Marko Šoljačić


Train without a Timetable
Djed koji misli da je došao na Jadransko more
The story about colonization of poor Dalmatian peasants to the fertile Pannonian plain shortly after WWII.
El camino de un año
Vozač zaprege
En un pueblo del interior, donde la tierra es pobre y casi nadie tiene trabajo, un parado concibe la idea de construir una carretera que una el pueblo con la ciudad. Se pone a trabajar él solo, con su familia, sin permisos ni haber hablado con nadie. Pronto, el resto del pueblo se les unirá. No tardarán en llegar los conflictos, los problemas, pero también los amores y otras buenas noticias...
Splendid Passengers
A group of old sailors demonstrate the Splendid sailing boat's qualities in comparison with dangerous steam boats whose number has increased and put their jobs at risk. One stormy night they refuse the steamer's help and are prepared for the worst. But they find a little boy on their boat and this persuades them to fight for their lives.
The Grey Seagull
A young boy, Ive, and his friends set sail on the sea in order to try and repay his father's debts. They name their boat "Sinji galeb". Soon, the pirate Lorenco and his gang notice the children on their boat.
Stone Horizons
The year is 1940, Croatian coast, Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Jakov, a poor peasant from hinterland, and his daughter Mala, go to the city, trying to find a job to repay a debt...