María Inés Pintado


50 O Dos Ballenas Se Encuentran En La Playa
Dos jóvenes de 17 años, Félix y Elisa, se conocen jugando al juego de la ballena azul, se enamoran y deciden asumir juntos el desafío final del juego: el suicidio.
A sus 12 años, Camila atraviesa por un momento complicado. Es una niña que interactúa poco con sus compañeros, vive algo retraída y encuentra refugio en el arte en general y en su cuaderno de dibujos en particular. Está triste, y su incapacidad para explicar esa tristeza es algo que desconcertará sobremanera a los adultos que la rodean.
Bewildered, Carlos awakens from a nightmare stalked by Death. The dream has a foreboding message, which is not entirely clear to him. Carlos decides to challenge his destiny and face the consequences, but his evil doing ends up shaping his own fate and that of those around him. Macabre by choice, Carlos attempts to tip the scales by changing the course of the plot designed by the gods. In this story,the unsettling city of Mexico is the backdropthat reveals psychological and human postures characteristic of a big city. It is a story where individuals who change their destiny with masks and opportunism manipulate morality, religion and reason for selfish personal gain.