Aleksandar 'Sergio' Kalezić
Four nuns and a cat are going into the woods to peek wild berries. They run into a man with a suspicious past. An encounter that would have an major impact on everybody's life.
Camera Operator
Un satélite del ejército americano se estrella en Serbia y un equipo de agentes americanos y serbios son enviados para recuperar el registro de datos de vuelo, examinar los escombros y asegurar los restos. Sin embargo, cuando hallan el lugar del accidente, no todo es lo que parece.
Second Unit Cinematographer
Dos jóvenes estadounidenses se van de vacaciones al Mediterráneo y descubren la guarida acuosa de una sirena asesina escondida debajo de una fortaleza militar abandonada.
Director of Photography
The Pannonian sea is gone, only cornfields remain. The people from afar reached the fields and raised their banners high, to show the path to their brethren from afar, leaving for the promised world. The landscapes of the evening sky over the plain depict the inner landscapes of endless wastelands, lonely people, tamed lands, peaceful rivers, common coexistence.