Director of Photography
In a crowded subway train, a woman pushes a man. They argue. Their little joust "barks loudly", but does not lack charm... Later, in the corridors of the station, the two strangers make love awkwardly in the booth of a photo booth. At last, on the surface, they will say goodbye...
Additional Camera
Sigue la vida de la artista Nan Goldin y su activismo contra la dinastía farmacéutica de los Sackler, responsables de la mayor epidemia de opioides de la historia de Estados Unidos.
Is it possible to replicate the human brain on a computer? To connect it to machines? Research aimed at understanding the functioning of our biological brain is being matched by spectacular progress in the development of artificial intelligence.
Director of Photography
An impressive visual and sonorous experience through the meanders of the Danube, from its delta in the Black Sea to Serbia, in search of the gypsy people (or the Roma) and their music and culture.
Two channel video by Éponine Momenceau in collaboration with Soundwalk Collective
Director of Photography
Un hombre huye de la guerra civil en Sri Lanka y, para conseguir que Francia le conceda el derecho de asilo, hace pasar por su familia a una mujer y a una niña. Una vez allí, encuentra trabajo como guardián de un edificio en un barrio problemático de las afueras. A pesar de que no hablan francés, se adaptan progresivamente a su nuevo país. Al mismo tiempo, el hombre y la mujer acaban enamorándose. Finalmente, el tráfico de drogas impulsará al hombre a salir de su aislamiento y a tomar partido.
Waves Become Wings is the transformed reality of a girls' basketball game where it is a question of extracting and emphasizing the beauty of body language and movements from a sporting reality. Offer it a new dimension through treatment particular to image and sound. Exploiting the aesthetic and fictional potential of a situation who has a documentary source and question the viewer's perception by this vision voluntarily transformed and altered by the rate of registration. Play on a gap or even an anachronism between the evocation of images and reality from which they are extracted.
A three screen video installation by Eponine Momenceau