Ana Victoria Pérez


Ana Victoria "Bebé" Pérez is a Cuban director and actress, based in Valencia, Spain since 2005. She trained as an actress in Havana where she acted in TV shows and on stage from the age of 16. After a season in Berlin and Madrid, she visited Valencia in 2005 to shoot a small role in the film "Agua con sal" by Pedro Pérez Rosado, which led her to make the decision to settle in Valencia and embark upon a career as a director. "Ánima" (2011), her longest-running short film, stars Ana de Armas and currently has almost one million views online.


Julieta takes her cello to a luthier's workshop, and as she observes the hypnotic movements of his hands on the damaged instruments, she realises that her soul too yearns to be healed.
Julieta takes her cello to a luthier's workshop, and as she observes the hypnotic movements of his hands on the damaged instruments, she realises that her soul too yearns to be healed.
Agua con sal
Olga es una joven cubana que llegó a España con una beca de estudios, pensando que esto iba a ser el triunfo de su vida. Decide quedarse y, al cabo del tiempo, es una inmigrante ilegal, sufre los avatares de la marginación, no puede volver a casa y tiene que buscarse la vida. Mari Jo es una joven valenciana de la Ribera Alta, nacida en una familia llena de problemas. El destino le ha marcado la vida y su final también es la marginación. Ambas terminarán como trabajadoras ilegales de una fábrica de muebles en la que, a pesar de que por ley deberían cobrar cinco euros la hora, ellas sólo cobran un euro y medio.