René Louge


The Killing Game
Two cartoonists meet a playboy who lives out the fantasies created in their cartoons. He hires them to create a new comic strip. As they work on the new strip, the playboy begins to live it out. Unfortunately, the new strip deals with murder.
Sound Engineer
With ghostly eyes looking through the winter landscapes of the plains and villages of Ain, where the sanctified priest the Curé of Ars once lived, Jacques Demy tried to understand this fighter for communal spirituality and his daily torments of mysticism.
Winter Carousel
A small group of animals gathers around a frozen pond. The animals then play together on the ice and in the snow. Later, when the season changes, they look for new ways of passing the time.
Nez au vent
A bear, a rabbit and a fox decide to form a band and play for the animals of the forest.
Terreur en Oklahoma
Sound Engineer
Las damas del bosque de Bolonia
Sound Engineer
Hélène tiene la desagradable impresión de que su amante, Jean, se le escapa. Mediante artimañas se entera, para su consternación, de que Jean ya no la ama. Herida, Hélène decide vengarse y pone en marcha un meticuloso plan. Organiza a Jean un encuentro con Agnès, una atractiva bailarina de cabaret a la que ha tomado bajo su protección. Como Hélène había previsto, el plan funciona perfectamente y Jean se enamora inmediatamente de la joven. Consciente de su difícil pasado, Agnès confiesa, en una carta escrita a Jean, que sólo es una chica perdida. Pero Jean se niega a leer la carta...
The Secret of Madame Clapain
Madame Clapain dies in dubious circumstances at the home of the Cadifon ladies, of which she was a tenant. A friendly inspector and Thérèse Cadifon each carry out their own investigation.
Los ángeles del pecado
Anne-Marie, una acaudalada joven, cree que ha encontrado su verdadera vocación al ingresar como novicia en un convento de monjas dominicas, que se dedica a la rehabilitación de mujeres delincuentes. La muchacha siente una extraña fascinación por Thérèse, acusada injustamente de homicidio, e intenta convencerla para que tome los hábitos y se arrepienta de sus pecados. Thérèse insiste en su inocencia, pero, cuando es puesta en libertad, asesina a balazos al autor del crimen por el que la encarcelaron y se refugia en el convento. Allí, no revela a nadie su secreto, mientras la investigación de la policía sigue su implacable curso.
The Count of Monte Cristo Part 2 - The Retaliation
Sound Director
Having found the fabulous treasure of which Abbé Faria had spoken to him, Dantès has only one idea left: revenge. He will succeed patiently, but will not however have the heart to break the poor Mercedes. Then he will leave for the East, accompanied by a lovely Levantine, Haydé, who served him to accomplish his revenge.
Love Letters
Sound Designer
A plucky businesswoman agrees to receive love letters to a prefect’s wife from a young official, and soon finds herself embroiled in a scandal that inflames a town’s class tensions.