Abby Lynn Kang Davis

Abby Lynn Kang Davis


Abby Lynn Kang Davis is a multi Emmy-nominated filmmaker focused on giving a platform to underrepresented voices.


Abby Lynn Kang Davis


Almost Famous: The Unchosen One
It was the late 1990s, and 3,000 young actors around the world were scouted for the role of a lifetime. On the ride home from school, Devon Michael’s mom told him he’d be auditioning for "The Phantom Menace," one of the most anticipated movies ever. From 3,000, the producers narrowed it down to three, and soon Michael was at Skywalker Ranch doing a test screen with George Lucas and Natalie Portman.
The Beauty President
Executive Producer
In 1992, at the height of the AIDS pandemic, activist Terence Alan Smith made a historic bid for president of the United States as his drag queen persona Joan Jett Blakk. Today, Smith reflects back on his seminal civil rights campaign and its place in American history.
Cause of Life: Angela
Angela Chaddlesone McCarthy was a teenage mother raised on a Native American reservation who overcame great odds to become a Kiowa tribe legislator in Oklahoma.
Cause of Life: Jerry
A devout Christian, Jerry Givens was Virginia’s chief executioner, before he became an advocate of abolishing the death penalty.
Cause of Life: Calvin
When his son-in-law was killed in a tragic car crash, World War II veteran Calvin Haworth became a surrogate parent and an activist against drunk driving in Minnesota.
Cause of Life: Humberto
A hard-working bricklayer from the projects, Humberto Trujillo helped build the main Phoenix post office — and rose to become his city’s first Hispanic postmaster.
Cause of Life: Rosary
Rosary Castro-Olega was a retired nurse who returned to the frontlines to fight the virus, ultimately becoming one of the Filipino-American nurses who were disproportionately killed by the virus.
A Concerto Is a Conversation
A virtuoso jazz pianist and film composer tracks his family's lineage through his 91-year-old grandfather from Jim Crow Florida to the Walt Disney Concert Hall.
The Great Mother
Executive Producer
Este documental de vérité sigue a Nora Sandigo, tutora legal de más de 2000 hijos ciudadanos estadounidenses de inmigrantes indocumentados, mientras ella sacrifica todo para mantener a los niños nacidos en Estados Unidos con sus padres indocumentados.
Almost Famous: The Lost Astronaut
In 1963, Ed Dwight Jr. was poised to be NASA’s first African-American astronaut, until suddenly he wasn’t.
Almost Famous: The Other Fab Four
In the mid-1960s, four teenagers from Liverpool were changing the face of pop music. Their names were Mary, Sylvia, Pam, and Val — the Liverbirds!
Almost Famous: Kim I Am
Kim Hill was a rising singer when she met a young rapper named, but she quit the Black Eyed Peas just before they became famous.
Almost Famous: The King of Fish & Chips
In the late 1960s, Haddon Salt built a fast-food empire. Then Kentucky Fried Chicken came knocking.
That's My Jazz
Executive Producer
A world-renowned pastry chef, reflects on his relationship with his deceased father Milton Abel Sr., famed Kansas City jazz musician.
Long Shot
Executive Producer
Cuando detienen a Juan Catalan por un asesinato que él insiste que no ha cometido, su única salvación es demostrar que era una de las 56 mil personas que esa noche estaba en el estadio de los Dodgers. Ahí es cuando entra Larry David...
Ride, al ritmo de las olas
Associate Producer
Jackie decide viajar a través de California para estar con su hijo, Angelo, después de que éste decida abandonar la escuela para practicar surf.
You Must Be Joking
Associate Producer
A New Yorker working as a paralegal searches for a new lease on life before a childhood friend inspires her to take up comedy.