André Dupon

André Dupon


André Dupon


Les arcandiers
Le micheton
In this surreal comedy, Tonio works very hard for every bit of ill-gotten cash he can get his hands on, but he remains a poor criminal in both senses of the word. He and his buddies Bruno and Hercule think they have the solution to their pocketbook woes. The body of St. Bernadette has been miraculously preserved from decay and is a central object of pilgrimage in the shrine where it is kept. Why not steal that and hold it for ransom? The criminal gang is well able to pull this coup off and are soon in possession of one perfectly preserved corpse and a very fancy coffin. It's too bad for them that the church seems to have a limitless supply of these and doesn't want the one they stole back. Bemused, the lads set the coffin adrift on the river, only to be followed by it as they drive back upriver. In the course of carrying out their criminal designs, these lovable lugs encounter a variety of eccentric characters.
La venganza de Manon
Pamphile, le menuisier
Manon, la hija de Jean de Florette, ha crecido. Sabe que Le Papet y Ugolin son responsables de la muerte de su padre. Su venganza comienza cuando revela a todo el pueblo secretos guardados desde hace años. Segunda parte de la película "El manantial de las colinas".
El manantial de las colinas
Pamphile, le menuisier
En un pueblo rural francés, un terrateniente codicioso llamado Le Papet y su sobrino Ugolin, conspiran para bloquear la única fuente de agua potable de una propiedad colindante a la suya. Tras matar a su propietario, esperan que el nuevo heredero, en vista del poco valor que tendría la propiedad (han sellado el manantial para que nadie sepa de su existencia), se vea obligado a vender a bajo precio. El heredero es un recaudador de impuestos de ciudad, jorobado, con mujer e hija. A pesar de no contar con agua, éste quiere establecerse y comenzar a cultivar y criar animales.
Stray Bullets
The Red Shade
The time is the 1930s and two Soviet spies (both Frenchmen by nationality) have been helping Communist factions during the Civil War in Spain. It is the time of Stalin's iron rule in the USSR, and the two agents are suddenly called to Moscow by the KGB. Knowing that they are in trouble for no fault of their own, fear drives one of them to suicide while the other gets his lover and her child and begins a run for his life, knowing that the KGB will never let him go free.