Tadanobu Asano

Tadanobu Asano

Nacimiento : 1973-11-27, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Tadanobu Asano, born Tadanobu Sato (born November 27, 1973) is a Japanese actor. He is known for his roles as Dragon Eye Morrison in Electric Dragon 80.000 V, Kakihara in Ichi the Killer, Mamoru Arita in Bright Future, Hattori Genosuke in Zatoichi, Kenji in Last Life in the Universe, Aman in Survive Style 5+, Ayano in The Taste of Tea, and Temudjin in Mongol. Most recently, Asano appeared as Hogun in the film Thor, based on the Marvel Comics character.


Tadanobu Asano


The Box Man
Fake Doctor
It follows a nameless man who gives up his identity to live with a large cardboard box over his head, encountering a range of characters as he wanders the streets of Tokyo.
Kuboshima Seiichiro
A story about how Kuboshima Seiichiro overcomes various difficulties to open Mugonkan, an art museum in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, featuring artworks by students before they were sent to fight in WWII.
Thor: Love and Thunder
Hogun (archive footage) (uncredited)
El Dios del Trueno emprende un viaje que no se parece en nada a lo que se ha enfrentado hasta ahora: una búsqueda de la paz interior. Pero el retiro de Thor se ve interrumpido por un asesino galáctico conocido como Gorr el Carnicero de Dioses. Para hacer frente a la amenaza, Thor solicita la ayuda de Valkiria, de Korg y de su ex novia Jane Foster que, para sorpresa de Thor, empuña su martillo mágico, Mjolnir, como la Poderosa Thor. Juntos, se embarcan en una aventura cósmica en la que tendrán que descubrir el misterio de la venganza del Carnicero de Dioses y detenerlo antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Tras ser envenenada sin remedio, una implacable criminal tiene menos de 24 horas para vengarse de sus enemigos y, durante el proceso, se forma un vínculo inesperado con la hija de una de sus víctimas anteriores.
Mortal Kombat
Lord Raiden
Un boxeador fracasado descubre un secreto familiar que lo lleva a un torneo místico llamado Mortal Kombat donde se encuentra con un grupo de guerreros que luchan hasta la muerte para salvar los reinos del malvado hechicero Shang Tsung.
Detective Chinatown 3
Tras la emoción de Bangkok primero y luego de Nueva York, se lleva a cabo un gran caso de asesinato en Tokio. Los maestros detectives del barrio chino Tangren (Wang Baoqiang) y Qinfeng (Liu Haoren) están invitados a abordar el misterio. Además de la emoción, están los otros detectives en la lista internacional de detectives de CRIMASTER, así como el rango superior actual, Q. Sin embargo, otra divertida batalla de ingenio está lista para tener lugar ...
El fotógrafo de Minamata
Tatsuo Matsumura
El fotógrafo de guerra W. Eugene Smith regresa a Japón a documentar los efectos devastadores del envenenamiento por mercurio en las comunidades costeras japonesas.
Rear Admiral Tamon Yamaguchi
1942, Segunda Guerra Mundial. Después del devastador ataque sorpresa que destruyó Pearl Harbor, la Armada Imperial Japonesa se prepara para un nuevo ataque. Pero el Almirante Nimitz y Dick Best, el mejor piloto de la armada estadounidense, preparan un contraataque al imponente ejército japonés. Dick encabezará un ataque masivo que hará que Japón se dé cuenta de su error. Una decisión que cambió el curso de la historia para siempre. Mientras estos dos titánicos enemigos emprenden una letal batalla para cambiar el rumbo de la guerra, todas las miradas se vuelcan hacia la remota isla de Midway, donde una serie de impactantes ataques aéreos y marítimos pondrán a prueba la potencia y la fortaleza de ambas naciones.
Labyrinth Of Cinema
The only movie theater on the Onomichi seafront is about to close its doors. Its last night of screenings will be an all-night marathon of Japanese war films. When lightning strikes the theater, three young men in the audience find themselves thrown back in time into the world inside the screen.
Wolf's Calling
A girl finds an old handgun in her attic and the symbolic object conjures a mystical scene of samurai (a stellar cast of actors joined by the 20-person Edo punk band Seppuku Pistols, who also provide the soundtrack) gathering within the moss-grown location of Kasosan Shrine in Tochigi Prefecture.
They Say Nothing Stays The Same
Regular customer
Toichi es un barquero que transporta a los aldeanos a un pueblo al otro lado del río. Además de pilotar un bote para los aldeanos durante todo el día, apenas tiene comunicación con los demás, excepto con Genzo, un joven vecino. Aguas arriba, se está construyendo un gran puente. Todo el mundo está emocionado, pero Toichi tiene sentimientos encontrados al respecto. Un día, Toichi conoce a una misteriosa joven. Como no tiene familia ni lugar a donde ir, Toichi le deja quedarse con él, pero este encuentro comienza a traer cambios en la vida de Toichi.
Chiwawa is a popular girl. One day, her dismembered body is found in Tokyo Bay. Chiwawa's friends gather to remember her, but they realize they do not know anything about her background or even her real name.
Kingo Habuta
Kasane Fuchi es hija de una bella y legendaria actriz. Kasane también tiene excelentes habilidades de actuación, pero no es atractiva. Ella lo pasa mal debido a su falta de atractivo. Kasane tiene un lápiz labial dejado por su difunta madre. La barra de labios tiene un poder extraño. Siempre que Kasane aplica el lápiz labial y besa a alguien, toma la cara de esa persona. Mientras tanto, Nina Tanzawa es una hermosa actriz con pocas habilidades de actuación. Conoce a Kasane Fuchi y sus destinos cambian.
Punk Samurai Slash Down
Hanro Chayama
Junoshin Kake is a ronin. To get hired by the Kurokaze Han, he lies and tells them that a religious group is trying to destroy them. He gets hired by the Kurokaze Han, but they learn that Junoshin Kake lied. Junoshin Kake is given the death sentence and he must think of an escape plan.
The Bastard and the Beautiful World
The Bastard and the Beautiful World is an omnibus film consisting of four episodes. Fujiko is running as fast as she can, being chased after by a creepy masked man called Mad Dog. They meet a talented pianist on the way. A mysterious relationship develops between Utagui, a little girl who eats songs to live and an artist who can't sing anymore. A married couple sets off on a journey to find the right arm of their dead son. As they finally reach a beach in Okinawa, they find? Bastards come together on a night dancefloor for a show.
The Outsider
Un soldado estadounidense encarcelado en el Japón de la posguerra entra en el oscuro mundo de la yakuza y adopta su estilo de vida como pago por su libertad.
The Brand New Legend of the Stardust Brothers
A sequel to the 1980 movie The Legend of the Stardust Brothers. As well as being a rock musical comedy, it also borrows elements from other genres such as road movies, westerns, and meta fiction.
Thor: Ragnarok
Thor está preso al otro lado del universo sin su poderoso martillo y se enfrenta a una carrera contra el tiempo. Su objetivo es volver a Asgard y parar el Ragnarok porque significaría la destrucción de su planeta natal y el fin de la civilización Asgardiana a manos de una todopoderosa y nueva amenaza, la implacable Hela. Pero, primero deberá sobrevivir a una competición letal de gladiadores que lo enfrentará a su aliado y compañero en los Vengadores, ¡el Increíble Hulk!
Dear Etranger
Makoto Tanaka
Makoto Tanaka is 40-years-old and has remarried. His wife is Nanae and they care for 2 daughters from Nanae's prior marriage. Makoto tries to have an ordinary family. Nanae then becomes pregnant. Afterwards, things begin to change among the family members.
Shinjuku Swan II
Masaki Taki
Tatsuhiko Shiratori works as a scout, recruiting girls to work in the adult entertainment business. He movies to Yokohama from Shinjuku, Tokyo. He comes into conflict with Masaki Taki who is the CEO of a scout company.
Dos sacerdotes jesuitas, Sebastião Rodrigues y Francis Garrpe, viajan al Japón del siglo XVII que, bajo el shogunato Tokugawa, prohibió el catolicismo y casi todos los contactos extranjeros. Allí son testigos de la persecución de los cristianos japoneses a manos de su propio gobierno que desea purgar Japón de toda influencia occidental. Eventualmente los sacerdotes se separan y Rodrigues viaja por el campo, preguntándose por qué Dios permanece en silencio mientras Sus hijos sufren.
The Wasted Times
Shanghai gangsters grapple with lust and loyalty on the eve of war with Japan as they try to navigate an alliance with the enemy's army.
Sotaro Yasaka
En un discreto suburbio japonés, Toshio y su esposa Akié llevan una vida tranquila junto con su hija. Una mañana, un viejo amigo de Toshio llega a su taller, después de haber pasado diez años en la cárcel. Para sorpresa de Akié, Toshio le ofrece trabajo y alojamiento. Poco a poco, el recién llegado se va entrometiendo en la vida de la familia, enseña a la niña a tocar el harmonium y se acerca cada vez más a Akié. (FILMAFFINITY)
Nagasaki: Recuerdos de mi hijo
Nobuko trabaja en Nagasaki como comadrona. Su hijo murió tres años atrás a causa de la bomba atómica. En el aniversario de la misma, el día 9 de Agosto, su hijo se le aparece de nuevo.
Movie contains the stories of three people: Suzuki (Toma Ikuta), Kujira (Tadanobu Asano) and Semi (Ryosuke Yamada). Suzuki is a former middle school teacher. His girlfriend was killed, which led him to quit his job and attempt to take revenge on her murderer. To do so, Suzuki has to infiltrate the underground world of criminals. Kujira is a contract killer for hire. He makes his targets fall into confusion and eventually commit suicide. Semi is a contract killer who uses the knife to take out his targets.
Viaje hacia la orilla
Desaparecido en el mar, a Yusuke, marido de Mizuki, se le había dado por muerto durante 3 años. De repente, un día vuelve a casa y le pregunta a Mizuki si quiere ir de viaje con él. El trayecto consistirá en ir visitando a todas las personas que ayudaron a Yusuke en su viaje anterior, aquel en el que se le dio por muerto. Mientras viajan juntos, Mizuki siente en primera persona todo lo que Yusuke hizo en esos tres años.
Parásito. Parte 2
Segunda parte de uno de los mangas más aclamados de la historia. Sinichi ha sido capaz de aprender a vivir con uno de sus parásitos en su mano derecha y ahora se siente con la obligación de ayudar al resto del mundo a combatir contra estas criaturas. El destino de la Tierra está en juego y Sinichi junto a su parásito lucharán contra el resto de criaturas extraterrestres. He aquí uno de los manga más aclamados de la historia, en dos películas y en manos de uno de los directores más exitosos del cine nipón.
Parásito. Parte 1
La Tierra es invadida por unos seres extraterrestres que se introducen en el cerebro de los humanos tomando control de sus cuerpos. Un adolescente impide que se finalice el proceso cuando uno de estos alienígenas se introduce en su mano, terminando como parásito de su cuerpo en una relación en la que ambos tienen sus personalidades intactas. Juntos, lucharán contra el resto de parásitos que devoran humanos.
Ruined Heart: Another Love Story Between a Criminal & a Whore
The Criminal
Somewhere in Manila, a crime boss rules with an iron fist. To his most loyal henchman he gives the task of guarding his woman. Before long, she falls in love with the henchman, and the star-crossed lovers decide to leave town. Fighting ensues. It is while on the run that they finally get to know each other for the first time.
Flowers of Taipei: Taiwan New Cinema
En 1982 un pequeño grupo de cineastas taiwaneses reinventó el cine asiático, entre ellos, Hou Hsiao-Hsien y Edward Yang. Viajar desde Europa a América Latina a Asia, Flowers of Taipei se propone evaluar la influencia global del nuevo cine de Taiwán.
Lupin y el corazón púrpura de Cleopatra
Koichi Zenigata
Lupin, el nieto del famoso ladrón de guante blanco Arsenio Lupin, tendrá que robar el "Corazón Púrpura de Cleopatra", una famosa joya tan poderosa que se dice que quien la posea, controlará el mundo. Para ello, Lupin tendráq ue organizar un equpo de compañeros de primer nivel: un maestro con las armas, un experto samurái y una letal y sexy ladrona. Todo ello mientrase s perseguido sin descanso por el Inspector Zenigata, quien ha jurado no descansar hasta verle entre rejas.
My Man (Watashi no otoko)
Jungo Kusarino
Tras perderlo todo en una catástrofe provocada por un tsunami, la niña de diez años Hana es adoptada por un pariente lejano de 26 años de edad, Jungo Kusarino. La pareja vive como padre e hija compartiendo un profundo sentimiento de pérdida. Entre las profundas nieves de Hokkaido, Jungo y Hana tratan de llenar sus vacíos corazones hambrientos de amor entrando en un mundo prohibido.
Nicky, la aprendiz de bruja
Teacher Itsu
Como manda la tradición de las brujas, al cumplir los 13 años Nicky se ve obligada a abandonar su hogar durante un año entero para desarrollar al completo sus poderes y aprender a usarlos para ayudar a los demás. Montada en su escoba voladora y acompañada por su fiel gato Jiji, Nicky pondrá rumbo a Koriko, un pequeño pueblo costero donde vivirá increíbles aventuras y hará grandes amistades. Pero también tendrá que hacer frente a las dificultades de ser una bruja y tener poderes que la hacen diferente del resto de personas.
La leyenda del samurái (47 Ronin)
Lord Kira
La película es una adaptación de la famosa "Leyenda de los 47 ronin", que ya ha sido adaptada a la pantalla en varias ocasiones y que es considerada en Japón como una leyenda nacional, y pone de manifiesto el código de honor samurái por excelencia: el Bushido. Nos encontramos en el siglo XVII, en el Japón feudal. Kai (Keanu Reeves, 'The Matrix') es un paria que se une al líder de los 47 Ronin, 47 guerreros sin amo que tuvieron que convertirse en outsiders después de que su señor fuera obligado a cometer sepukku (suicidio al estilo samurái), Oishi (Hiroyuki Sanada, 'El ocaso del samurái'). Juntos lucharán por vengarse del traidor que mató a su señor y les condenó al destierro. Para restablecer el honor a su tierra natal, los guerreros se lanzan a una búsqueda plagada de duras pruebas capaces de destruir a cualquiera.
The Kiyosu Conference
Toshiie Maeda
After the forced suicide of Nobunaga Oda at the Incident at Honnō-ji, powerful figures Katsuie Shibata, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Nagahide Niwa and Tsuneoki Ikeda meet to decide on a successor. The conference would become Japan's first group made political decision. The meeting was known as the Kiyosu Kaigi.
Thor: el mundo oscuro
Thor lucha por restablecer el orden en el cosmos, pero una antigua raza liderada por el vengativo Malekith regresa con el propósito de volver a sumir el universo en la oscuridad. Se trata de un villano con el que ni siquiera Odín y Asgard se atreven a enfrentarse; por esa razón, Thor tendrá que emprender un viaje muy peligroso, durante el cual se reunirá con Jane Foster y la obligará a sacrificarlo todo para salvar el mundo.
Fly with the Gold
Kota (Satoshi Tsumabuki) hears about an impending 1.5 billion yen gold bar heist from his friend Kitagawa (Tadanobu Asano), a former college classmate, and decides to take part. The gold bar sits in the basement of the HQ of Sumita Bank. Helping Kota and Kitagawa are bank security employee Noda (Kenta Kiritani), a North Korean spy pretending to be a college student (Shim Chang-Min), Kitagawa's younger brother Haruki (Junpei Mizobata) and a former elevator engineer (Toshiyuki Nishida). These 6 men are about to carry the boldest of schemes to bypass the bank's high-tech defense system.
The Terminal Trust
Noriyuki Takai
Shinzo Egi is an asthma sufferer who does not want to be place on life support. As a last request, Shinzo Egi asks his doctor Ayano Orii if she could follow his wish. Doctor Ayano Orii is then questioned in a criminal case because of her decision.
A prison officer hands in his resignation after his wife's death, to drive to the port where she wants her ashes scattered at sea. Eiji (Ken Takakura) works as a prison officer in Hokuriku. At the age of 53 Eiji loses his wife who he loved the most. Eiji then receives a letter from his dead wife which requests that her ashes be spread by in the sea next to her hometown. Her wife never mentioned such a thing while she was alive. In order to find out her real intentions, Eiji heads to his wife's hometown of Nagasaki with his homemade camper van.
Captain Yugi Nagata
“Battleship” es la libre adaptación al cine del popular juego de mesa de Hasbro conocido como “Hundir la flota” o ”Batalla naval”. La curiosa variante que plantea esta versión es que la batalla será entre la U.S. Navy y… ¡una flota alienígena! La historia nos propone una épica aventura de acción que transcurre en el mar, el cielo y la tierra, y en la que nuestro planeta lucha por sobrevivir contra una fuerza muy superior. La película está protagonizada por Taylor Kitsch en el papel del teniente Hopper, un oficial de la Marina destinado al John Paul Jones; Brooklyn Decker es Sam Shane, una fisioterapeuta de la Marina y novia de Hopper; Alexander Skarsgård es Stone, el hermano mayor de Hopper y comandante del Samson; Rihanna es la suboficial Raikes, especialista en armas del John Paul Jones; y Liam Neeson es el almirante Shane, el oficial superior de Hopper y Stone (y padre de Sam).
Tales of the Bizarre: 2011 Fall Special
A Flawless Concierge
A comedy about a concierge at a plush hotel who deals with a series of unusual guests.
A Ghost of a Chance
Kenichi Kido
Defence lawyer Emi is assigned to a particularly unusual case: a man is suspected of murdering his wealthy wife, and his only alibi is a 421-year old ghost, Rokubei. At first Emi is hesitant, but when she pursues her lead she is visited by the ghost herself. And so the fun begins in the courtroom when Prosecutor Osano starts to cross examine.
That's The Way!!
Fujio Akatsuka
A rookie editor Hatsumi Takeda becomes an editor of Fujio Akatsuka who is known as the king of gag manga. Hanging out with her, Akatsuka sees through Hatsumi's talent to be crazy, and they gradually become great partners...
Thor es un arrogante y codicioso guerrero cuya imprudencia desata una antigua guerra. Por ese motivo, su padre Odín lo castiga desterrándolo a la Tierra para que viva entre los hombres y descubra así el verdadero sentido de la humildad. Cuando el villano más peligroso de su mundo envía a la Tierra a las fuerzas más oscuras de Asgard, Thor se dará cuenta de lo que realmente hace falta para ser un verdadero héroe.
Moonlight Mask
Taro Okamoto
The year is 1947, during the war torn period of the Showa era. The story begins when a man, presumed to have been killed in battle, returns home. Who was this man? Before the war, he had a bright future ahead of him as the proficient and popular rakugoka (comedic story-teller), Usagi Morinoya. However, because of an injury sustained during the war, his face is covered in bandages, and he suffers from total amnesia. As if trying to recover his memory, the man only keeps mumbling in a hollow voice his trademark rakugo, "Sokotsunagaya".
Wandering Home
Yasuyuki Tsukahara
War photjournalist Yasuyuki Tsukahara married popular manga artist Yuki Sonoda and had children. Because of Yasayuki's drinking problems the couple divorced. Yasuyuki is now coughing up blood, hospitalized, and violent. Even with all of these problems Yasuyuki can't give up drinking alcohol. His family gets tired. Yasuyuki is then hospitalized in an alcoholic ward. There he finds comfort living with other patients and having conversations with doctors. With the help of his family, Yasuyuki recovers mentally and physically, but his body has already paid a heavy toll.
Vengeance Can Wait
Hidenori Yamane
Director Tominaga Masanori (Pandora's Box) brings Motoya Yukiko's offbeat play Ranbo to Taiki to the big screen in a juicy, neurotic tangle of love, hate and voyeurism. Hidenori (Asano Tadanobu) and Nanase (Minami) have lived together for ten years in a tense, platonic relationship. The wheels of change are set in motion when married couple Takao (Yamada Takayuki) and Azusa (Koike Eiko) move in next door. After Hidenori catches Nanase and Takao having an affair, he becomes obsessed with watching Nanase through a peephole, and planning his cruel revenge.
42 One Dream Rush
Película de episodios en la que conocidos autores cinematográficos plantean sus ideas acerca de los sueños.
42 One Dream Rush
(segment "For my Dear Dead Dog")
Película de episodios en la que conocidos autores cinematográficos plantean sus ideas acerca de los sueños.
Frisbee (voice)
Un campeonato automovilístico mortal sirve como premisa a un anime japonés inédito en España, con un ritmo endiablado y un impresionante estilo visual, diferente al habitual en este tipo de trabajos.
Snow Prince
10-year-old Sota lives with his grandfather and a dog named Chibi in a small snowy village. They live in such a poverty that Sota cannot even afford to go to school, but however hard the situation is, Sota never holds a bad feeling against anyone around and keeps his dream alive to become a painter. He has been friends with Sayo, a girl brought up in a wealthy family, ever since they were little despite the difference of their family position, which Sayo’s father has uneasy feelings against. In spite of the difficulties he faces, Sota manages to complete a piece of painting which he wishes to give Sayo. He and Chibi goes down a snowy night path to Sayo’s house to find that her father’s storage is on fire... What waits for Sota and Chibi gently reminds that genuine happiness always exists in your heart.
Villon's Wife
This enticing period melodrama depicts a long-suffering woman's relationship with her brilliant but self-destructive writer husband in postwar Tokyo. Based on a semi-autobiographical 1947 novel by Osamu Dazai, the story centers less on the womanizing, heavy-drinking, suicidal hero than on the wife who loves him. Written by Palm Springs International Film Festival
An exploration of the act of eating, both as an interaction among people and between people and nature.
The Summit: A Chronicle Of Stones to Serenity
In 1907, a group of men climb an unconquered peak in the last unmapped region of Japan.
How hard is it to kill an idiot? Just ask Kudo Kankuro! The acclaimed screenwriter brings his 2004 Kunio Kishida-winning stage play Donju (a.k.a. Dumb Animal) to the big screen in all its wacky tragicomedic glory. The one and only Asano Tadanobu sports a seriously nerdy bowl haircut to play the leading role of simple-minded novelist Dekogawa who has mysteriously disappeared. Dekogawa wrote an autobiography about his youth that reveals not only his past, but also some of his childhood friends’ best-forgotten secrets. In order to keep the skeletons in the closet, these buddies of yesteryear try to silence him permanently. But no matter how hard they try to kill Dekogawa, he just keeps coming back – because he’s simply too thickheaded to die!
Dreaming Awake
Recently appointed dean at a film school, Kimuro Hajime develops a special concern for one of his students, Daisuke. The brash, headstrong young man is fixated on with the Second World War. He feels a sense of frustration at the irrational sacrifice of young people's lives during the war six decades earlier. Daisuke finds that he can vent his frustrations to Kimuro, who experienced the war firsthand. Kimuro's wife, Emiko, is also troubled by memories of the war. She lost a loved one in the war and has never gotten over it. And Kimuro himself also has something from the past that he has yet to face. He believes that the burden of his unresolved past will eventually be the death of him. When Daisuke's neurosis causes him to quit school, life changes for all three of them.
The anthology film R246 Story centers around the major Japanese highway Route 246. Originating in Chiyoda Ward's Miyakezaka district, the 122.7 kilometers long Route 246 passes through Japanese trendsetting areas such as Aoyama, Omotesando, Harajuku, and Shibuya, on its way to Numazu City in Shizuoka Prefecture.
The anthology film R246 Story centers around the major Japanese highway Route 246. Originating in Chiyoda Ward's Miyakezaka district, the 122.7 kilometers long Route 246 passes through Japanese trendsetting areas such as Aoyama, Omotesando, Harajuku, and Shibuya, on its way to Numazu City in Shizuoka Prefecture.
Buyusenki Battle Chronicle
Motorcycles, drugs, and gangs terrorize Japan. The man who dreamed of a life of peace has instead been transformed into an angel of death!
Kabei: nuestra madre
Yamazaki Toru
Drama familiar basado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, situado en Tokyo en el año 1940. La familia Nogami tiene una vida pacífica pese a lo ocurrido últimamente, pero de repente el cabeza de familia, Shigeru, es acusado de ser comunista y es detenido por ello. Su esposa trabaja día y noche frenéticamente para poder dar de comer a sus dos hijas con el apoyo de Hisako, la hermana de Shigeru. La Segunda Guerra Mundial arroja horribles y fatídicas noticias, pero Kayo todavía guarda una última esperanza de que su marido vuelva algún día.
Genghis Khan / Temüjin
Narra la vida del legendario y tembile Genghis Khan desde su esclavitud hasta que conquistó la mitad del mundo, incluyendo Rusia en 1206. Una superproducción de corte épico que fue seleccionada por Kazajstán como candidata al Oscar a la mejor película de habla no inglesa.
Sad Vacation
Kenji Shiraishi
Kenji, abandonado por su madre, vive entregado a una pobre existencia realizando insignificantes trabajos, como hacer de taxista para bailarinas de bares y sus clientes. Al mismo tiempo, cuida de la hermana de un antiguo amigo que está en la cárcel y de un inmigrante ilegal. Pero su vida da un giro cuando se encuentra con Chiyoko, su madre.
The Capricious Robot
Mr. N
The Film in commemoration of the 10 year anniversary of Shinich Hoshi's death and the 50 year anniversary of his debut as author.
Cross the Lens
Making of documentary for 'Rampo Noir'
In a poor district of Edo lives a young samurai named Soza. He has been sent by his clan to avenge the death of his father. He isn't an accomplished swordsman however, and he prefers sharing the life of the residents, teaching the kids how to write etc. When he finally finds the man he is looking for, he will have to decide whether he follows the way of the samurai or chooses peace and reconciliation.
Jubei Kanazawa
En el siglo XVIII, los samuráis que llevaban a cabo actos de venganza eran compensados económicamente por los clanes a los que pertenecían. Un joven samurái que llega a Edo (actual Tokio) con el propósito de vengar a su difunto padre busca a su enemigo por toda la ciudad. El problema es que, además no saber manejar la espada, no tiene realmente ganas de ejecutar su misión. Alojado en una vivienda pobre, pero rica en relaciones humanas, aprende a apreciar de la vida y empieza a cuestionarse el sentido de la venganza.
Invisible Waves
Un hombre envenena a su mujer y empujado por "olas invisibles" va huyendo de un lado a otro. Sus demonios internos y su sentimiento de culpabilidad le llevarán a dudar de cualquier persona.
Tokyo Zombie
Two Japanese friends accidentally kill their boss and dump his remains in Black Fuji, a mountain/landfill hybrid. This leads to poor results when the chemicals of the landfill mix with the corpse (and many other corpses) to give rise to a zombie infestation in Tokyo.
Funky Forest: The First Contact
Masaru Tanaka
An outrageous collection of surreal, short attention span non-sequiturs largely revolving around Guitar Brother, his randy older sibling, and the pair's portly Caucasian brother.
Portrait of the Wind
Portrait of the Wind centers on Tamio Murase, a world-traveling photographer who came home to take over the family business after his father’s fatal heart attack. One day at the family photo studio, he finds a kindred spirit in Ayako and the requisite sparks fly between them. The initial portions of the film deal with their budding romance, and it isn’t long before the two become a serious couple, and Ayako is pregnant with Tamio’s child.
Beat Takeshi vive la ajetreada, y a veces surrealista, vida de una celebridad del mundo del espectáculo. Pero su doble, Kitano, un cajero de un supermercado, es todavía un desconocido actor esperando su gran oportunidad. Tras cruzar sus pasos con Beat Takeshi en una serie de frustrantes audiciones, Kitano parece caer misteriosamente en un estado de fantasía en el que sobresalen aspectos de la vida real de Beat y de su violenta personalidad en la pantalla. (FILMAFFINITY)
Señor, señor, ¿Por qué me has abandonado?
En una mansión entre las montañas japonesas y el mar, conviven recluidos dos músicos dedicados a la creación de sonidos puros, lejos de la fama y el éxito que conocieron tiempo atrás. Es el año 2015, y las ciudades más importantes fueron diezmadas por una plaga terrible, un virus altamente contagioso que provoca en los infectados un pavor insoportable, seguido de una desesperación abrumadora, y el inevitable suicidio. Una enfermedad mortal, sin cura: el síndrome "Lemming". Algunos creen que la cura está en los sonidos puros que logran los músicos. Rodeados de una naturaleza abandonada por el hombre, los músicos comienzan a tocar.
The Buried Forest
Three high school girls living out in the country build stories out from their local environment, mountainous and bordered by an unkempt buried forest.
Rampo Noir
Man / Kogoro Akechi / Masaki / Fuyo's Lover
Mars Canal - Within absolute silence, a naked man wanders through a dark and depressing landscape recalling the excruciating details of his last encounter with his former lover. Mirror Hell - When a series of women are discovered with their faces burnt and skulls charred, a young detective investigates, discovering that a unique hand mirror is always found at the scene. Caterpillar - A war hero returns home with no limbs and only his eyesight remaining. His beautiful wife, tired of taking care of him, turns to torturing her crippled husband for amusement. Crawling Bugs - A sexy actress is returning home from a successful night on stage, until her limo driver decides that she should be coming home with him.
Hiroshi Takagi
A young man awakens in the hospital after an accident wipes his memory. Fascinated by a textbook full of drawings of dissections, Hiroshi is drawn to a medical school where he catches the eye of a fellow student. But it’s another who becomes his obsession…the dead woman on the cadaver table.
Survive Style 5+
Five bizarre stories with no apparent connection to one and other eventually become intertwined, resulting in surreal circumstances.
Café Lumière
Hajime Takeuchi
Making her way through life by forming superficial relationships, Yoko keeps everyone at arm's length, whether it's her father and stepmother or Hajime, the owner of a small bookstore who could be the father of her unborn child. Yoko seems most at home when she's riding the train, speeding around the city with only her thoughts to entertain her.
The Thirsty Flower: Four by Four Equals One
The title is "Thirsty Flower ~ four by four equal one ~", which is a short story of about 60 minutes with four women as the main characters.
The Face of Jizo
Mr. Kinoshita
Based on a play by Hisashi Inoue, it focuses on the sufferings of the survivors of Hiroshima. The film takes place during 4 days in the summer of 1948, as the ghost of her father visits Mitsué (Rié Miyama). He had somehow learned that she has fallen in love, and tries to convince her to start her new life. But Mitsué obstinately refuses his warm and humorous encouragements : « People were killed in my place. I do not have the right to find happiness », she says.
El sabor del té
Ayano Haruno
El sabor del té es un homenaje al cine costumbrista clásico japonés, donde la familia es la base de creación de historias mínimas. Aquí tenemos a los Haruno, conformada por un abuelo ex dibujante y con mente de niño, un hijo que es odontólogo pero practica la hipnosis con sus pacientes y su familia, su esposa, una ex artista de animación que quiere retomar su carrera, el cuñado, que es un ingeniero de sonido y sus hijos, un joven enamorado de su compañera de colegio que intenta conquistarla a través del milenario juego del Go y la pequeña niña que tiene como "amiga" imaginaria a su yo gigante de la cual quiere deshacerse.
Original Music Composer
Japanese film directed by Tadanobu Asano.
Japanese film directed by Tadanobu Asano.
Japanese film directed by Tadanobu Asano.
Electric Yakuza, Go to Hell!
Documentary about the Japanese filmmaker Takashi Miike, where we see him attend film festivals, personal influences and of course the study of his main films, apart from the opinions about him by other filmmakers such as Takeshi Kitano or Kinji Fukasaku.
Soul Dancing
Soul Dancing is an order placed to Kiyoshi Kurosawa by a Japanese alcoholic beverage brand named Shôchu. The director then uses this cine-commercial as an excuse to film a weird fable on the arrival of a stranger in a bloodless human community.
Dead End Run
Three short films with the theme of death and dead ends in common.
Hattori Genosuke
Japón, siglo XIX. Zatoichi es un vagabundo ciego que vive del juego y de dar masajes. Pero además es un maestro con la espada, rápido y preciso como el mejor samurai. En una ciudad en las montañas, a merced de la banda de Ginzo, Zatoichi y su fiel amigo Shinkichi conocen a un par de geishas, bellas y peligrosas. Okinu y su hermana Osei han llegado a la ciudad a vengar el asesinato de sus padres, y su única pista es el misterioso nombre de Kuchinawa
Vidas truncadas
Un misterioso, obseso-compulsivo y suicida librero japonés que vive en Bangkok, Tailandia, se ve obligado a vivir con una mujer que fuma hierba y que es completamente opuesto a él. Un drama romántico con toques de realismo mágico que obtuvo buenas críticas en Estados Unidos.
My Grandpa
S. Nakatoh
Kenzo was behind bars for killing a gangster. Upon his release, he goes to live with his son, whose marriage is on the rocks. His 14-year-old granddaughter Tamako is ostracized when she discovers that her grandfather is a murderer. Kenzo soon helps defend Tamako from bullies at school. When Tamako stands up for herself, she comes to believe that she has inherited some of her grandfather’s great strength. Eventually, an associate of the man Kenzo killed comes looking for revenge, along with the dead man’s son.
The Ambivalent Future: Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Initially, Ambivalent Future was intended as a film about the production of Kiyoshi Kurosawa's "Bright Future". But director Fujii has taken the "behind the scenes"-concept to unprecedented heights with this unique documentary offering a close look into the world of Kiyoshi Kurosawa, the auteur. Scenes from the surprisingly low key and relaxed production of "Bright Future" are of course sprinkled liberally throughout the documentary, but between these we are treated to interesting and revealing interviews with actors, producers and Kurosawa's many other collaborators. And perhaps the most surprising thing of all is how much of Kurosawa there is, talking candidly about his working methods and the philosophy behind it all.
Bright Future
Mamoru Arita
Two friends who work together at a Tokyo laundry are increasingly alienated from everyday life. They become fascinated with a deadly jellyfish.
Iden & Tity
If you loved movies such as Shonen Merikensack and GS Wonderland, then this one, which predates the former, will impress you as well. The story is set in the 80s rock scene and revolves around Nakajima (Kazunobu Mineta), the lead singer of a band called 'Speed Way'. Because he refuses to write trite, pop-friendly songs he is constantly at odds with his own record company. However, he refuses to bend on his rock principles simply for better record sales. The most interesting parts of this movie is how they pay homage to music icon, Bob Dylan who gave the filmmaker his blessing, which is no small feat itself, especially for a Japanese indie debut.
Original Music Composer
We follow Ichi during his high school years. Mr. Dai is the best fighter in school... whenever he fights Ichi is there and has a huge smile on his face. Mr. Dai thinks that Ichi is laughing at him but in fact he enjoys watching the violence that goes through the fights. Everyone is bullying, taunting and making fun of Ichi... even little kids from his karate class. Yet Ichi refuses to let go of his anger and fight others. Just when Mr. Dai is about to get Ichi, a new transfer student starts to make his own laws... by beating up everyone and breaking their bones! In a fight with the new student, Mr. Dai ends up on the ground, beaten and broken up from almost everywhere. It seems like this new guy wants to fight Ichi because supposedly he is the only one that could give him some challenge.
Woman of Water
Yusaku Miyazawa
Ryo personifies water, since whenever something important happens in her life, it rains. She inherits a bathhouse and meets a pyromaniac named Yusaku. Their confrontation leads to an inevitable union, just like elements of nature blend together.
Ichi the Killer
Un conocido jefe de la Yakuza (la mafia japonesa) desaparece junto con un botín de 100 millones de yenes. Su mano derecha, el sanguinario y masoquista Kakihara, y el resto del clan, emprenden su búsqueda, ya que no creen que se haya fugado. Para encontrarlo utilizarán todos los métodos que consideren oportunos, ya sea torturando o matando. Así, Kakihara consigue averiguar que lo que pensaban que era una desaparición, es en realidad un asesinato, cometido por un hombre llamado Ichi, un esquizofrénico que cuando pierde el control puede hacer picadillo, literalmente, a cualquiera. Con esto, quiere resarcirse de los traumas de la infancia, aunque lo que consigue es lo contrario. Pero Ichi no esta sólo en esta lucha, le acompañan unos repudiados del clan, destacando a Jijii, que es la cabeza del grupo y quien incita al caos que se organiza.
Gojoe: Spirit War Chronicle
Benkei, a master fighter and killer, vows never to take another life after his conversion to Buddhism. His faith in pacifism, however, is shaken and ultimately broken by the attacks from a trio of fighters known only as the demons. Taking up his sword once more, he sets out to end their murderous terror.
Los secuaces de "El Arca de la Verdad", una secta apocalípitica, provocan una masacre que deja más de cien muertos. Tres años después, los familiares de los asesinos se reúnen como cada año en el lago donde vivían las víctimas, para conmemorar su muerte. Pero no podrán volver a la ciudad sin antes pasar por la casa, donde antaño sus parientes habían planeado los atentados. Allí encuentran a un joven que formó parte de la secta, pero que en el último instante desertó para no participar en la matanza.
Electric Dragon 80000V
Dragon Eye Morrison
Un joven aficionado a las mascotas exóticas y a tocar la guitarra eléctrica, esconde un poder sobrenatural desde que de pequeño lo alcanzó un rayo al escalar una torre eléctrica. Ahora, ya adulto, un misterioso personaje lo perseguirá hasta entablar un épico combate de alto voltaje.
Party 7
Okita Souji
Siete personajes introducidos al inicio del film, son mezclados en una habitación de un hotel: un yakuza de poca monta con un maletín robado, su ex-novia, el novio obsesionado por la misma, otro yakuza enviado a recoger el maletín y otro mas enviado para matar a todos... además del Capitán Banana y su nuevo aprendiz, Mister Yellow.
An alcoholic civil servant wakes up under a cherry tree in Tokyo next to a bar hostess with whom he's impulsively made a suicide pact. Though he's now changed his mind, he agrees to travel with her to Hokkaido, her preferred site for ending it all.
Hyozo Tashiro
Japón, siglo XIX. En el templo Nishi-Honganji, la milicia Shinsengumi está seleccionando nuevos reclutas para convertirlos en guerreros samurais. El comandante Isami Kondo y el teniente Toshizo Hijikata son los encargados de supervisar el proceso de adiestramiento que exige que cada aspirante se enfrenté a Soji Okita, el mejor hombre de la milicia.
One Step on a Mine, It's All Over
Taizo Ichinose
A biographical film of war photographer, Taizo Ichinose.
Hakuchi: The Innocent
In a future where World War II never ended, Japan is decimated by nightly bombings. The only building left standing is known as the Media Station, a broadcasting center responsible for all of Japan's entertainment.
Revenger with Sword
When his mother's untimely death quickly follows his father's, a doctor begins to believe a killer may be targeting him and his amnesiac wife.
Away with Words
A Japanese man and a gay bar-owner in Hong Kong drink beer as they talk about their childhood and experiences.
Document Love & Pop
Two shorts about the making of Hideaki Anno's movie "Love & Pop", one from the perspective of a bumbling assistant, and one from the perspective of a AV director filming a documentary about Anno but narrated by a worker from a bread factory
Falling into the Evening
Rica and Kengo have been living together for the past four years. It’s been a very happy time for Rica; the only dark spot being an accident she caused during a shoot for a commercial in which Kengo’s good friend, Shibata, nearly lost his life. The memory of this event weighs heavily on Rica’s conscience. One night Kengo tells Rica that he has fallen in love with a charming but „inscrutable“ woman named Hanako.
Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl
Kuroo Samehada
In dreamlike mountain scenery, Toshiko makes a daring escape from her sexually warped Uncle Sonezaki. Fortunately, she met Samehada as she runs for her life, which is also escaping from some slayers. What follows is a wild chase that leads the audience into a comically violent world.
It has been two years since unsuccessful cartoonist Tsube started to live with Kuniko casually in a small apartment.
Love and Pop
Captain XX
Primera película en imagen real de Hideaki Anno, creador del estudio Gainax y los animes Evangelion, Ebichu o Kare Kano, entre otros. Trata sobre las colegialas adolescentes y el negocio de las citas/prostitución.
Given a completely free hand by Motorola mobile phones, Wong created an advertisement that is a romantic-but-fraught vignette from the sex-wars.
Tokyo Biyori
This is a biographical film about the late Yoko Araki, who was the wife of Japan's leading photographer, Nobuyoshi Araki.
Labyrinth of Dreams
Tatsuo Niitaka
Tomiko falls in love with Niitaka, even though she also suspects him of being the Tokyo bus driver serial killer, who killed his female conductors after tiring of them.
A short, direct and to-the-point media-commentary thriller. A sleazy TV producer trying to exploit a quiet otaku (an obsessive hobbyist) whose hobby is electronic eavesdropping ends up getting a lot more than he bargained for when they eavesdrop on the wrong conversation and he prods said otaku into helping him "investigate" the lead, only to find out that some things (and people) are not always as they seem, when a minor altercation causes things to take a rather nasty turn....
Swallowtail Butterfly
Customer in the Club
Ambientada en un decadente barrio futurista de Tokio, Yentown. Después de que fallezca su madre, una prostituta se hace cargo de la hija de ésta, dándole el nombre de Mariposa. Comenzará a trabajar para un negocio por el que pasan todo tipo de despojos sociales...
ACRI: The Legend of Homo-Aquarellius
A scientist desperately wanting to prove that mermaids exist is ostracized from the scientific community in Japan. He settles down in Australia steadfast on his hypothesis. When a Japanese student visits him in Australia with strange questions about mermaids, how the young man survived in the ocean, and why he doesn't remember anything.
Kenji Shiraishi
Yasuo is a gangster just released from jail. Believing his boss double-crossed him, enraged Yasuo is on his way to find the boss. But before setting out for the dangerous trip, Yasuo asks Kenji to take care of his mentally challenged sister, Yuri, and a mysterious black bag.
Believing that the world will end that very day, three mental patients Coco, Tsumuji, and Satoru set out upon a journey. Walking upon the tops of the walls of the city, they seek to find a picnic spot with the best vantage point to view the final event.
A Japanese-Chinese couple hangs out and shoots each other.
La soledad, el amor y la muerte se reflejan en esta historia de dos jóvenes que, después de casarse, él muere arrollado por un tren. (FILMAFFINITY)
Story of Four Sisters
Japanese film directed by Masahiro Honda.
Satoshi Matsushita
In Harari-cho, a small and quiet bayside town by the sea, the firemen have not seen a fire for nearly twenty years. Each day passes eventlessly... until one day. The monotony of their daily lives is interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful female college student, Momoko, who comes to visit her aunt. After catching a glimpse of Momoko, both Tatsuya and Nobuyuki can't stop thinking about her. Since then, the small town is not so quiet anymore…
The City That Never Sleeps: Shinjuku Shark
Adaptation of the Arimasa Ohsawa novel Shinjuku Shark.
Fried Dragon Fish
A dragon fish is stolen by Tetsu Tobiyama and biologist Thomas Earwing seeks its return. Poo is led to Natsuro after she worms her way into a top secret file at Delta headquarters for information.
The Rocking Horsemen
Seiichi Shirai
It is 1965. High-school student Takeyoshi Fujiwara hears "Pipeline" by the Ventures, and is mesmerized by their unique sound. With three friends, he forms a band called "The Rocking Horsemen." A warm and comic glimpse into high-school and small-town life in Japan in the 60's.
Waiting for the Flood
Sadahito Iwata
A young asthmatic man learns he has magical powers.
Swimming Upstream
One day after school, Kaoru glances at Sonoko at the pool side. He falls in love with her at first sight and decides to join the swimming team even though he cannot swim.
Mortal Kombat 2
Lord Raiden
A sequel to the 2021 film 'Mortal Kombat'.
Untitled Mortal Kombat Sequel
Lord Raiden
Untitled sequel to (2021) reboot 'Mortal Kombat'. Plot unknown. Late 2022.
Pseudo Idealist
Jia Zhangke is starring in his first lead role, appearing as an artist facing a midlife crisis in Cheng Er's Pseudo Idealist.