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Technical Supervisor
Los padres de Miklós Fenyö regresaron a la Hungría comunista a mediados de los años sesenta, cuando todos los demás huían hacia el oeste. Los viejos amigos de Miki no saben qué hacer con su escandalosa ropa, su impecable acento americano y su colección original de Buddy Holly 45s. Su novia de la infancia es fría y distante, mientras que el tipo duro local Röné no se conmueve ante el desafío de su corona de rock 'n' roll. Pero eso no es todo. Cuando las autoridades ven el efecto que las caderas giratorias y la música obscena de Miki tienen sobre las adolescentes, no lo tolerarán. El trabajo de su padre está en juego y, por primera vez, Miki debe cumplir las reglas. No tiene más remedio que ingresar al concurso de talentos local ...
The 50 years old Ferenc rents an apartment on the Balaton beach, but it has a lot of debt on it. His plan is to make it profitable.
Fiatal fiú
Five old men and a kid are travelling in a train's cabin without purpose. They travel because it's free and they don't have another place to stay. From their conversations we learn the tragedies of their lives. Also the hidden interlockings of their faith will out slowly.
dr. Sas
Kató Kelemen is asked by her father to go to his office and welcome an important business partner of his. When Mr. Andersen arrives he assumes Kató is a secretary and instructs her to deliver a letter. He's about to travel to Venice with his nephew who he has never met before. Since Kató falls in love with Andersen at first sight, she decides to dress like a boy and pretends to be the nephew.
Herceg, finomlelkű szellem, 560 éves
The ruined castle is inhabited by architects who, feeling the spirit of the place, want to direct the modernization of the settlement below the castle from here. Despite the residents' protests, the architects want to make the people happy by force.