Executive Producer
The plastic artist Cesar Arechiga recreates his living room and studio in the maximum-security prison of Puente Grande, Jalisco, in which fifteen inmates learn about paper production, clay modeling, sculpting and painting. Through this artistic interaction, they share their personal experiences of how they became involved with the world of drug trafficking.
First Assistant Camera
Un estudiante masculino comienza una aventura tórrida con su maestra, pero pronto se da cuenta de que la relación no los llevará a ninguna parte.
Focus Puller
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
First Assistant "B" Camera
Cuando la inteligente profesora universitaria Miranda Hollander (Helena Mattsson) sufre una pérdida de conciencia, y se despierta entre los restos de una sangrienta carnicería, pide ayuda a su tío Tom (Ben Cross) y éste le revela la terrible verdad: que sólo es humana a medias y que en realidad es un clon de un híbrido de ADN humano y alienígena. Tío y sobrina se verán obligados a huir a México en busca del científico responsable de su creación, pero muy pronto tendrán que enfrentarse a una sanguinaria legión de híbridos mientras se agota el plazo para que Miranda, sin poder evitarlo, deba rendirse ante el instinto asesino que alberga en su propio cuerpo.