Adolfo Hernández Santiesteban


El regreso del muerto
Dialogue Editor
The Return of the Dead is a story about human condition and repentance. This documentary is the story of a tormented man, Don Rosendo, who has been haunted by his past and in the dawn of his life tries to find a sense for his existence. This story happens at the Mexico-USA border, in a transitory hostel.
Sound Designer
Ponkina is drawing, when suddenly a fly approaches her. She chases the fly and kills it. Shortly after, she takes a nap. When she wakes up, she discovers that she has wings and gets very excited… But she is about to receive a lesson.
La revolución de los alcatraces
Sound Designer
Eufrosina Cruz Mendoza es nativa de Santa María Quiegolani, comunidad indígena situada en la Sierra Sur de Oaxaca. Después de que le fue negado el derecho de ser presidenta municipal de su comunidad, solo por el hecho de ser mujer, Eufrosina comienza una lucha personal para conseguir la igualdad de género en las comunidades indígenas, cuestionando los usos y costumbres; convirtiéndose en referente de las mujeres en el estado de Oaxaca.