Melvin Vázquez


Director of Photography
Benedicto, is a retired police officer who has dedicated more than 30 years of his life, helping young drug addicts and homeless people in the rural town of Corozal, Puerto Rico. His story takes place day by day in a little humble house in the death road of the municipal cemetery of Corozal, a rural municipality of Puerto Rico with a high population of young homeless people, alcoholism and drug addicts. The door of Benedictus little house on the death road to the cemetery is the deviation between life and death for these young people in need.
La mujer maravilla sobre ruedas
Director of Photography
Una mujer no puede caminar, pero aspira a unir 12 mil personas en un único abrazo. Batir este récord le permitirá tener una silla de ruedas que le devuelva algo de movilidad. En el camino, no sólo luchará por su sueño, sino que conocerá a los que forman esta cadena, y les recordará por qué vale la pena luchar.
Un día de suerte
Director of Photography
Tito and Ernesto are planning the perfect crime. All they really need is just one lucky day...