Fernando Arévalo
Nacimiento : 1957-06-26, Ubaté, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Fernando Arévalo Gómez (Ubaté, Cundinamarca; June 26, 1957) is a Colombian playwright and actor. He is recognized for being Colombia's first actors and for almost always playing judicial and legal roles (mostly law).
Pepe Cáceres lives a cruel childhood. His father inherits him the mark of fear and death by committing suicide. Pepe works for Melanio Murillo in a bullfighting comedy show, where he exploits him. Tired of the precarious conditions, he leaves Murillo, and in an act of courage, he impresses the veteran matador Félix Rodríguez, who prepares him to travel to Spain to achieve his dream. Pepe falls in love with Luz Marina Zuluaga, which puts him in conflict between his passion and adolescent love. He travels to Spain and in his debut, he is gored. Now he must overcome the wound and the ghosts of his childhood if he wants to be someone both in life and in the ring. Finally he achieves fame and regains love. But life always puts him between love and the ambition to leave an eternal legacy.
Rogelio Pataquiva as "todero" of the Green Clinic is faced with a great dilemma: to support the "supercalvos", -children with cancer- which would mean postponing his dream of knowing the sea or to continue with his "normal" and boring life. In a great adventure in which the supercalvos become superheroes, Rogelio manages to confront the bad guys, making them pay for their audacity and infamy of stealing the health money.
The economy is not doing well and in a few months Lucia will lose the mortgaged house where she lives with her two children, Mr. Carlos the owner of the Second-hand store, Sergio, Clown by day, waiter by night, and his wife Victoria. Julieta, the youngest child, is the family's salvation. She just graduated from law school when, on the morning of November 6, 1985, she leaves for her job at the Palace of Justice and never returns. There are witnesses that claim to have seen her alive after the Palace burned down after the Guerilla attack, the habitants lives of the house won't be the same. Based on true events and on a play in Colombia, 1985.
Doctor Espitia
The economy is not doing well and in a few months Lucia will lose the mortgaged house where she lives with her two children, Mr. Carlos the owner of the Second-hand store, Sergio, Clown by day, waiter by night, and his wife Victoria. Julieta, the youngest child, is the family's salvation. She just graduated from law school when, on the morning of November 6, 1985, she leaves for her job at the Palace of Justice and never returns. There are witnesses that claim to have seen her alive after the Palace burned down after the Guerilla attack, the habitants lives of the house won't be the same. Based on true events and on a play in Colombia, 1985.
Mr. Enriquez
Antonio Farfán (46 años) es un funcionario de una notaría que siempre ha creído que el fracaso en su vida personal y profesional se debe a su apariencia: es calvo, bajito y gordo. Aunque su mente nunca calla, su vida transcurre sin mayores contratiempos hasta que llega el nuevo notario: un hombre más gordo, calvo y bajito que Antonio pero exitoso y querido por los demás. Confundido y aturdido, Antonio se ve arrojado al mundo real donde se enfrenta con sus propios miedos y termina viviendo situaciones bastante inesperadas.
Rubén es un hombre maduro que le tiene pánico al matrimonio, mientras que su novia Isa, por el contrario quiere casarse. Sus vidas se verán alteradas con la llegada de Marcia, una chica de 15 años que llega de París y que resulta ser la hija de Rubén. Con su llegada, Rubén empieza a comprender la importancia del compromiso. Sin embargo, ya es tarde cuando lo entiende, pues Isa lo abandona. Para evitarlo con sus amigos e hija, inicia una loca aventura por reconquistarla.
Una nueva heroína, sin poderes pero con valores (Adriana Arango), debe vivir en compañía de su hermano (Robinson Díaz), un bobo que vive de los vivos. Una emocionante aventura en la que tendrá que enfrentar a muerte a su familia de delincuentes y superar un sinfín de situaciones cruelmente divertidas para lograr su sueño de graduarse como médica.
Narra las aventuras que vive una típica familia de clase media¸ desde el momento en que entran a formar parte de ese exclusivo mundo de propietarios de un carro.
Tío Pedro
Maríano Concha es un oscuro empleado público para el cual el fútbol es su gran pasión. Después de ver cómo la selección colombiana de fútbol logra un empate en Buenos Aires frente a Argentina¸ inicia todo un proceso para asistir al siguiente partido crucial¸ en Bogotá y frente al mismo equipo¸ pasando por encima de todos sus deberes y empeñando el futuro de su menguada economía. Un suceso inesperado le transforma sus planes de ir al estadio.
Película cuyo título proviene de una frase del excampeón mundial de boxeo Antonio Cervantes “Kid “Pambele¸ narra la historia de Julia Osorio¸ una mujer burguesa que escapa de la rutina matrimonial¸ rompiendo con lo sagrado: mata a su esposo y se lanza a una aventura incierta en la que conocerá un mundo que la inquieta en principio¸ luego la fascina y finalmente la desencanta.