Bajram Severdzhan


Life of Džej Ramadanovski, the popular Serbian folk singer.
Old Iron
A young Roma girl named Fati finds out about her grandmother’s illness—anemia due to iron-deficiency. Disappointed because of her lack of money to buy the necessary medicine, she sees a notice in a discarded newspaper: ‘Ecological Action: wagons for old iron arrive in train station for recycling’. She comes up with a creative plan and goes to see Andrej, the local mafia boss who often visits Grandmother Fatima for fortunetelling. The superstitious boss orders his bodyguards to rob the train and deliver the iron to the old lady. Amazed by the ironic story, the police officers release Perhan and help to obtain the necessary medication for Fatima.
En la Vía Láctea
Primavera en tiempos de guerra. Cada día, un lechero atraviesa el frente en burro, esquivando las balas para llevar su preciada mercancía a los soldados. Bendecido por la suerte en su misión, amado por una hermosa aldeana, un futuro apacible parece esperarle… hasta que la llegada de una misteriosa mujer italiana da un vuelco a su vida. Así comienza una historia de amor prohibido y apasionado que sumergirá a ambos en una serie de aventuras fantásticas y peligrosas. El destino los ha unido, y nada ni nadie parece poder detenerlos... Basada en una idea originalmente explorada por el cineasta en el cortometraje que hizo para la película de episodios "Words with Gods".
Macedonian TV comedy.
The Shutka Book of Records
A documentary about bizarre residents of Shutka, a Macedonian village built on the former city dump area. Shutka, where everyone is the champion of something. This film is a celebration of the culture, humor, spirit, oddities and idiosyncrasies of the Roma, one of the world's poorest and most persecuted peoples. Ultimately we are instructed in the celebration of life despite any and all circumstances - everyone is of value here.
How I Killed a Saint
Sredovečen čovek
A promising debut feature tells the story of a young woman returning from America to discover the realities of life in Macedonia, that looks as if it will explode with all the soldiers, corrupt crooks and terrorist idealists.
Gato negro, gato blanco
Matko Destanov
Matko es un estafador de poca monta que viven a orillas del Danubio con Zare, su hijo de 17 años. Después de un chanchullo fallido, le debe dinero a Dadan, un gánster con más éxito. Dadan tiene una hermana poco agraciada, Afrodita, a la que quiere ver casada cuanto antes, por lo que llegan a un acuerdo para saldar la deuda: que Zare se case con ella.
Gipsy Magic
In modern-day Macedonia, East Indian gypsy Taip (Miki Manojlovic) becomes friends with UN peacekeeper Riju and introduces him to his life of squalor. When Taip's mother dies, he collects government money for the funeral -- but then she comes back to life. Shown at the 1997 Montreal Film Festival.