Anna Rubińska

Muerte : 1984-03-16


Tender Spots
Assistant Editor
The year is 1998 and the world is in an ecological cataclysm: there is shortage of water, environment is polluted and being outside brings high risks. The main character is a tv technician, Jan, an individualist, who is harassed by the conformists. Jan loves Ewa, a ballet student, who in turn is in a liaison with Allan, a successful and powerful man.
My Second Marriage
After the death of his wife, Marcin stays alone with his growing son on the farm.
Zuzanna i chlopcy
Birth Certificate
Three separate stories depicting the tense everyday life during occupation, as seen through the eyes of children. In “On the Road,” the two main protagonists are lost in the September’s strife: a young boy, and a soldier transporting the valueless documents of his broken unit. In “Letter from the Concentration Camp” the story’s protagonists are young boys who help their mother during the hardships of the occupation. Their treasure is an officer uniform belonging their father who is being held in a prisoner of war camp. In “Blood Drop,” the Germans find a set of typical Aryan characteristics in this story’s protagonist – a Jewish girl, hiding in an orphanage.
Ostatni strzał
Associate Editor
Assistant Editor
Durante la ocupación nazi de Polonia, toda una generación de jóvenes tuvo que crecer a marchas forzadas a causa de la adversidad. Stach es un adolescente caprichoso que vive en las afueras de la Varsovia ocupada por los nazis. Guiado por pequeños actos de desafío y el fervor comunista, se adentra en el movimiento de resistencia, donde conoce a la valiente y bella Dorota. Pronto se ve implicado en la arriesgada lucha contra la opresión y la búsqueda de dignidad, madurando mientras asume la responsabilidad de las vidas de sus amigos y compañeros...
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