales para sus trapicheos. Roman pronto se dará cuenta de que sus intenciones de vender el terreno le han convertido en el blanco de estos individuos.
Manhunt: Escape to the Carpathians
A breathless criminal hunt, which leads into the remote mountain world of Romania, with the portrait of a foreign country, which has remained standing in time. Hanna Landauer and Sven Schröder are part of a special unit of the LKA, which traps fugitives across the borders to the remotest corners of the world.
El amor es una historia
Near by Christmas, in an old and charming town in Transylvania, Sebastian and Aprilia start a beautiful love story. However, nothing is as simple as it would seem. Being influenced by three men with strong personalities, Aprilia needs to find the balance between adulthood and the choices of a young girl's heart. It's Christmas time and life holds for this talented beautiful girl only the presents that she is strong enough to grab.
Alt Love Building
Nine couples attend a weekend retreat to mend their troubled relationships, only to find their counselors need more help than they do.
A mysterious wanderer (Isaach De Bankolé) settles into a strange homestead on the parched Hungarian plains populated by an odd assortment of outcasts, in this stunning, dreamlike reverie from ambitious director Szabolcs Hajdu.
Monica Came Back
While standing in front of her boyfriend's apartment, Monica hears him having sex with another girl. Suddenly, everything appears clear for her. Or not.
Dying from a Wound of Love
A couple who've just split up each attempt suicide.
¡Vaya patrulla!
Ben trabaja como vigilante de una escuela de secundaria. Solo tiene un propósito: casarse con Ángela. Sus planes se ven truncados cuando se da cuenta de que antes debe conseguir la aprobación de James, el sobreprotector hermano de Ángela, un agente condecorado del departamento de policía de Atlanta. Para demostrar su valentía, Ben decide unirse al departamento de su cuñado y, aunque consigue superar las pruebas, tendrá que pasar la prueba más dura: acompañar a James en una patrulla de 24 horas por los suburbios de la ciudad.
An affluent city is covered in snow, all seems perfect – on the surface. Divorcé Rolf is doing his best to rebuild his relationship with his daughter. Pregnant Lena appears to be living a faultless family life with her husband and son. Social worker Judith has a tough job and escapes it through her fantasies, whilst widowed Maria has finally built up the courage to invite her male acquaintance to a romantic dinner. In the course of one day, all of them will cross paths with the Bulgarian Mia, who works in the red-light trade and their seemingly perfect lives will never be the same…
Love Building
Love Building is a comedy about a camp designed to mend broken relationships. 14 couples try to break the deadlock and rebuild their love, with the help of three psychotherapists and trainers. The program lasts for 7 days and the participants go through different stages of redesigning their love lives. But the three trainers meant to assist them have problems of their own and things gradually get out of hand. In an ongoing search for the "happily ever after”, one question pops up: "Can love be fixed in seven days?”
Love Building
Silviu Soare
Love Building is a comedy about a camp designed to mend broken relationships. 14 couples try to break the deadlock and rebuild their love, with the help of three psychotherapists and trainers. The program lasts for 7 days and the participants go through different stages of redesigning their love lives. But the three trainers meant to assist them have problems of their own and things gradually get out of hand. In an ongoing search for the "happily ever after”, one question pops up: "Can love be fixed in seven days?”
Two brothers, who haven't spoken in years, meet at their mother's funeral where they must deal with their mourning family, their obligations as sons and their own feelings of loss.
Ho Ho Ho 2: O loterie de familie
Ho Ho Ho2: A Family Lottery is a Christmas movie about Ema (Patricia Poslusnic), a child who still believes that dreams can come true. Ema lives in an orphanage run by Ioana (Andreea Marin Banica), a bitter woman who doesn't like children. One day, while the girl is playing in the orphanage's courtyard with her friends, she finds a lottery ticket. The good news is that she won the jackpot but unfortunately only an adult can claim the prize and the deadline expires in one week. Since she can't trust anybody, Ema decides to escape from the orphanage, find the ideal family to adopt her and cash out the cheque. Her friends and Vlad (Dragos Bucur), a police officer, help her with this adventure. This is when Ema realizes the true meaning of family and friendship
Chasing rainbows
instructor calculatoare
A story about the illusion of getting rich in Romania. In a country where stories of striking it rich are everywhere, anyone thinks such a thing is not only possible, but it's easily achievable. The storyline follows two destinies: one is of a young couple, Marius and Cosmina. Marius wrote an imaginary name on a lottery promotion ticket just to drag Cosmina. And the draw makes him the winner. The other is of two adults. Because of their lack of knowledge when it comes to modern technology, they get fooled by e-mail spam, fall for a false online lottery and loose their last savings. The stories meet at the end, when they loose all hope and refuse their only chance of getting rich. Finally we realize that the illusion of becoming rich puts ordinary people in extraordinary situations.
El cuarto estado
Un periodista descubre una trama terrorista en Moscú mientras investigaba al servicio secreto ruso.
The Godmother
Radu Prodan
Jennifer is an American who lives in Romania. Radu Prodan is married and with it has a very intelligent boy of 10 years. Jennifer is a teacher of literature in Bucharest. Located at a baptism as NASA, the police arrest her husband and so was the fact her husband has a business that consists of money laundering. Due to restrictions of law, not allowed to leave the country. Jennifer, NASA, trying hard to find a solution to solve all problems.
Camino a la libertad
Adaptación de 'The Long k: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom' de Slavomir Rawicz. El protagonista narra en primera persona cómo, tras la invasión de Polonia por los alemanes (1939), fue arrestado por el ejército soviético y encarcelado en Siberia; cómo, después, consiguió escapar del gulag (campos de concentración de la Unión Soviética) en compañía de otros presos y, finalmente, cómo huyendo a pie llegaron desde Siberia al Himalaya, al desierto del Gobi y, atravesando el Tibet, acabaron estableciéndose en la India. Recientemente, varios historiadores han puesto en duda la veracidad de esta historia.
Martes, después de Navidad
Paul y Adriana están casados desde hace diez años y tienen una hija de ocho. Desde hace seis meses, Paul mantiene una relación extraconyugal con la dentista Raluca. Antes de Navidad, Paul, que intenta distribuir su tiempo entre su amante, la compra de regalos y las veladas en familia, decide llevar a su hija al consultorio de Raluca. Un imprevisto en la agenda de Adriana provoca un encuentro entre las dos mujeres, situación que colocará a Paul frente a una difícil elección.
Police, Adjective
A cop named Cristi must go undercover to trail teen Victor who is suspected of selling pot in the north-eastern city of Vasliu.
The Other Irene
Security guard Aurel (Andi Vasluianu) and his wife Irene have a moderately happy marriage and a moderately comfortable lifestyle in urban Romania. Irene takes a working trip to Cairo and returns invigorated with the swell of success. She sets out again and never returns. What follows is both predictable and unpredictable. Aurel, and the audience, are suspicious of the official explanation of her death so the foundation is laid for the traditional who-dunnit. Aurel proceeds on an emotional search against all odds.
Summer Holiday
Bogdan Ciocazanu
On his spring break at the seaside, with his wife and his four year old son, Bogdan Ciocazanu runs into his best friends from high-school at the precise date and time that reminds all of them of their most glorious drinking trips and sexual escapades of their younger days. Frustrated that, between his job and his family, time is no longer his to manage and play with, Boogie now takes his shock dosage of freedom and spends a night to tick off all the items on the map of his youth (drinking, games, flirting, prostitutes). In the morning, after the disillusionment of the remake he experiences with his former friends, he returns to his wife.
El hombre sin edad
En vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), la vida de Dominic Matei (Tim Roth), un anciano profesor, sufre una extraña transformación: tras ser alcanzado por un rayo, no sólo sigue vivo, sino que rejuvenece. Este hecho despierta el interés de los nazis, que pretenden servirse de él para sus investigaciones y experimentos. Dominic se ve entonces obligado a huir y a adoptar una nueva identidad. Convertido en un fugitivo, vagará por diversos países y conocerá a Verónica (Alexandra Maria Lara), una mujer idéntica a Laura, el gran amor de su vida.
După ea
Stefan is a young manager in a big advertising agency, happily married and having a young daughter. He suddenly falls in love with a woman he sees on the street, at a light stop. His life changes completely as he is desperately trying to find the woman of his dreams. —Cristina Oprescu
The Paper Will Be Blue
Out of enthusiasm, a Militia soldier abandons his platoon and decides to fight for the cause of the Revolution. His Lieutenant and the rest of the crew look for him during the confused night of 22-23 December 1989.
La muerte del Sr. Lazarescu
El señor Lazarescu es viudo y vive solo en un apartamento con sus tres gatos. Su hija Bianca se marchó a vivir a Canadá. Una noche, el solitario anciano se siente mal y llama a una ambulancia. Lo llevan a un hospital, y desde allí a otro y a otro más, pero en ninguno pueden atenderlo. Mientras tanto, su estado de salud se va agravando rápidamente.
Crash Test Dummies
Rumäne mit Uhr
Ana and Nicolae, a young Romanian couple, travel by bus from Bucharest to Vienna with the prospect of making quick money by handing over a stolen car. As soon as they arrive, however, they are reassured that the car is not yet ready for them. Ana then wants to go back to Romania, Nicolae would rather travel further west. They are stuck penniless in Vienna.
Mi nombre es Modesty: Una aventura de Modesty Blaise
Narra las aventuras de Modesty Blaise, una atractiva espía, experta en el engaño, que busca venganza. Quedándose huérfana de niña y siendo acogida por el dueño de un casino, Modesty aprendió pronto las técnicas de la lucha, el robo y el espionaje. Cuando se hizo mayor, se convirtió en la guardaespaldas del propietario del casino pero no pudo evitar que un enemigo de éste acabara con su vida. Ahora, deberá vengarse del asesino de su padrastro.
Liviu's Dream
A strange dream forgotten in the morning and an unaccountable feeling cause Liviu to look with resignation upon the world he's living in. His awakening to reality may coincide with the birth of his child ...
The Rage
In a city full of "manele", drugs and illegal car races you don't survive unless you know how to pay. Sometimes with other's lives. Young people today are trying to adapt to a world without consciousness, a world of money, unscrupulous businesses. A film-adrenaline with accents of black humor, irony at the society which is run by large rubble and where life is just a currency.
Telephone Number Temporarily Suspended
Short film by Romanian director.
El camino de las buenas intenciones
A young man from Constanța who has his own business aims to expand, but he doesn't have the resources.
Popcorn Story
A story about the magic of cinema. A popcorn bag hiding the "stuff" is lost by the drug dealers and gets to Zet, an innocent guy who finds "magic" cinema by chance and suddenly falls in love with Lili, the girl who's selling popcorn. Another weird guy shows up and ruins all plans.
Last Stop Paradise
Mitu and Elena get to know each other in the course of a vodka drinking contest and discover that they are both dissatisfied with the status quo. Mitu is about to begin military service and Elena is to be married to a man she does not love. They decide they are meant for each other and plan on a different future, one that is on a collision course with the authorities, and start a mad affair.