Adventures of Gustav is a spectacular CGI / live-action family film with unique visuals. The main characters Gustav and Professor Easter Christmassen are well known and beloved by local audiences from educational and award winning TV series for family ‘Gustav’s encyclopedia’ broadcast since 1999 on National Public Television Channel in Lithuania. This show has been introducing children to the world and its wonders for 20 years already.
Lituania, julio de 1941. 55.000 judíos que viven en los alrededores de la ciudad de Vilna son capturados por los nazis para ser conducidos a los campos de concentración. Dicha operación es llevada a cabo por el joven comandante nazi Kittel. Su inexperiencia y falta de efectivos le lleva a designar a judíos para que hagan el trabajo de los soldados alemanes. Pero algo no saldrá como estaba esperado...
The film portrays Lukša's attempts, in trips to western Europe, to gain support for the armed anti-Soviet resistance (known as the Forest Brothers), whose fortunes in a guerrilla war against Soviet authorities were waning, largely due to widespread infiltration and harsh crackdowns by the NKVD.
Desperate to get custody of his son, a divorcing man hires a hit man to kill his wife but quickly regrets this decision.