"Everyone Knows Better" is an original comedy, reminiscent of the best New York tradition of independent cinema, dominated by warm relations and close intimacy with the characters. It tells about the adventures of a couple who try to put together one family from two different worlds. Other people's children, ex-spouses, pushy grandparents. Will Ania and Grzesiek survive the invasion of their families who are trying to fight the relationship of their adult children?
The film was inspired by one of the most important documentaries shot by Krzysztof Kieślowski, Talking Heads (1980). The director asked his interlocutors seemingly simple questions, such as “Who are you?” and “What do you want?”.
Piotr and his girlfriend Weronika plan their future together. They don't expect one evening to change everything. Not only in their lives.
Klara (Laura's Mother)
Massimo es miembro de la mafia siciliana y Laura es una directora de ventas. Ella no espera que un viaje a Sicilia salve su relación, pero Massimo la secuestrará durante 365 días para que se enamore de él.
"Botoks" is intended to be a record of the authentic history of strong, determined and expressive physicians who struggle with life's decisions and problems: discrimination, maternity pressures, the pursuit of youth, the fight for the right to free choice and own views.
Owner of the Wilma Dog
A man with OCD is paid to find dogs.
Pani Mąka
After her mother’s death, 15-year-old Roma falls ill with a strange disease. Previously distant and emotionally cold towards the teenager, now driven by fear for his daughter’s life, her father tries to rebuild their relationship.
Ewa Staniak
Run Boy Run is the true story of Jurek, an eight-year-old boy, who escapes from the Warsaw ghetto, then manages to survive in the woods and working as a farmhand, disguising himself as a Polish orphan. He encounters people who will betray him for a reward, who will beat him up or try to kill him, and he meets those, who will do and risk almost everything to help him. Jurek’s resilience is put to the ultimate test, when an accident cripples him, making it harder to find work. But he struggles on against all odds. Eventually the Russians reach his area and Jurek even finds a family where he could stay. Yet he is betrayed again, and a young man from a Jewish orphanage forcefully tries to bring Jurek back to his people and his faith.
Superproducción polaca sobre una de las batallas más importantes del primer cuarto de siglo XX, en la que el ejército polaco se enfrentó a las tropas rusas en el río Vistula, en 1920, segando los planes de Lenin de expandir la revolución comunista por toda Europa.
Irena Blaszczykowski
Grumpy baker Grabosch can't bear the thought that his granddaughter, now that her mother has died, will live with her Polish father. He must get Mathilda back, by all means.
"Beba", przyjaciółka Barbary
The story of an unemployed journalist who fights overweight and account shortages more effectively than Bridget Jones, and although she knows a lot about men, finding the right one will require a lot of effort. Especially that her adult daughter not only ruthlessly judges her actions, but also counts on her mother's advice in her love affairs.
Roma Żarska
Inspirada en hechos reales, en Polonia, a mediados de los 60, gira en torno a un triángulo amoroso entre un escritor, una agente secreto. (FILMAFFINITY)
ekspertka Markiewiczowa
Kidnappers demand six million in ransom, but the United Nations does not negotiate with terrorist. One of the best counterfeiters is serving a lengthy prison term and the agent who arrested him needs his help.
matka Marcina
"Nie kłam, kochanie" nie jest bajką. To miłosna historia, podana lekko, jednak nie pozostająca w oderwaniu od życia, w której wszelkiego rodzaju zawirowania towarzyszące jej bohaterom wypływają z sytuacji realnych. Ma pokazać, w jaki sposób kłamstwo i manipulacja może stanąć w szranki z uczciwością, prostolinijnością i naiwnością. I – kto kogo "przechytrzy", kto wygra ten pojedynek, w którym stawką jest miłość… A co robi w naszej historii kaktus? Cóż, dziewczyna, która kocha kaktusy i mówi do nich po imieniu to chyba jedyna osoba, która potrafi w kłamcy i cyniku dostrzec coś dobrego i zmienić go… A wtedy – nawet kolczasty kaktus potrafi zakwitnąć pięknym kwiatem. W większości miłosnych historii dotąd królowały róże. W naszej – kaktusy. Też z kolcami. Ale z jakim charakterem!
Matka Krysi
Three high school graduates prepare to start the next chapter of their lives, but the outbreak of World War II may derail their dreams forever.
Modern-day Warsaw shines in this romantic comedy about the love life of a young, hip architect. In his break-out role, popular Polish television star Maciej Zakoscielny plays the handsome young professional, who is torn between two women.
Brigitte Frank
Miniserie biográfica sobre Juan Pablo II. En su juventud, en Polonia bajo la ocupación nazi, Karol Wojtyla trabajó en una cantera de caliza para poder sobrevivir. La represión nazi causó numerosas víctimas no sólo entre los judíos, sino también entre los católicos. Es entonces cuando Karol decide responder a la llamada divina.
damski głos Pawła
Giordano, an angel assigned to an orphan in Krakow, is two years into the job when his celestial overseers, citing budget cuts, initiate "Phase Two" without telling him. Some changes are good - they send him a nanny, the enterprising Irena; some are bad - his phone number to Heaven no longer works nor do his special powers; and some dismay him - he grows a penis. His closest friend tells him to get a woman, and Irena advises him on hygiene. He visits a therapist, Roma, and falls in love with her. She tells him its transference. Meanwhile, Giordano's celestial friends conspire to rid Roma of her boyfriend, clearing the way for Giordano to be his naive and engaging self.
The single package-delivery woman Dora lives a somewhat reclusive life in a high-rise in Leipzig and gets through everyday life with her dry sense of humor. But her quiet, well-ordered life spins out of control when she has to hide her mysteriously fascinating Polish neighbor Jola – who believes to have accidentally killed someone. Dora is hesitant at first to take her in, but she cannot seem to shake her fascination with Jola. Dora's trust in the direct, impulsive woman grows – Jola seems to ask exactly those questions no one else dares to ask. When Dora finds out that the accusations against Jola have been lifted, she lies about the status of the police investigation in order to keep her Polish neighbor for herself.
właścicielka samochodu
On an ordinary winter's day, various people from outside Warsaw come to the Polish capital city for different reasons. They all have something to deal with, and their paths eventually intertwine.
Lituania, 1812. Polonia está tachada del mapa de Europa. Dos grandes familias se enfrentan entre sí: los Soplica, aliados de los rusos, y los Horeszko, defensores de la independencia polaca. Tras veinte años de conflicto, Jacek Soplica ha matado al último señor de la casa de los Horeszko, que le había negado la mano de su hija. Para reparar su terrible falta, Jacek adopta la identidad de un monje bernardino y se encarga de la educación de Sophie, descendiente de los Horeszko. Su objetivo es desposarla con su hijo Tadeusz, quien acaba de regresar tras finalizar sus estudios. Pero en junio de 1812, Napoleón Bonaparte, en su avance hacia Moscú, franquea el Niemen. Entonces Tadeusz decide unirse al ejército, frustrando así los planes matrimoniales que su padre tenía para él.
Helena Modrzejewska
In this adaptation of an historical play by Pope John Paul II, painter Albert Chmielowski decides to devote his life to helping the homeless.
Woman at the Funeral (uncredited)
Karol ama profundamente a Dominique, pero el problema de impotencia sexual que sufre provoca el divorcio. Una serie de penurias se sucederán en la vida de Karol, que se verá obligado a volver a su Polonia natal y a intentar ganarse la vida como pueda.
Strangers on a train. Late in 1916, a brave and idealistic Russian officer in his 20s comes to his superiors' attention when he stands up to Rasputin at a nightclub. He's asked to carry important papers from Petersburg to Stockholm by train in the dead of winter, a dangerous mission. The first-class carriage may be full of spies, and soon after the train embarks, the man in the next compartment searches Obozow's luggage. A beautiful stranger approaches him, a woman older than he, on a concert tour; a game of cat and mouse ensues with patriotism and emotion sometimes on opposite sides. Can Obozow consummate the affair, reach Stockholm, and maintain his ideals?
Set on the deserted North Sea island of Langeness, a lonely woman begins an affair with a stranger; only after he is identified as a political fugitive and deported does she begin to learn about his true identity and his past.
pani Grażyna
A small-time racketeer Stefek evades mob bosses by passing himself off as a mentally unstable cleptomaniac and laying low in an asylum. The racketeer and his closest devotee escape from the asylum and find work at the opera. Stefek becomes stage-doorman and soon discovers that the opera doubles as a brothel.
Lorenzo Colaianni (Vittorio Mezzogiorno) es un arquitecto que se queda encerrado en un museo con una chica, hacen el amor y ella lo denuncia cuando descubre que él tenía las llaves del museo.
Two British beauties go to Barbados with a yacht captain who does not know what he's in for.
In the eve of the Day of the Dead, among mysterious old rituals of the Vilnius region, ghosts of the past and present start to appear.
"No amarás": Tomek es un muchacho de 19 años que está locamente enamorado de Magda, una mujer mayor que él. Son vecinos, pero ella ni siquiera repara en su existencia. Sexto de los diez mediometrajes que constituyen el llamado "Decálogo", que se inspira los Diez Mandamientos. Este episodio es una versión de la película "No amarás", de 1988, realizada por el mismo equipo.
Milka's Mother
Story of a tragic love triangle that develops between a mother daugther and a farmhand. A good-looking widow lives alone on a farm with her teenage daughter. Their neighbor occasionally helps them in the farmwork. He would have eventually married the mother, but the daughter tries to seduce him at all costs. He becomes the lover of both women, but eventually runs away leaving the mother shattered and the daughter pregnant.
Tomek es un joven de 19 años obsesionado con Magda, una mujer treintañera a la que espía cada tarde con unos prismáticos. Ella vive su vida de manera muy liberal, sin prejuicios, invitando a su casa a innumerables hombres. Tomek, enamorado y celoso, decide trabajar como repartidor de leche para así poder estar más cerca de Magda y a su vez interrumpir sus citas amorosas. Un día Tomek decide explicar la verdad a Magda y declararle su amor, pero descubrirá que el amor no es un juego tan sencillo como él creia
Valery de la Meer
A finales de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Klaus Schneider se recupera de sus heridas en un hospital. El médico que le atiende descubre que está especialmente dotado para la hipnosis y la adivinación y decide ayudarlo a desarrollar esas facultades. Años más tarde, Klaus se traslada a Berlín, cambia su nombre por el de Hanussen y ejerce de adivino e hipnotizador. Llega a predecir el auge y el trágico final del Tercer Reich, lo que lo coloca en una delicada situación.
Marisca von Teuss
This Polish historical drama film traces the fascinating saga of a wealthy, princely Polish dynasty in years 1900-1935.
Mike's Mother
A 12-year boy feels left out by his classmates because he has no interest in athletics. He finally discovers his calling when his parents take him to a magic show. Picked by the magician to be his helper during a trick he is drawn into the world of magic and wants to learn more. He becomes proficient in tricks and also discovers his telekinetic powers. Unfortunately that further alienates him from his peers and his parents are afraid of his powers. Things change when a national emergency arises and the government asks him to help. After success he becomes a hero and is accepted by all. Written by Polish Cinema Database.
История о событиях в Петербурге в канун первой мировой войны, событиях странных, драматических, развернувшихся в течение одной недели Рождества перед Новым 1914 годом. Герой фильма - частный детектив Петя Чухонцев, не окончивший курса студент-юрист, - расследует дело изобретателя Куклина, который был убит. Убит именно так, как предсказывал во время странного, почти сумасшедшего, новогоднего визита к Чухонцеву. Расследуя дело Куклина, Петя очень быстро сообразит, что в этом деле центральной фигурой является немец Шольц, владелец , по дешевке скупающий изобретения русских умельцев и передающий их шпиону Зигфреду Гею, советнику германского посольства. Однако также скоро Петя поймет и то, что он влез явно не в свое дело...
Two women meet in the hospital.
Marie Grafenstein
Teacher Luiza
Story of four people in Sopot in 1933, mysteriously brought together to an old villa to reenact a murder that took place 36 years earlier
Urszula Zyro
Drama ambientado en Polonia en 1982, en plena Guerra Fría. El general Wojciech Jaruzelski, jefe supremo del partido comunista, gobierna el país bajo la ley marcial, ejerciendo una especial represión contra el ilegal sindicato obrero Solidaridad, creado en los astilleros de Gdansk.
In a country house at the turn of a century live a family of eccentrics. Anastasia, the beautiful mistress of the manor, enjoys the amorous attentions of her stepson Blarney so openly that her husband Diapanasius takes out his shotgun and shoots her. The rest of the family accepts her end as a matter-of-fact, and soon - her return as a voyeuristic ghost who interferes with their love lifes. Anastasia has a posthumous son Tadeusz, "born" by clambering out of the tree trunk. Anastasia seduces him too, and drives another men so crazy that they kill her another couple of times. Finally, Tadeusz, the arch-rebel, leads a mob on a raid of the old manor.
A story of a young woman arrested by police on the day of her wedding for embezzlement, and promptly sentenced to life. She is already pregnant and has her baby in prison. Immediately after birth they are separated and only later Klara finds out that the child had a spine injury in an orphanage. After the years her sentence is shortened and she is released from prison on parole after 12 years.
Mária, Majláth felesége
The seeming hopelessness of combatting an all-powerful government that will not tolerate political dissension is the focus of this excellent historical drama set in the mid-19th century in Hungary. In the opening scenes, Hungary has just lost its bid for independence from Austria and a Magyar officer, unable to bear the tragedy of defeat and what it means, says an affectionate good-bye to his beloved horse and then shoots the animal and himself. Two years later, Ferenc (Gyorgy Cserhalmi) is trying to eke out a living for his wife and her family -- and at the same time avoid any hint of sympathy for Hungarian independence because the Secret Police are everywhere. Just as life seems to be going well, Ferenc's former commanding officer (Lajos Oze) arrives and begins discussing revolution again -- a futile pursuit at this point in time. The next day, Ferenc is thrown into an insane asylum and everyone else is arrested as well.
A captain and lieutenant of the Russian army are buried in the basement of the Przemysl Fortress during the First World War.
Kinga, a divorced woman raising her daughter Emilka, decides to change her professional life and start writing a book. Personal matters and problems with finding common ground with her child, however, throw her off balance.
On the way to Warsaw after a crude oil fraud in southern Poland, conman Adam Deren meets singer Liza. He decides to invest his money in a venture deemed to be a failure - a small cabaret where Liza could perform.
aktorka Grażyna/script girl
Żona "Wielkiego Szu"
Released from prison after five years, con-artist Szu is sent packing by his young wife; he heads for the town of Lutyn where he runs a con and attracts the interest of Jurek, a young cab driver who imagines himself a great grifter. Szu ("Sharp") teaches Jurek a few tricks enabling the young man to win some money in Wroclaw, then Sharp departs with Jola, a prostitute who offers him a mark. How that plays out, Jurek's determination to win big, Sharp's cold calculations, and the wages of sin await.
Horváth Livia
Película que narra la historia de amor entre Eva, una periodista de firmes principios y abiertamente lesbiana, y Livia, una periodista casada con un oficial del ejército. Las dos trabajan en la misma oficina y poco a poco Livia empieza a sentir interés por las insinuaciones de Eva.
Woman in hotel
Rysiek is an escapee from a reform school. Julek escapes the anger of a voluntarily fire brigade in a small town from which he embezzled. In search for food Rysiek breaks into a villa and discovers a bundle of cash in the freezer. They team together in Warsaw and decide to go on a rampage through the city.
The trials and tribulations of a peasant's life in the 30's, finally overshadowed by the destructiveness of war.