Because they could no longer stand the xenophobic comments and behavior of their neighbors, Véronique and Sylvain Marchand, parents of a little girl and members of the Stop Racism organization, went into exile in a quiet suburban town, where they bought a house, the villa "Mon rêve". Soon after, the Dialo family, friendly Africans, moved into the adjoining house. At first, the two families get along perfectly. The only problem was that the Dialos organized many parties, which often ended late at night. The patience and understanding of the Marchands only delay the inevitable conflict.
Una joven que acaba de salir de prisión decide averiguar quíen es su padre biológico. Dos son los posibles candidatos: un restaurador, que en realidad es un hábil ladrón de joyas, y un mecánico aficionado a coleccionar coches de lujo.