Set in Thom Rom; a poor coastal village in South Vietnam, the film centers on three women, whose love lives are unusual and unique to their nature. Their story is the contrast between the unsettling sentiments beneath and the pretentious peacefulness on the surface.
Stories told along the river: a woman reunites with her ex-lover at a hydroelectric plant; meanwhile, a young man travels downstream to a temple in search of a cure for his insomnia.
Mây, a fourteen year-old girl is being married as the third wife to a rich landowner in the late 19th century Northern Vietnam. A black & white version of The Third Wife with no dialogue and new music.
En el Vietnam rural del siglo XIX, la joven May, de 14 años, se convierte en la tercera esposa del adinerado hacendado Hung. Pronto aprenderá que solo puede mejorar su posición reafirmándose como una mujer capaz de dar a luz a un varón. Cuando se queda embarazada, las esperanzas que tiene May de ascender en la escala social se convierten en una tentadora posibilidad. Enfrentada al amor prohibido y a sus devastadoras consecuencias, May finalmente comienza a aceptar la brutal verdad: sus opciones son escasas y limitadas.
Linh, the recipient of a heart transplant, begins having nightmares and visions leading to a house in the remote countryside. She begins to believe that the previous owner of the heart, a former resident of the house, wants her to uncover the secrets of her death.