Monika Woźniak


Jack Strong
Camera Operator
Polonia, 1970. Firmemente decidido a luchar contra la tiranía soviética y a evitar la destrucción del mundo, el oficial de alto rango del ejército polaco Ryszard Kukliński toma una grave decisión que pondrá en peligro su vida, a su familia y el destino de toda una nación.
Still Photographer
19 year old Wojtek lives in a poverty stricken Polish town. He is in love with an older woman, an illegal emigrant from Ukraine. He boxes in illegal matches to get money and is spotted by a man running a security business. Accepting this man's offer means becoming a gangster, but this could allow him to a residence permit for his girlfriend Katya.
Your Name is Justine
Still Photographer
While living with her grandmother in Poland, a young woman falls in love. Her boyfriend is charming and suggests they travel around Europe and work here and there to pay for their trip. Unfortunately, the boyfriend isn't as he seems and the young woman is sold as a prostitute when they cross over to Germany. We follow her ordeal as she tries to free herself and stay sane as time goes by and her captors try to break and condition her to a new life of servitude.