Cédric Appietto

Cédric Appietto


Cédric Appietto
Cédric Appietto


Melissa is an experienced, exemplary prison guard. But a dangerous spiral is set into motion when she transfers to a Corsican jail, where she accepts help and protection from inmate Saveriu to get her bearings. Upon his release, he contacts Melissa expecting to collect.
Kheìdidja, in her forties, works for a wealthy Parisian family who offers her the opportunity to take care of their children for a summer in Corsica. It's an opportunity for her to return with her daughters, Jessica and Farah, to the island they left fifteen years earlier in tragic circumstances.
Grand Expectations
Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.
Angry Annie
Annie becomes pregnant. Since she doesn't want to keep the child, she meets a movement that performs illegal abortions. But, in the seventies, Annie will encounter allies and opponents along the way.
Jean Do
Following the burial of his father, in his village right in the middle of the Corsican countryside , Dumè discovered the existence of a brother, Lucien, with whom he will have to share the inheritance left by the patriarch... On the condition of being able to live together for a month in the family home. Under the backdrop of cultural legitimacy and of real estate inheritance a balance of power will be established between Lucien, the blood son, and Dumè, the adopted son.
A Corsican Summer
Summer in Corsica. In a Corsican village nestled in the mountains everyone experiences summer in his or her own way: children play, teenagers flirt, and the elders comment on the passage of time at their local bar. In the August heat, it doesn't take long for tensions to rise as one family struggles to keep grudges from bubbling to the surface. Sometimes a spark is all that is needed to set the maquis alight.
Poulets grillés
A fallen star of the Lyon criminal police following a serious mistake, Anne Capestan finds herself in charge of the mysterious "4th brigade": a unit to which all the impossible-to-get-rid-of misfits clogging up departments are transferred.
Un escándalo de estado
Journaliste dispute fête
Octubre de 2015. Los agentes de aduanas franceses se incautan de siete toneladas de cannabis en el corazón de la capital. El mismo día, Hubert Antonie, un antiguo topo con un pasado nebuloso, contacta con Stéphane Vilner, periodista de Libération. Asegura que puede demostrar la existencia de un narcotráfico de Estado liderado por Jacques Billard, figura mediática y policía francés de alto rango. Aunque al principio se muestra suspicaz, el joven periodista finalmente se sumerge en la investigación, que le lleva a los rincones más oscuros de la República.
Fires in the Dark
Seventeenth century. Set in a small village, nestled between the sea and the mountain, the father of Alan, a young fifteen-year-old boy, has sold himself for two years to indentured service. Alan is forced to take the place of his father and struggles to support his family.
Antoine Fragaglia
Un policía leal, en el punto de mira de agentes corruptos y de belicosas bandas de Marsella, debe proteger a su brigada. Y se ocupará personalmente de la situación.
Suegra por sorpresa
Harta de su marido infiel, Louise, de 45 años, se va a pasar un fin de semana en Córcega. Pero después de una noche salvaje de pasión desenfrenada con un hombre que acaba muerto, Louise es confundida sin saberlo con su novia secreta de toda la vida por su temible pero amorosa madre corsa.
The Saverini Widow
Le bandit
Bonifacio 1883, extreme south of Corsica. The widow of the late Saverini lives in an isolated house near the cliffs, with her only son Antoine, and her dog. During the day, she assists women giving birth in town. One night her son is killed in a clash. The murderer flees to Sardinia. Her world falls to pieces.
Here Comes the Night
In the Island of Corsica, Jeanne's everyday life flows more or less quietly since Lucien, her lover, has been murdered, three years ago.
Una chica fácil
Naïma acaba de cumplir 16. Este verano, tendrá que decidir qué quiere de la vida si no quiere perdérselo. Luego llega su prima Sofía, con un cuerpo increíble y un estilo de vida peligrosamente seductor. Naïma solo desea seguir su propio camino, siempre que conduzca hacia arriba ... A pesar de las advertencias de su mejor amiga Dodo, ella y Sofía vivirán encuentros inolvidables durante un largo verano que los marcará para siempre.
The Fan
The chronicle of Pascal, a community employee in a village near Ajaccio. A soccer fan, he decides to spend his vacation in Manchester.
A Violent Life
Despite the life threat hanging over his head, Stéphane decides to go back to Corsica for the funeral of Christophe, a childhood friend and companion in arms, murdered the day before. On this occasion, the chain of events which made him, the learned petit-bourgeois from Bastia, shift from delinquency to political radicalization and then to clandestinity, comes back to his mind.
Monsieur Chocolat
Belle Époque. El payaso Chocolat (Omar Sy), el primer negro que trabajó en un circo francés, tuvo un enorme éxito a finales del siglo XIX. Fue también el primero en hacer publicidad, el que inspiró a otros artistas de la época como Toulouse Lautrec o a los hermanos Lumière participando en varias de sus primeras películas. Él y el payaso Foottit (James Thierrée) fueron pioneros en la creación de un dúo entre un payaso “Carablanca” y un payaso “Augusto” negro. Chocolat, cuyo nombre era Rafael Padilla, nació en Cuba hacia 1865 y, siendo un niño, se trasladó a Europa. En España trabajó como sirviente, limpiabotas y minero. El destino lo llevó a Francia a trabajar en el circo. Pasó de ser esclavo a ser un hombre libre, del circo al teatro, y del anonimato a la fama.
Life-Changing Ad
Annette, 38, answers an ad from Paul, a farmer. She has only met him twice when she and her son Eric move in with him in the dead of winter. There Annette has to face Paul's hostile sister and her own past, which soon catches up with her.
22 balas
Marco Echinard
Un antiguo miembro de la mafia que lleva 3 años retirado, viviendo una plácida vida dedicado a su mujer y a sus hijos, es atacado una mañana por unos hombres y dado por muerto después de recibir 22 balas. Pero sobrevivirá milagrosamente y buscará a Tony Zacchia, el único hombre capaz de atreverse a matarlo. Tony ha cometido solo un error, fallar en su intento.
The Day of My Death
One summer night, a village square, a ball somewhere in Mediterranean ... A young man comes to spend the last moments of his life without him knowing.