Josef Vítek

Nacimiento : 1911-07-03,

Muerte : 1989-10-16


Zlaté rybky
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Plavení hříbat
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Abenteuer mit Blasius
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Ten-year-old Frantisek is traveling to Leipzig to visit his German friend Egon. On the train, he shares the compartment with three men. One of them, the bearded, hefty Blasius is polite but at times acts very confused. At the end station the two boys meet, but they must first of all get rid of Blasius, who lifts them up together with their luggage and carries them away. Leipzig is packed with tourists who have gathered for the famous Fair. The eccentric bearded fellow deals effectively with the traffic jam in front of the station. Blasius's fellow travelers from the train - inventors Prantl and Pirwitz, are at the fairground, boasting of their new invention and claiming it to be the greatest surprise of the entire Fair.
Osud jménem Kamila
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Maturita za školou
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Fair Wind
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The Gambler
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This lavish Soviet/Czech co-production is based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky's famous novel, The Gambler, which tells the story of a Russian living in Germany, in a gambling resort. This film is set at the turn of the century, and was filmed in Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czechoslovakia. Played by Nikolai Burlyayev, the gambler succumbs completely to his addiction, using up every resource he has (human, spiritual and financial) in his wagering, finally becoming a rootless drifter.
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A tale based on novel by Czech writer Bozena Nemcova.
On Zizka's Battle Waggon
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Widowed yeoman Tuma and his household are on their way to help the town of Kourim, which is under attack by the papist troops. His son Ondra is secretly following his father. Miksík the castellan, who is responsible for Ondra, finds himself forced to set off after the boy. They are both captured by soldiers from Kutná Hora. Miksík sacrifices himself to give Ondra a chance to flee. On the way, Ondra runs into the orphan Sulík. The two boys become friends and begin to wander together.
Marketa Lazarová
Historia ambientada en el Reino Checo durante la Edad Media que trata sobre la rivalidad entre dos clanes familiares de hidalgos pobres. Basada en la novela homónima de Vladislav Vancura, escritor checo del siglo XX.
Marketa Lazarová
Still Photographer
Historia ambientada en el Reino Checo durante la Edad Media que trata sobre la rivalidad entre dos clanes familiares de hidalgos pobres. Basada en la novela homónima de Vladislav Vancura, escritor checo del siglo XX.
Ninety Degrees in the Shade
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En una tienda de comestibles en Praga, Alena, una atractiva joven, tiene una aventura con Vorell, el gerente de la tienda, un hombre casado. Aunque es plenamente consciente de que Vorell es un sinvergüenza que ha estado robando licor de la tienda, la necesidad física de Alena por él es tan grande que no puede romper su relación. Al llevar a cabo un inventario, se descubre que 80 botellas de brandy contienen té. Cuando los dos auditores de la compañía, Kurka y Bazant, interrogan a los empleados, Alena sale corriendo de la tienda, presa del pánico. Kurka, un hombre intolerante cuyo sentido del deber ha destrozado su matrimonio, inmediatamente culpa a Alena. Cuando Alena, totalmente perturbada, recurre a Vorell para pedirle consejo, este le sugiere con total falta de sensibilidad que asuma ella la culpa, ya que la pondrían en libertad condicional, mientras que él, en caso de ser acusado, sería enviado a prisión...