On March 25, 1996, the publicist Jan Philipp Reemtsma is kidnapped. His son Johann and his wife Ann Kathrin witness how their home is transformed overnight into a police control center. Two police officers, the family’s lawyer and a close friend form a community of fate, united by their common goal of bringing Johann’s father home as quickly and unharmed as possible.
Alex reside en Hamburgo y está a punto de fundar la empresa de sus sueños cuando se entera de que su padre necesita ayuda. El hombre deberá regresar a Stresund, su lugar de nacimiento.
A former CIA agent's search for a lost colleague exposes a deadly conspiracy involving his own family and Soviet-era secrets in the mountains of East Germany.
A shoe theft in the ICE is the prelude to a wild kaleidoscope of relationships and dependencies between different urban people who relish as in a cobweb fidget.
Katja se está divorciando cuando su hija, Jessy, se encierra en sí misma y utiliza internet como válvula de escape. Jessy, a sus 12 años, no tiene amigos y está constantemente conectada a la red.