Film about a young man, who wants to become an actor. His rural upbringing is not helpful in achieving his goal, but he overcomes defeat and humiliation with the help of a benevolent old professor.
In this WWII drama, Russian soldiers take a break at a scenic farm in Poland, and the unit is able to escape the horrors of war during their brief respite. A Polish farm girl and a Russian officer feel a mutual and unspoken attraction towards each other.
Durante el asedio a Zaragoza, un general francés descubre un extraño manuscrito que, al ser leído, le transporta a una España surrealista en la que los espíritus de unos bandidos ahorcados, bajo la apariencia de hermosas huríes, se dedican a seducir y atrapar en los laberintos del tiempo a todo viajero extraviado que ose adentrarse en sus dominios.