La vida tranquila de un hermoso vecindario de Dinamarca se ve interrumpida por el brote de un virus fulminante que no tarda en dejar cadáveres. Los infectados se convierten en zombies rabiosos y la vida de todos los vecinos corre peligro. Las autoridades deciden aislar la zona y dejan en cuarentena a los vecinos, entre ellos los Johansson que lucharán por mantener la calma. Pero el conflicto termine por estallar en el caos absoluto debido a la falta de información desde el exterior.
An amusing coming of age tale from Lotte Svendsen's Max-universe. Now 14, Max is about to decide on an internship and is finding it difficult to choose. He settles, against his mother's wishes, for a bank internship. But mother Agnethe, still quite embarrassing, takes action and enrols Max in a free spirited camp for the sake of his soul's salvation. Meanwhile his lovelife is hanging by a thread; Esther seems less and less interested in him even though he is making an effort to win her over. The Max universe is based on a perpetual idea that children are afraid to appear embarrassed as they evolve into maturity. Likewise, it seems that their parents also become embarrassed when they make attempts to protect their children or express their love for them.
News Reporter
Fed up with his quarreling middle class parents, thirteen-year-old Jonas runs away from home. He seeks his freedom in the woods, where he befriends a girl his own age and a drunken ex-pilot, who offers him some warmth and understanding.
Directed by Morten Arnfred